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Taskbar icons selected frames.


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Is there a way to change the way the icons are "selected" on the taskbar?

As you can see in Windows 10 the icons are underlined which I consider very ugly:


In Windows 8 it looks nice:


So is it possible to make it look just like it was in Windows 8?


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On 3/12/2017 at 3:37 AM, vinifera said:

its in .msstyle
you need resource hacker or simmiliar tool to replace resource image

No, on Windows 10 it's hardcoded, you can't change them with custom theme any more !
The only way I know to do that is to use the latest StartIsBack++ RC which reintroduce taskbar skinning with theme.

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18 hours ago, MTDirector said:

No, on Windows 10 it's hardcoded, you can't change them with custom theme any more !
The only way I know to do that is to use the latest StartIsBack++ RC which reintroduce taskbar skinning with theme.

Well then it's time for me to back to Windows 8.1. It's almost as good as Win10 if not...better. Thanks anyway. I hate Windows 10 not just coz of the looks but it feels weird..slower too even though I did a fresh clean install. I updated it too and didn't help. 

(And no it's not slow because of my hardware. I got a PCI-E SSD with i7 4ghz cpu with 32gb ddr4 high speed ram with a beast power supply + latest drivers). It's slow because the OS is s***.

Windows 10 is confirmed s***.

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I'm not enthusiastic about Windows 10 but everything in this life can be changed or tolerated. Windows 10 are still Windows and you can do your job with them. The real problem is "telemetry", we must not forget it in favor of minor issues. That's my point of view at least and the reason I'll avoid to use Windows 10 as much as possible.

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Well, before Windows 10, I thought Windows 8.x was junk, with all its useless Metro stuff, but after Windows 10, Windows 8.x (and in particular, 8.1) is beginning to look pretty good, something I thought would never happen.

A few of the reasons why, of the top of my head:

  • No ugly UI (with a few easily obtainable third-party programs, much of Windows Aero can be reactivated, as it was in Windows Vista and 7; this is somewhat more difficult in 10, and it gets undone with each update. I do miss the classic theme, though)
  • No telemetry (there was some which was added as part of that GWX program, but it's not hard-coded into the base OS as it is in W10)
  • No mandatory updating (updates behave much as they did in prior versions, and one could choose when to install them, select which ones, and even block some indefinitely if desired)
  • No ads (one of the worst things MS has done is introduce ads, particularly for their own services, directly into the desktop UI)
  • Need I go on?

If there were a way to strip out all the bad of 10, I'd go for it. But then, it'd basically be not much different than 8.x, which itself isn't hugely different from 7.

So, why not just stick with 7, then?

Well, I think that's exactly what I'm gonna do :)


Edited by cc333
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On Παρασκευή, 17 Μαρτίου 2017 at 8:27 AM, cc333 said:
  • No telemetry (there was some which was added as part of that GWX program, but it's not hard-coded into the base OS as it is in W10)

The GWX related telemetry is rather innocent (compatibility stuff) but updated Windows 7 and 8.1 have the same telemetry with Windows 10 (not at all innocent of course). Only Windows 8 are unaffected (in the base of their official updates that Windows Update offers) due to the premature ceasing of support for them. Support was a good thing BGR (before Gates retired), AGR (after Gates retired) isn't trustworthy anymore (and so isn't Microsoft in general).

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Good point. The telemetry in Windows 7 and 8.1 can be removed more easily, though. In Windows 10, it gets put back with every update (whereas in 7 and 8.1, those updates which contain telemetry components can be blocked semi-permanently).

XP is definitely the best! 7 is a close second, but only because it can run newer software, in my opinion.


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