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Uninstall Cortana from Windows 10


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PS in an admin I start off with Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned


Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Select Name, PackageFullName
Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Select DisplayName, PackageName

Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online

also can be used from PS

DISM /Online /Get-ProvisionedAppxPackages
DISM /Online /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackageName:Microsoft.xxx


Its basically whatever it takes to remove. I use it all to see whats there and remove what I don't want. I used the W10Privacy first, then Github, then wimtweak and finished off with PS and Dism

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I don't start another script done said that. Have no luck calling a script that works



My script sihost-kill.cmd works well (i have run it as System process in psexec -i -s cmd):

taskkill /im sihost.exe /fFOR /F "usebackq tokens=2 skip=2" %%i IN (`tasklist /svc /fi "services eq StateRepository"`) DO taskkill /PID %%i /fdel c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\StateRepository-Machine.*copy "C:\Windows\Temp\StateRepository-Machine.srd" c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\


taskkill /im sihost.exe /fSUCCESS: The process "sihost.exe" with PID 3624 has been terminated.FOR /F "usebackq tokens=2 skip=2" %i IN (`tasklist /svc /fi "services eq StateRepository"`) DO taskkill /PID %i /ftaskkill /PID ======== /fERROR: The process "========" not found.taskkill /PID 2324 /fSUCCESS: The process with PID 2324 has been terminated.del c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\StateRepository-Machine.*copy "C:\Windows\Temp\StateRepository-Machine.srd" c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\        1 file(s) copied.
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I used the W10Privacy first, then Github, then wimtweak and finished off with PS and Dism


Do you know whether W10Privacy provides anything more than / better than O&O ShutUp10?  Seems like I've asked this question, but somehow I can't find it.


Edit:  Never mind, I scared up a copy and experimented with it.  Seems nice, and spills over a bit from "enhancing privacy" to tweaking (e.g., desktop icon spacing, uninstalling Apps, etc.).  At least it didn't try communicating with any server.  :)



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I used the W10Privacy first, then Github, then wimtweak and finished off with PS and Dism


Do you know whether W10Privacy provides anything more than / better than O&O ShutUp10?  Seems like I've asked this question, but somehow I can't find it.


Edit:  Never mind, I scared up a copy and experimented with it.  Seems nice, and spills over a bit from "enhancing privacy" to tweaking (e.g., desktop icon spacing, uninstalling Apps, etc.).  At least it didn't try communicating with any server.  :)





You can set it to check for update if you want but otherwise it don't try to communicate with anything.

1. Uninstalls APPS both user and system so is easiest to run after a fresh install. Then only mopping up

2. Has lots of Host and Firewall entries if you don't block by default

O&O has a few more settings I see last compare I done was like 8 more. I'll have to run and capture what its doing now

I used both experimenting

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Seems desirable to run them both.


I already had Win 10 well-muzzled, but there was still an ongoing attempt to contact a server from time to time, maybe once an hour or so.  Now, looking at my firewall log, after having checked a few boxes that weren't already checked in W10Privacy (and you know I've been tweaking Win 10) that I haven't yet seen it try to contact any address on the net at all in a couple of hours run time.  Communications with the other systems on my LAN are proceeding unhindered.  All in all, just the way I want Windows 10 to run.


Two thumbs up for W10Privacy from me.  I'm glad - though not at all surprised - to see such software being made available by conscientious and thoughtful people.



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Ok. Now I know where was the problem.

0. You don't need to read first post :)

1. Run CMD.exe with admin rights

2. From that CMD call CMD with System integrity level:

PsExec.exe -i -s cmd

3. From that cmd (System) goto directory which contains script and run it:

taskkill /im sihost.exe /fFOR /F "usebackq tokens=2 skip=2" %%i IN (`tasklist /svc /fi "services eq StateRepository"`) DO taskkill /PID %%i /fdel c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\StateRepository-Machine.*dir c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\StateRepository-Machine*copy "C:\Windows\Temp\StateRepository-Machine.srd" c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\sc start StateRepository

dir - its just to be sure, that all files are deleted (you can comment this line).

The files where deleted and copied.

BUT after StateRepository has been restarted, it has updated StateRepository-Machine.srd and changed parameter IsInBox from 0 to 1 (for Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_1.6.1.52_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy)...

How can I prevent it?

Edited by opdenis
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Seems desirable to run them both.


I already had Win 10 well-muzzled, but there was still an ongoing attempt to contact a server from time to time, maybe once an hour or so.


Two thumbs up for W10Privacy from me.  I'm glad - though not at all surprised - to see such software being made available by conscientious and thoughtful people.



Did you turn off MAPS? I found that creature updating itself, something not included in either above.

Can do same by going in and unchecking update but I prefer to add it to my ST*U reg list




Staying legal for now but got an evaluation copy of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB, Build 10240 and about to partition off and install a dual boot. I want to see the difference and dig around in that a bit. Besides, if it don't work out will have a nice partition on my SSD for Linux Mint with dvd already burned.

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3. From that cmd (System) goto directory which contains script and run it:

How can I prevent it?


By following INSTRUCTIONS. I Have said 3-4 times, don't call a script. PASTE PASTE in window that opens. It is the window that is elevated by psexec not calling  a script that isn't. That is what works for me.

If Noel has a better solution then maybe he can show us but I have been trying to use scripts and it hasn't worked.


I think running those commands straight in a row by pasting knocks out whatever where it works.

I say this because I didn't do a dir I had folder opened where I was watching what was happening with some Pause in my PASTE.

With 10586 you may need to also disable the live tile on Store. Strange things were happening with it enabled.

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Wait. I think, you don't understand, why do you call that string 2-4 times.

The only purpose of this - is to be sure to kill svchost. When you kill it, you can DELETE the file StateRepository-Machine.srd.

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The script or manual killing svchost - IS NOT the problem.

The problem (for me) - is to keep the file StateRepository-Machine.srd unchanged.

SOMETHING reverts parameter  IsInBox from 0 to 1, so Cortana is back again!

And I tell , that changing this parameter is not enough. We have to block it from changing!

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Opdenis, are you doing Remove-AppxPackage and Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage on Cortana immediately after changing IsInBox to 0?


Having done that, I've not seen Cortana come back at all, even after some weeks of usage.






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Noel, yes, but I think, the problem somewhere else.

1. I copy C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\StateRepository-Machine.srd to the Windows\Temp folder

2. Edit it with MySQL editor (Change IsInBox from 1 to 0 for Cortana.

3. I open Process Explorer and try to find any process, that use StateRepository-Machine.srd

4. This is svchost.exe (PID = 2212).

5. I Suspend it (don't kill now)

6. I open CMD with System Level Integrity

7. There I run my script:

taskkill /im sihost.exe /fFOR /F "usebackq tokens=2 skip=2" %%i IN (`tasklist /svc /fi "services eq StateRepository"`) DO taskkill /PID %%i /fdel c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\StateRepository-Machine.*copy "C:\Windows\Temp\StateRepository-Machine.srd" c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\

8. Now I run PowerShell with Admin rights and execute there:

Remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_1.6.1.52_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

After these steps I DON'T have Cortana in my list:

Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName

But after restart it will appear again! :(

Edited by opdenis
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