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Such negativity about 10


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Uhhhh, jaclaz, my good friend, I haven't trusted journalists to report truth for a loooong time. I'm constantly amazed at what they leave out of a story to sway you to "the establishment's way of thinking" (comparing what I find with what's reported). So, I'm going to "assume" that you're jesting when journalists are telling the truth about anything. "MS says so, so it *must* be true!" And investigators/auditors investigate/audit their own department/company/administration and come up with nothing. Suuuure they do! ;)

Again, not exactly.


I find perfectly "normal" that the one person that was largely responsible for the creation of the abomination describes each and every thing about "his" product as "ultimate perfection".


And Gabe Aul has not taken a public oath to be honest or to minimize harm, let alone to act independently or to be held accountable (if not towards his bosses whom he loves sooo much), I would even venture to say that he may be in good faith believing all the huge mass of bull§hit he affirmed. (improbable  :unsure: but possible).

As a matter of fact it is most probably one of his contractual duties to praise the product in order to favour its large scale adoption, he is doing his own and MS's interests.


I find the issue being exclusively with Mr. Emil Protalinski and Venturebeat, it's them that promise to be besides honest, fair and courageous in reporting and interpreting but evidently fail at it grossly.



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Perhaps what's confusing people could be cleared up by answering this question:


Why single out just one of the biased news-reporting shills?


I just want to know one thing:  How does one get paid handsomely to praise Windows 10?  Does Microsoft just call journalists up out of the blue and say, "Hey ho, we'll send you a few grand and some neat toys if you'll write some really nice things about our turkey of a product"?  If so, what would happen if they happened to run across one with integrity who'd report that Microsoft was trying to bribe journalists.  Wait, nah, no problem - no such journalist exists.  This isn't the 20th century.



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Thats OK long as the other realm is building apps to (kill IT) and they will keep on doing that. That is why I was not worried about this Windows 10. I knew that there would be development to try to abate, destroy, whatever and they will keep on keeping on. They are driven by a passion I once had when I started out here at msfn. Try and remove or modify things was thrown into my windows I didn't like with a whole lot of Unattended testing. Like the funky default background wallpaper on 7 when installing


We now have a lot of apps that are disabling things and I'm experimenting with a few.


O&O ShutUp10 same as you would go to Settings, Privacy and disable everyone of those things. You get some of it by not choosing Express during Setup and turning off. This is just easy way to set them.


W10 Privacy

This app is one of the best options out there in terms of covering as many privacy settings as possible.

Also the download has English translation now. Was just German

W10 Privacy download
No more powershell to uninstall them Metro Apps, this does it




Only thing I want now is how to uninstall Cortana. Did it once but can't get it to do again.

install_wim_tweak.exe say it doing it but it still there.


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Only thing I want now is how to uninstall Cortana. Did it once but can't get it to do again.

install_wim_tweak.exe say it doing it but it still there.


I uninstalled Cortana by removing the packages from the .wim file with Win Toolkit.

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Dxdiag is showing 11.2 because I don't have a DirectX12 vid card. How is this improving things I don't know.


it doesn't, it just shows you have DX 11 card


on the other hand any OS that violates so many privacy without developers shame to extend they admit it

and even lock it from user IS PURE GARBAGE

I can't even believe that they got away with all that horse shit

Edited by vinifera
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Woody Leonhard cleverly making an U-turn:






What appears as "news" (at least to me) is reason #4:


4. The installer may not be ready for you yet

If you keep getting notifications that your upgrade isn’t quite ready yet (in Win7 or Win8.1, right-click the Windows Update icon in the system tray and choose Check Status of Update), there’s a reason. Microsoft got a whole lot of requests to upgrade to Windows 10. Contrary to what you might expect, those requests are not being satisfied first-in-first-out.

Instead, the Windows 10 installer takes a look at your system and, based on the hardware and software it finds, assigns your request to a bucket of similar upgrade requests. The folks running the (massive) upgrade effort prioritize your request based on their assessment of how likely your system is to bomb out on an upgrade. As more systems get upgraded, more of the kinks get ironed out, and the more likely your system will float to the top of the heap.




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Only thing I want now is how to uninstall Cortana. Did it once but can't get it to do again.

install_wim_tweak.exe say it doing it but it still there.


I uninstalled Cortana by removing the packages from the .wim file with Win Toolkit.



am having trouble with my imaging using AcronisTrueImage2015_6613

When I restore image things don't work.


If I do a fresh install i can disable it using

install_wim_tweak.exe /o /c Microsoft-Windows-Cortana-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-US~10.0.10240.16384 /r

install_wim_tweak.exe /o /c Microsoft-Windows-Cortana-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10240.16384 /r

install_wim_tweak.exe /o /c Microsoft-Windows-Cortana-PAL-Desktop-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10240.16384 /r

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