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Windows 10 - Deeper Impressions


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Microsoft has no plans to tell us what’s in Windows patches


More details on the story rn10950 linked to upthread. Microsoft is getting singed in the comments section. Here's one that I could have written, word for word:


The way updates work in Windows 10 is the one of the primary reason I have it only on one machine, for testing and fun, still on the insider program. I don't really like Windows 8.1 from a UI perspective much, even with Classic Shell, and I thought I would update to Windows 10 pretty quickly.

MS has managed to make me, somebody who detests Windows 8/8.1, not update to Windows 10. Despite the UI overall (with Classic Shell) being more like what I want, and the improvements under the hood. That's some kind of achievement.





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Here's one that I could have written, word for word:


The way updates work in Windows 10 is the one of the primary reason I have it only on one machine, for testing and fun, still on the insider program. I don't really like Windows 8.1 from a UI perspective much, even with Classic Shell, and I thought I would update to Windows 10 pretty quickly.

MS has managed to make me, somebody who detests Windows 8/8.1, not update to Windows 10. Despite the UI overall (with Classic Shell) being more like what I want, and the improvements under the hood. That's some kind of achievement.



Exactly my situation as well, except that I don't detest Win 8.1.  It's fine, with Classic Shell, Aero Glass, a theme replacement, and no Modern Apps (i.e., no semblance of what Microsoft delivered).  :yes:



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Yep :), seemingly the current trend is not anywhere looking like a steep rate in adoption:



I did some curve fitting and resized the graph (linearly) to show that Windows 7 use actually appears to be on a slight rebound, even excluding weekend fluctuations.




It warms my heart to think that people are not all so stupid as to accept less functionality than what they had, even if it's free.



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What does it matter ???????????


I work for a very large corporation. They told us about a couple month's ago our healthcare provider was hacked and millions of records were stolen. I am more concerned with something like that than what this Doze does. No shiese


Crap my android phone(not rooted) I have Spyaware Privacy and it keeps telling me my phone is sending packets to Ireland from where I live in US. WTH. Its the Google crap mostly. Why I won't use Chrome but I bet a bunch do. But Google tracks ya just so they can stick ads in front of ya


Yep I will continue using 10 to try and fight the mess. No Metro apps on this thing now, liked their weather live tile but maps sucked. Cortana still there but disabled and not taking any information "RestrictImplicitInkCollection"=dword:00000001. Got Cortana to uninstall a couple times from stuff at MDL but after imaging back and trying different things it won't uninstall. Still sorting that out


Using several apps like O&O and W10 Privacy to uninstall, block delete whatever. Beats sticking thumb in mouth and one in rectum and switching every 10 seconds and hollering


I see Noel is trying firewall approach but I am just trying different things

Edited by maxXPsoft
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After the 7 fresh installs to my SSD trying to uninstall Cortana this weekend I found a different way to disable Cortana by editing SearchUI.exe and taking ownership. Take ownership of the Witch and End her task

No telling how long this will last but its a start. After doing all that you must rename SearchUI.exe to something like SearchUI.exe.old then End task on Cortana in Task manager and she don't come back

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Most probably unrelated :unsure:



According to the VA’s Office of the Inspector General the chat software, a Microsoft product called Yammer, “did not have an administrator or system set in place to ensure removal of former VA or contractor employees”. Only an administrator could remove an employee from the system, so everyone who had ever logged maintained access to the service.



William Cerniuk, the Veterans Health Administration technology director, said he had balked at the price of an upgrade for the service that would have made it more secure when pressed by investigators. Cerniuk “said that he found that the paid version cost ‘$30 a seat per year’ and that ‘it wasn’t worth paying’ for the fee-based enhancements of Yammer ‘over the free ... The free was good enough’”, according to the report.



... but undoubtedly some interesting  food for thought. :whistle:



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After the 7 fresh installs to my SSD trying to uninstall Cortana this weekend I found a different way to disable Cortana by editing SearchUI.exe and taking ownership. Take ownership of the Witch and End her task

No telling how long this will last but its a start. After doing all that you must rename SearchUI.exe to something like SearchUI.exe.old then End task on Cortana in Task manager and she don't come back


 I tried that during the technical preview.


A.  It broke system protection (SFC failed).

B.  A Windows Update set the protections back and installed SearchUI.exe afresh.


We're already hearing about a whole new build for this fall.



Edited by NoelC
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After the 7 fresh installs to my SSD trying to uninstall Cortana this weekend I found a different way to disable Cortana by editing SearchUI.exe and taking ownership. Take ownership of the Witch and End her task

No telling how long this will last but its a start. After doing all that you must rename SearchUI.exe to something like SearchUI.exe.old then End task on Cortana in Task manager and she don't come back


Good work!


But as @NoelC points out, all this effort can apparently be wiped out by a Windows Update or new build.


Maybe this is a market opportunity for an enterprising tweaker to devise a tool to automatically restore the fixes that the user had previously made, while keeping the substance of the new update that had undone those fixes as a by-product.



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Most probably unrelated :unsure:



According to the VA’s Office of the Inspector General the chat software, a Microsoft product called Yammer, “did not have an administrator or system set in place to ensure removal of former VA or contractor employees”. Only an administrator could remove an employee from the system, so everyone who had ever logged maintained access to the service.



William Cerniuk, the Veterans Health Administration technology director, said he had balked at the price of an upgrade for the service that would have made it more secure when pressed by investigators. Cerniuk “said that he found that the paid version cost ‘$30 a seat per year’ and that ‘it wasn’t worth paying’ for the fee-based enhancements of Yammer ‘over the free ... The free was good enough’”, according to the report.



... but undoubtedly some interesting  food for thought. :whistle:




Ahh, the wonders of subscription software...



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Maybe this is a market opportunity for an enterprising tweaker to devise a tool to automatically restore the fixes that the user had previously made, while keeping the substance of the new update that had undone those fixes as a by-product.



I guess that someone should arrange so that a ReallyTrustedInstaller has the adequate rights, removing those improperly given to the TrustedInstaller, which could be renamed to TrustedInstallerByMSButUntrustedByMeSoEatMyShortsMicrosoft  :w00t: (which would also be useful to see if there is any length limit in the name) ;).



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After the 7 fresh installs to my SSD trying to uninstall Cortana this weekend I found a different way to disable Cortana by editing SearchUI.exe and taking ownership. Take ownership of the Witch and End her task

No telling how long this will last but its a start. After doing all that you must rename SearchUI.exe to something like SearchUI.exe.old then End task on Cortana in Task manager and she don't come back


Why go through all that effort when you can just remove the Cortana and Search packages? It passes SFC and updates still work.

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I have tried uninstalling with install_wim_tweak. I even disconnected router and fresh install to see if it was an update keeping me from doing it. If you talking about removing packages from .wim I haven't done that yet. I'm still using what I downloaded day 1 release

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I have uninstalled Cortana finally.

I'll have to write up what I done perhaps another post. Going to image back and see if it works again.

I know this may get put back in later but then we will have to figure out what to do then.

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