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what do you think of NTlite '$ Price ?

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Posted (edited)

i clicked "Buy Now" at http://www.ntlite.com/ 

42 euros , 54 dollars ....

and also "update to pro" that is the same ...


the price is very high , there are also a lot of others tools that are not as good as ntlite should be , but are free ...

a good price for me is 10 dollars or 8 euros for a single licence ; may be for business or bureaucracy markets you could ask more money ...?

i think i will wait the price drop before testing it , to prevent me being addict ;"] and sad not buying it ;']

Edited by sixcentgeorge


First page - "free" with limited capabilities. NTlite version 1.0.0 Build 1994 (Beta).


Unless of course you go "Pro", then there's that $ thing.


Examples: (Note not same type software just prices of common stuff)


Nero = $50

Office 365 personal = $70

Nortons = $50 - $80

Adobe cs6 = $2,500

vmware workstation = $250

vmware thinapp = $5,000


Real software (Especially production quality software) Costs are pretty high.


NTLite is not a app store kinda app. Used properly it can save pro's a ton of money and time. The free version is enough for most people.


Yeah I'm also going to hold off buying pro, 37GBP is pretty steep for me, especially since its still in beta.  I can appreciate however nuhi's choice to charge for it, I just wish that it would have been more like 15GBP which I could have worked into my monthly budget. I would have actually gone ahead and purchased it if it was that price.

+Kelsenellenelvian [ using google + style ;']

all the apps you talk about are available for free with torrent....mostly because they are somewhat not so cheap, but mainly because they are never updated "for free" . in case of a cdrom-writer , nero is more expensive than the hardware ....and most of the time is free with the writer...but  not working with next windows...

of course there are free version ...


with ntlite , that s sad to use a lited version and then is not so much a tool doing some changes in install .


may be some still remember the 98lite , that is packaged like ntlite 


i rarely ear anything about it or its xplite brother . 


if you look at tab about donations :


Latest Donations



intzepatorii ( $ 5.00 )

16 September 2014 - 08:52 AM


coolgrom ( $ 5.00 )

12 September 2014 - 08:21 AM


the xt guy ( $ 20.00 )

01 September 2014 - 04:54 PM


MagicAndre1981 ( $ 10.00 )

12 August 2014 - 04:24 PM


5eraph ( $ 20.00 )

12 August 2014 - 02:47 AM


15 euro being max... plus this place has a lot of tools and support "for free"



Top Donors


1st dencorso


2nd tain


3rd Yzöwl


4th 5eraph


5th theKramer


i do not see Nuhi ;']


i wish he ll soon find the right price that maximize his revenue and then become top donor at the forum...


one last question : what is the super-hidden install bonus-tool ? is it with the paid release ? how that looks ...?



all the apps you talk about are available for free with torrent....


Sure :), and a lot of goods of different nature are also available for free, you just break in and get what you want :ph34r:, it is relatively easy :yes:.







all the apps you talk about are available for free with torrent....


Sure :), and a lot of goods of different nature are also available for free, you just break in and get what you want :ph34r:, it is relatively easy :yes:.






Agree with you jaclaz  :D

Anyway, in the past several years nuhi helped a lot to promote MSFN through his free software and support.


Please use this forum for NTLite errors, bugs and suggestions. Thanks.


Side note: Are you aware that donors can be anonymous as well? Hmmm...


Don't like the price? Take it up on the NTlite website, not here. After all, Nero has a "free" version, so you would complain *there* about their pricing structure, amirite? Nuhi had absolutely no reason to use MSFN as a starting point, now did he ? nLite and vLite are well-known across the sphere, not just MSFN.


Donations (only) for nLite on the web page, pointing to new tool.


vLite now kicks you to the new website. Please note that vLite had some "problems" with SP2 (AFAICR). Note here on (arcive) there's absolutely *NO* "donation" request. (BTW, downloads are still available).


Whether NTlite addresses the Vista "problems", I don't know. I have downloaded the (free) Beta and will be trying it out real soon.

( Side note - you may notice there is *no donation* button there either. ;) )


Just consider that everyone has to eat and pay bills. Also bear in mind nuhi was on hiatus "elsewhere" so it should be appreciated that he returned.


I believe the pricing structure was already discussed in the now-closed vLite Topic and respectfully request this one also be closed as well. Just my opinion...


Topic closed. No discussion about price in this forum. As I said, only errors, bugs, suggestions etc.


Thanks for understanding.

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