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Java 8 in XP.


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Hello, is anyone making builds compatible with XP? or will be willing to do? as you know Java 8 is not supported in XP anymore so I predict a highroad for all kinds of malware. I read that with a few modifications it is possible to install, but I never managed to do it.

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The installer is not supported because it calls a function that's not present in XP. I don't think it was intentional on Oracles part. Just an oversight. It installs and runs perfectly fine once you have the msi file and cab file. You just need an NT6 install to get the installer files extracted. Pop an evaluation copy in a VM if you don't have any NT6 installed.  

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Thank you, that worked, it's a pain though to install OS into a VM for each new version. Apart of NT6, it needs to be x86 too. There's another way as explained here, editing the hex, I tried with no success.

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Thank you, that worked, it's a pain though to install OS into a VM for each new version. Apart of NT6, it needs to be x86 too. There's another way as explained here, editing the hex, I tried with no success.

Maybe you were confused by the wording.

Actually it’s simpler…

open jdk-8-windows-i586.exe into a hex editor

replace all occurrences of RegDeleteKeyExA with RegDeleteKeyA followed by a null char

save and install as you normally do


This would mean, if I get this right, replace:

52 65 67 44 65 6C 65 74 65 4B 65 79 45 78 41

52 65 67 44 65 6C 65 74 65 4B 65 79 41 00 00
is the above what you tried?



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I don't think it was intentional on Oracles part. Just an oversight. 

It was intentional. Bastards. :realmad: 

After the hex edit...





This would mean, if I get this right, replace:

52 65 67 44 65 6C 65 74 65 4B 65 79 45 78 41


52 65 67 44 65 6C 65 74 65 4B 65 79 41 00 00

is the above what you tried?




Works. Thanks!

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I don't think it was intentional on Oracles part. Just an oversight.

It was intentional. Bastards. :realmad:

After the hex edit...


Naah, meaning that while most probably they are bastards :w00t::ph34r:, that is a "warning" or a "recommendation", as I read it, it amounts more or less to a waiver of responsibility, a lot like:

It is dangerous to use Java 8 on Windows XP.




Works. Thanks!

Good. :)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Looks like Oracle finally broke Java 8 on XP with update 11. Works fine for programs but locks up browsers trying to run web applets.

Can anyone confirm?

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Update 11 still works for Minecraft under XP, but I also cannot get it to work in a browser.  I noticed there is no longer an option to disable the next generation plugin or Java quick starter in the control panel, so I wonder if it's installing everything properly.

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I don't recall seeing the quick starter for a long while now. Might have been since I started using Java 8. Meaning they dropped that function.

Just going by memory here but I'm pretty sure.

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  • 8 months later...

In Windows XP and Java, Oracle says Java 8 should work, although it's unsupported...


Then -X- posted what's quoted below:


Looks like Oracle finally broke Java 8 on XP with update 11. Works fine for programs but locks up browsers trying to run web applets.
Can anyone confirm?


Java 8 is at update 40, right now... would someone kindly update this thread, so that we can keep abreast of the current situation, as it develops?

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Last that I know of, Oracle fixed the installer so it installs fine on XP after throwing up a warning telling you that it's unsupported. I don't think web applets work though which is probably a good thing as it's the point of many infections. You'll need Java 7 for web applets if you must have it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Java 8 Update 40 is working fine on XP here, including in web browsers, with the single exception of Opera 12.17, which is a problem with Opera, not Java.

This can be worked around by substituting the plugin with the last Java 7 plugin that works in the old versions of Opera, which is the one from Java 7 update 67.

IE8 works fine fully with the Java 8 Update 40 ActiveX here.


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  • 9 months later...

Java 8 Update 40 is working fine on XP here, including in web browsers, with the single exception of Opera 12.17, which is a problem with Opera, not Java.

This can be worked around by substituting the plugin with the last Java 7 plugin that works in the old versions of Opera, which is the one from Java 7 update 67.

IE8 works fine fully with the Java 8 Update 40 ActiveX here.




It stopped working after updating to Java 8 Update 71.

Java 8 Update 71 (and Update 72) ceases to function at all after replacing these two files. Not only for Opera, also for Firefox and Internet Explorer 8.

So it is in my computer. Is it only in my computer, I do not know.

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Confirmed here.

Still fine in IE8, but nothing in Opera 12 or Firefox 43, even after substituting the plugin file.


I was using update 66. Did it only stop working at Update 71, are Updates 67-70 OK?


EDIT: Of course the research I should have done in the first place shows there were no released Updates 67-79!


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