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Posted (edited)

I know this has probably been asked before but I can't seem to find a definitive answer. Is there any way to get the glow effect on ribbon-enabled windows? Such as explorer etc...?

Read this how to, Post #402


Regedit Settings:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM]"TextGlowMode"=dword:00000003


If using default Themes you may need to delete VSCache Folder, and Restart PC, for this to work.

Edited by ace2

Just found this today & installed it. I love it & so I donated & went to the generate key page but am getting, Sorry, there are no more keys for you, after I put in my info. Any ideas why?

NEVERMIND... Read the donate page a little closer. Seems it's been disabled for the time being. Just my luck! ;)

That's referring to an old donate button that used to be there, it should generate a key for you. You should PM bigmuscle with your paypal email and details.


You can now all use Aero Glass on Windows 8.1 Update legitly now, since it has been released and the symbols for Windows 8.1 Update have been uploaded. All you need to do if you have the donate version, is re-enable the software and the donation version should automatically download the correct symbols and Aero Glass should return.

Posted (edited)

Can I customize the full transparency of the taskbar, as in Windows 7?

This will get you Full Glass Transparency on Start Menu and Taskbar and Titlebars when used with DWMGlass.dll and StartIback or Classic Shell.

Theme settings:


Regedit DWM settings:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM]"BlurDeviation"=dword:00000000

Work's will with these Themes:

Aero 8.1 Windows 8.1 BY xXiNightXx


Aero7 V2 for Windows 8/8.1 by DaMonkeyOnCrack


Classic Shell Start Menu skin, Windows 7-style (Transparent), MUST be Signed In to FORUM to download.


Classic Shell Settings:

Skin Settings:

Skin:Windows Aero Transparent

Menu Look Settings:

Enable menu shadow

Enable Aero Glass (requires Aero Glass mod)

Override glass color

Menu glass color:FFFFFF

Menu glass intensity:80

Menu color blending:10

Edited by ace2

None of those themes are Windows 8.1 Update 1 ready, Ace2. Hardly any themes have been updated to work properly. Animations are messed up in Metro apps and no context menu on tiles in the Start Screen.


None of those themes are Windows 8.1 Update 1 ready, Ace2. Hardly any themes have been updated to work properly. Animations are messed up in Metro apps and no context menu on tiles in the Start Screen.

Thanks for the info, but it's not a problem for me, as i don't use Metro apps OR Start Screen OR Apps Screen and all tiles on my Start Screen have been removed and Metro has been disabled. ;)


None of those themes are Windows 8.1 Update 1 ready, Ace2. Hardly any themes have been updated to work properly. Animations are messed up in Metro apps and no context menu on tiles in the Start Screen.

And it's not really the devs fault as Windows Style Builder hasn't been updated to support compiling update 1 themes.

BTW I did that method to get glow on the default theme and it works great, thanks ace2!

Posted (edited)

Hi, I'm just a little confused about the Symbols. I have a licensed copy of Aeroglass 1.2.1 without a Symbols folder on Windows 8.1 and its working fine. When I go to install the Windows 8.1 update do I need to temporarily create the Symbols folder? Then if BM decides to update Aeroglass for Windows 8.1 update so symbols are hardcoded into Aeroglass (as he has done in the past), I can delete the Symbols folder? Reading dhjohns post from page 38 would suggest that I do need to make a Symbols folder?

Edited by DrStrange

I am having a huge problem so any help is appreciated. I updated to update 1 and I can't get into the desktop because it keeps flashing "your dmw is incompatible with Aero glass, do you want to retry symbols downloading"

I literally can't log in to my desktop to do anything. I enter my password and it will log in but then kick me back out to the log in screen where the dmw will continue to flash.....

Any ideas?

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