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533207-001​/586382-00​1 HP G210 VGA Card BIOS help....


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Hi there:

Really long time no come back to MSFN... The new forum really run slow on my old Win9x machine, heh~

BTW, I am looking for the BIOS of the HP G210 display card BIOS, the exact outlook is as below pic:



I pretty sure my card's BIOS is corrupt, since I tried to flash other brand (MSI/PNY) G210 BIOS to this card, and it becomre alive again, but the side effect is that the fan becore so NOISEY, its why I look for the original BIOS for the card.

This card is in lots of HP/Compaq desktop computer, if some MSFNers see this post, pls help me to backup the BIOS by GPU-Z or nvflash, thanks a lots!

NOTE: the slimline series also got this card, but in low profile, the upper VGA head is disabled by BIOS (Coz I got this BIOS and tried)

Best Regards,

Ken Yaksa

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NOT what you asked, but maybe you can use Nibitor (or a similar editor for nvidia BIOS/firmware):


to set the "default" fan speed to lower values. :unsure:

It is also possible that with the actual card data (the picture is low-res and the link you posted is not valid) something can be found.

From the picture, it is marked "PEGATRON".

Is it this one?:



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Hi Jaclaz:

Thanks for your reply.

I have tried Nibitor, and according to the info of Nibitor, it only partial support G210 BIOS, as a result, the fan speed can't be change in it.

Yupp, it is a Pegatron G210, D10M1AB1H Rev:1.00, this card is OEM in wide range HP Desktop series.

After a hard search on the net, I can only get the BIOS of this card in low profile, which is in HP Slimline series, and that BIOS is disable the upper VGA output. But the fan speed is correct. BTW, use MSI/PNY BIOSes, the upper VGA output OK, but fan become so noisy...

It is why I look for the BIOS.

But till now, I still can't get it, sniff...


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Cannot find a Pegatron or a HP BIOS/firmware for that, here there are however some more:



Hi Jaclaz,

I tried there b4, otherwise I can't get my card work again.

The only working BIOS there are MSI/PNY 512M BIOSes, others got halt the computer after loading drivers.

Even they worked, but the fan is always run at 100%, it make the card so noisy.

The Pegatron g210 BIOS which I got is from a HP slimline Desktop, which work, and the fan will reduce the speed after loading the driver as b4, but the upper VGA 15pin is disabled by BIOS, as a result, I can only get VGA out by a DVI->VGA adaptor if I use this BIOS (MSI/PNY BIOS can use upper VGA plug as normal, but the fan speed..... Err.rr.r.)

So I look for the BIOS of this card in several forums to see if someone get an HP desktop could help me.

But till now, I still no luck on it.

You are the 2nd person who responsed to me (Another one is in HP Support Forum, but also no luck).

Thahks anyway, Mate.

Best Regards,


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There are more than one 512 Mb BIOS/firmware (the page I linked earlier was for the 1024 sized):


Have you already tried all of them?

Which EXACT BIOS/firmware is the one from MSI that you are currently using?

This one?


Have you made a backup of the (failed) firmware of the HP card BEFORE attempting upgrading it?


Edited by jaclaz
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There are more than one 512 Mb BIOS/firmware (the page I linked earlier was for the 1024 sized):


Have you already tried all of them?

Which EXACT BIOS/firmware is the one from MSI that you are currently using?

This one?


Have you made a backup of the (failed) firmware of the HP card BEFORE attempting upgrading it?


Hi Jaclaz,

1) Yupp, I have tried all the 512M DDR2/DDR3 BIOSes there(The Pegatron G210 is a 512M DDR2 card, Hynix 1GBit RAM x 4), finally find that only MSI/PNY BIOS can use (XFX one do, but it so wired, after loading the driver, the fan will STOP!!!!)

2) And U r right, this is the MSI BIOS which I tried and work fine with the card (beside the fan speed issue).

3) No, since the old SOP8 Eeprom IC was dead, I have resoldered & changed an good one from another dead display card. I just want to make the card alive again as I am a electronics hobbist.


Above is the review of the card, you can see the pics of this card is different angles at the end of the review.

Best Regards,


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There are only a bunch of bytes different from the MSI to the XFX.

Where did you get the .rom for the "slimline" HP card?

Can you share it?

(possibly a "whole section" of the .rom will be missing or however i will be possible to understand which are the different bytes related to the fan speed. :unsure:

Also, the Gainward.G210.512.090915.rom and the Galaxy.G210.512.090829.rom are VERY similar to both the XFX and MSI, have you tested them?


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There are only a bunch of bytes different from the MSI to the XFX.

Where did you get the .rom for the "slimline" HP card?

Can you share it?

(possibly a "whole section" of the .rom will be missing or however i will be possible to understand which are the different bytes related to the fan speed. :unsure:

Also, the Gainward.G210.512.090915.rom and the Galaxy.G210.512.090829.rom are VERY similar to both the XFX and MSI, have you tested them?


Hi Jaclaz::

Yupp, I got the BIOS from a physcial card of a HP Slimline from my real world friend by nvflash, here it is:

backup (, Work one).rar

And these are the BIOSes which I tried:


Nearly all of them can make the card works, but many of them will halt / scrap the screen after loading the driver.

Yupp, Both tried, Gainward G210 one could work, but missing energy saving function on different loading of the card (If I remember not wrong).

Note: 1) In Nibitor, All downloaded BIOSes from Techpowerup can display the RAM/Clock speed correctly, but the BIOS from my friend's HP G210 can't.

2) Also in Nibitor, all BIOSes (included the one I attached) show the fan speed will change at 30%, but no luck whatever you change it.

3) According to other posts in the net, G210 VGA board shouldn't come with a fan pwn controller, so there must have tricks that Pegarton overcome it. As BFG G210 / EVGA G220 also have fan issue and maker had provided updated BIOS for it long time ago for fixing. How sad that I even can't get a BFG G210 BIOS for a tried since it gone.... (No luck in webarchive.org)

4) The device ID of HP Pegatron G210 card is 10DE:0A60, but all other G210 BIOSes in TechPowerup is 10DE:0A65. Seems that Pegatron G210 card use older GT218 core revision (OEM), but retailing card use newer revision of the chip.

5) Nvidia BIOS has checksum, just change some byte in it will make the BIOS corrupt and can't light on the card.

Best Regards,


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Yupp, I got the BIOS from a physcial card of a HP Slimline from my real world friend by nvflash, here it is:

attachicon.gifbackup (, Work one).rar

Good, I'll have a look if I can spot a pattern. :unsure:

5) Nvidia BIOS has checksum, just change some byte in it will make the BIOS corrupt and can't light on the card.

Well, since it is one byte checksum, at the most one has to try 256 times ;).

More seriously Nibitor can calculate the checksum accurately (checksum is last byte of the file). :)


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Hi Jaclaz:

Thanks! This is the different between a developer/programmer and a electronic hobbist. Look forward your BIOS reverse engineering :thumbup

Yupp, I know Nibotor can fix the checksum, but since Pegatron BIOS is quite special, thus Nibitor seems can't interpret it well, I am afraid if it can correct the checksum if you mod the BIOS by Pegatron one.

Best Regards,


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Thanks! This is the different between a developer/programmer and a electronic hobbist. Look forward your BIOS reverse engineering :thumbup

Maybe it is, but you shouldn't count me as a developer/programmer :w00t:, and I am not actually going to reverse engineer anything _ph34r:, I am simply aware that "normal" BIOSes have "blocks" and maybe - just maybe - the same happens with the Nvidia ones, and IF this is the case, and IF the missing feature of the "external" connector is a dedicated block, since the BIOS you found is 1532 (or 3*512) bytes shorter than the other ones, it is maybe possible that such a block can be "transplanted". :unsure:

(more IF's and maybe's then what I normally like to have in a sentence ;)).

Yupp, I know Nibotor can fix the checksum, but since Pegatron BIOS is quite special, thus Nibitor seems can't interpret it well, I am afraid if it can correct the checksum if you mod the BIOS by Pegatron one.

Well, I did a simple test, got the MSI BIOS, chnaged last byte (which is C2) to 00 opened it in Nibiitor and it told me:

Calculated Checksum: C2

Actual Checksum: 00

so I am not "preoccupied" bu the checksum :).


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I am not the bearer of good news :(.
I had a quick look at the BIOSes.
I expected that the BIOS "blocks" were easily distinguishable, like being "fixed length" or "character/signature delimited".
They are instead (I presume) "start/length" indexed and though with some work it is still possible to find the various "similar" or "patterned" blocks, they are not (in the two dirvers, the MSI and the "slimline HP") in the same order, and it seems like some addresses are "cross blocks".
Plainly this means that besides the work needed to identify the blocks, unless the actual indexing schene is decoded, it will likely be impossible to "transplant" a module from one firmware to the other, as some addresses/offsets/whatever do change. :ph34r:

As soon as I have some more spare time I'll have a further look to the issue, but I am much less optimistic than before. :w00t:

You could try again to ask (particularly here and on the HP forum) for someone with that card willing to dump the contents of the card BIOS, possibly being a bit more "proactive", i.e. listing explicitly the HP models that use that card and providing a step by step set of instructions to make the dump.

Right now you are looking for:

  1. a good guy/gal willing to help you AND that ALSO
  2. knows which card his/her computer has AND that ALSO
  3. knows how to dump a Nvidia firmware

Maybe if you start looking for:

  1. a good guy/gal willing to help you, capable of following an easy set of instructions

you have more probabilities to find one. :unsure:


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