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nLite and XP SP0 problem..


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Hi everyone, I'm new on this forum :).

I've got an untouched ISO of Windows XP SP0, the RTM version, build 2600, without any service packs.

I would like to install it on my PC, but because I've got SATA hard disk, and IDE mode can't be enabled from BIOS (there isn't such option) I must slipstream drivers with nLite. I slipstreamed my SATA drivers "ICH9M-E/M SATA AHCI Controller", and the process was succesfully. Then I made an ISO file and burned it with nLite. When I boot from cd, you know there's the first "MS-DOS like" setup part, and in the lower bar it shows the components loaded, like "Loading <Kernel Debugger DLL> and other things... well... it doesn't load iaStor.sys! And I get then a 0x0000007B bsod. Any helps? Thanks in advance!

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Hi everyone, I'm new on this forum :).

I've got an untouched ISO of Windows XP SP0, the RTM version, build 2600, without any service packs.

I would like to install it on my PC, but because I've got SATA hard disk, and IDE mode can't be enabled from BIOS (there isn't such option) I must slipstream drivers with nLite. I slipstreamed my SATA drivers "ICH9M-E/M SATA AHCI Controller", and the process was succesfully. Then I made an ISO file and burned it with nLite. When I boot from cd, you know there's the first "MS-DOS like" setup part, and in the lower bar it shows the components loaded, like "Loading <Kernel Debugger DLL> and other things... well... it doesn't load iaStor.sys! And I get then a 0x0000007B bsod. Any helps? Thanks in advance!

No, not exactly

If your BIOS does not support switching to "IDE emulation mode", you need to *somehow* "add" the drivers.

There are several way to do that, and not only using nlite.

Did you follow EXACTLY this guide for the attempt with nlite?


If yes, and it didn't work :(, try leaving nlite alone and just slipstream the needed drivers:




or use a "F6 floppy" (real or virtual), or try using the drivers Pack:


There is more than one way to skin a cat :yes:. (the cat won' t like *any* of them, though :ph34r: )


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  • 3 weeks later...

using the TESTMODE setting for your iaStor drivers is the same as hitting F6 during normal install. Then you can install more drivers with PNP option, like the Intel INF files.

You really should SLIPSTREAM the SP3 (free download) and also slip stream the POST SP3 update pack. This makes your first boot, fully updated, with the latest WHQL'ed drivers.



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