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Need Help! Parse DOSNET.INF for making $WIN_NT$.~BT Fold

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But I get a error message, please insert the disk labeled Windows XP Pro sp3 Setup Disk #5 into Drive A:. Press Enter when ready.

Add a flag file disk105 and disk106 to the floppy image.

And add a winnt.sif to the floppy image.


Be aware:

you invent the wheel again and may get some unexpected behaviour.

Have fun.

Edited by cdob
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Thanks for your reply, cdob. But still it not work. I creat $WIN_NT$.~BT. Next I add winnt.sif in to this folder then drop this folder to empty XP.ima was opened by UltraISO and click save.

Finally I edit the menu.lst

title First part of Windows XP Professional setup

map --mem /XP.ima (fd0)

map --hook

root (fd0)

chainloader (fd0)/SETUPLDR.BIN

title Second part of Windows XP Professional setup

root (hd0,0)

chainloader (hd0,0)/NTLDR

But if I boot the first menu in menu.lst, the monitor display

FAT32 BPB found with 0XEB (jump) leading the bootsector

probed C/H/S = 51/8/36, probed total sectors = 14598

And then the computer reboot. You can tell me why? :rolleyes:

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As a generic tip, not necessarily applying to your case, using Ultraiso the way you are using it is likely to be part of the problem.

We old dinosaurs :ph34r: like to create a disk or diskette image, then mount it and add to it the files.

It is very possible that creating it "on the fly" with Ultraiso (and particularly editing/resizing it) makes the filesystem invalid or non bootable or however conflicting with some BIOSes.

It is also possible that the image has grown to a size that (for whatever reason) your BIOS does not "like" as a floppy (but this is unprobable, given the geometry/size you report, which is seemingly "not bad").

As cdob pointed out you are reinventing the wheel (which BTW is a very nice activity in itself :thumbup ) BUT without having first checked that the result might be a rounder wheel than existing ones :w00t: , maybe you need to learn from the words of two great inventors:

Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.
A lot of [soviet Army soldiers] ask me how one can become a constructor, and how new weaponry is designed. These are very difficult questions. Each designer seems to have his own paths, his own successes and failures. But one thing is clear: before attempting to create something new, it is vital to have a good appreciation of everything that already exists in this field. I myself have had many experiences confirming this to be so.

Now, be nice, and before further attempts to "twist" the install method that Usbmuitiboot_10 uses into an image based one, take some time and examine/experiment with two alternate methods:

It is likely that once you will be also familiar with those you will find inspiration for "your way".... :)


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But if I boot the first menu in menu.lst, the monitor display

FAT32 BPB found with 0XEB (jump) leading the bootsector

probed C/H/S = 51/8/36, probed total sectors = 14598

And then the computer reboot.

Ntdetect dosn't validate floppy image.

Use a more floppy like size: multiplicate 1440 sectors

10 14400 sectors

11 15840 sectors

12 17280 sectors

Again: there are more open questions still.

Try the other approaches first.

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How can I creat a floppy image with specified sectors.

How can I creat a floppy image with specified sectors.

Use ImDisk http://www.ltr-data.se/opencode.html/

Goto control panel, open Imdisk applet, mount a new virtual disk, set size of virtual disk to N blocks.

Format drive, copy files

Write image to a file

It may be the floppy size, or CHS layout.

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The issue here is that if the issue is connected with geometry of the device, you need a tool capable of "fine tuning" the image size, it's boot sector and the BPB values in it.

BUT in order to use such tools successfully you need to first learn a lot about the tunings/settings that they allow you to choose and/or make the floppy manually.

The topic, in other words requires from you a previous knowledge that you are right now seeming to be missing.

You can use (shameless plug) my spreadsheet and/or batch here:

page__view__findpost__p__988732?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>

page__view__findpost__p__1001712?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>

or Winimage (easier):


Lots of info are available here:

bit - as said - they tend to be "advanced".


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