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Start Is Back - 2.1 release


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Bug in Shutdown mode in Beta 4

Installed on: Windows Server 2012 Standard

Just wondering if you mean the line between Shut Down and the options above it (missing Sleep and Hibernate since those are disabled - I think - under Server 2012).

I can confirm that even if I disable Sleep and Hibernate under Windows 8 Enterprise x64, that line doesn't appear in StartIsBack's Shut Down options. In both cases (Server 2012 and 8 Enterprise x64), I have "Lock" as the default button option, although that probably makes no difference.

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FWIW, I think it would be conversely ironic to have a Modern UI App to reinstate the Desktop UI Start Menu. I don't think this is a good idea. The most vocal Modern UI haters who avoid it at all costs won't even want to use the Modern UI long enough to do that. After all, although it has yet to be seen if Tihiy is interested in eventually having SiB actually disable Modern UI at least as far as not even being able to get to it, if that was a possibility then how would updates ever be seen/delivered for SiB? The user would have to re-enable Modern UI (it wouldn't actually be disabled as in Ex7forW8, just never seen most probably), get the update and then re-disable Modern UI.

It's not worth all the trouble.

He can submit a desktop app to the store also. It's been a while since I read the agreement but I believe in that case they would offer a link to his site instead of a direct download/install.

Of course what we are really thinking is seeing what happens when all the anti-Metro StartMenu restoration utilities are presented to Microsoft. Will they continue their Jihad against common sense and user choice? I can forsee an ongoing effort by 3rd parties in the blogosphere keeping track of Microsoft's responses to these utilities and a list of which ones made it or were denied, and then contacting Microsoft for official comment. In short, keeping their feet to the fire.

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Will they continue their Jihad against common sense and user choice?

That's funny because this is the first time MS has ever removed choice form the user. You've always been able to choose from the last format and new format.

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Bug in Shutdown mode in Beta 4

Installed on: Windows Server 2012 Standard


That bug is in the MSStyles file, not in SiB, since SiB just re-enables the native start menu that is themed with the MSStyles file.

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Not sure if this is a bug or not but I wanted to mention that uninstalling beta 3 and installing beta 4 worked fine but the activation timer did not reset. Like I said this might be intended behavior but I figured I would mention it. I had 26 days remaining before installing beta 4, and the same 26 remaining after installing beta 4.

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Bug in Shutdown mode in Beta 4

Installed on: Windows Server 2012 Standard


That separator LINE appears only with BASIC or HIGH CONTRAST themes, you'll see no such "bug" with regular Windows 8 theme. It might be there due to Windows 8 msstyles.


A very small bug:

- boot up your system and wait for startup to fully load

- press your hotkey (Ctr-Win in my case) to invoke Metro screen = the very first time you press it only the dark blue screen flashes but Metro doesn't come out. The second and all other times the Metro screen launches fine. Until reboot when again, the first time you hit the Metro key it brings up no Metro. Then it works fine again untill next reboot.

Has anyone else had it, or is it mine only?




CONSTRUCTIVE SUGGESTION № - I sue 'Hibernate' a lot, but I'm missing it in the 'Shutdown options'. In fact, I'd prefer 'Hibernate' to be my power button default action.

D:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0

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I have mixed feelings about reporting this bug. Some of it might be wanted behavior, at least by me, but only sometimes.

To reproduce:

For example, I have a shortcut to Windows Update that on any new Windows 8/Server 2012 installation, I put a copy in the Start Menu, just as Windows 7 had by default.

1. Open Windows Explorer to location of shortcut.

2. Left-click (or Right-click) and drag the shortcut, first to the Start Button (actually, it's reproduced at this point), then to All Programs, etc.

The Start Menu stays open (the shortcut isn't copied no matter where you drop it). The Taskbar stays stuck up, too. If I click off the Start Menu on to another window or the taskbar, the Start Menu and taskbar still stay up. I have to left-click on the Start Menu or the Taskbar, then the Taskbar is still left stuck up (I have set to hide), until I click on the... eh, anyway, I think you'll see what I mean. I have to do some extra clicking to get the Start Menu to close, and then to get the Taskbar to close at least in some situations, depending on where all I clicked to close the Start Menu eventually.

Actually, nothing I drag from anywhere, including the Start Menu itself, to any other location in the Start Menu, gets moved or copied, or even prompted to give Admin access.

I know now we have the option to Open and Open All Users, which is great for multiple operations, but will it still be possible to do single operations directly with the Start Menu?

BTW, this is on Windows 8 Pro Retail with MCE x64.

Edited by roirraW "edor" ehT
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A very small bug:

- boot up your system and wait for startup to fully load

- press your hotkey (Ctr-Win in my case) to invoke Metro screen = the very first time you press it only the dark blue screen flashes but Metro doesn't come out. The second and all other times the Metro screen launches fine. Until reboot when again, the first time you hit the Metro key it brings up no Metro. Then it works fine again untill next reboot.

Has anyone else had it, or is it mine only?

I believe that's been mentioned (in less detail), that the first time pressing the hotkey to go to the Start Screen flashes it quickly then goes back to desktop, and from thereafter works fine. Of course, as you said, until you reboot again. I don't think it's been specifically mentioned about Beta 4, however.

CONSTRUCTIVE SUGGESTION № - I sue 'Hibernate' a lot, but I'm missing it in the 'Shutdown options'. In fact, I'd prefer 'Hibernate' to be my power button default action.

D:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0

I use Hibernate a lot, too, especially on my laptop (desktop stays on 24/7), and for the longest time (pre-XP?), I have had mixed results with Hibernate showing in the Start Menu. Most of the time it would, and then spontaneously it would seem on some reboots, it wouldn't. Sometimes it wouldn't for quite a while, and then it will come back for a short time.

Sorry if this is off topic, but it is related, how's your experience been with this, Servelius?

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Actually, nothing I drag from anywhere, including the Start Menu itself, to any other location in the Start Menu, gets moved or copied, or even prompted to give Admin access.
I can't reprocuce that. Do you have 'Enable context menus and dragging and dropping' enabled in Start menu properties? Do you have arrows and text describing the drop operation? Does drag&drop works in other shell parts?

As for start menu not closing if dropped via start button, that's a good report. Try to find more such occasions when start menu not closing when it should.

Edited by Tihiy
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Actually, nothing I drag from anywhere, including the Start Menu itself, to any other location in the Start Menu, gets moved or copied, or even prompted to give Admin access.
I can't reprocuce that. Do you have 'Enable context menus and dragging and dropping' enabled in Start menu properties? Do you have arrows and text describing the drop operation? Does drag&drop works in other shell parts?

As for start menu not closing if dropped via start button, that's a good report. Try to find more such occasions when start menu not closing when it should.

Huh. Interesting. I do have that option checked. I have to go take care of a couple things, and I will work more on this including reproducing after I get back, in an hour or maybe a few hours.

Oh, when I drag and hover over the Start Button or All Programs or the Start Menu itself after All Programs, I just get a circle with a red / through it. Besides the program icon itself being dragged.

Edited by roirraW "edor" ehT
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Okay, I'd have to double-check under Windows 7 to observe it's behavior, but everything I described as far as having a problem copying a new file/shortcut to the Start Menu or moving existing items only applies to either:

1. Trying to Copy/move a new or existing file/shortcut by dragging and dropping to the "blank" white portion of the Start Menu in the "All Programs" section, underneath everything else instead of directly placing the file/shortcut in between particular existing files/shortcuts in the main "All Programs" Start Menu.


2. Trying to do the same by dragging and dropping to an existing folder, attempting to drop it directly on the folder, instead of waiting for the folder to expand and then directly placing the file/shortcut in between particular existing files/shortcuts in that folder.

Can anyone tell me how this compares to Windows 7, as I don't remember and I'd rather not install under a VM just for this right now - got too many other things to do. :D

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Can anyone tell me how this compares to Windows 7, as I don't remember and I'd rather not install under a VM just for this right now - got too many other things to do. :D

That's exactly how it behaves in Win7. But thanks for reporting 'menu stays forcibly open' issue.
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Can anyone tell me how this compares to Windows 7, as I don't remember and I'd rather not install under a VM just for this right now - got too many other things to do. :D

That's exactly how it behaves in Win7. But thanks for reporting 'menu stays forcibly open' issue.

Okay, thanks for that confirmation, glad that part's solved. And you're welcome!

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