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Start Is Back - 2.1 release

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  On 6/12/2013 at 7:30 PM, Tihiy said:

Good thing you reminded, because i did it not the way Windows 7 does. Please test the prototype on Windows 8 with customized network userpic.

It doesn't pick up the user pic. Here's my login code for populating the user pic:

$photo = ([ADSISEARCHER]“samaccountname=$($username)”).findone().properties.thumbnailphoto
if($photo -eq $null){
$command = “\\DOMAIN\netlogon\pictures\usertile.exe $domain\$username \\DOMAIN\netlogon\pictures\default.jpg”
} else {
$photo | set-content $temp\$domain+$username.jpg -Encoding byte
$command = “\\DOMAIN\netlogon\pictures\usertile.exe $domain\$username $temp\$domain+$username.jpg”
cmd /c $command

And here is the source for usertile.exe:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace TilePicture
class Program
[DllImport("shell32.dll", EntryPoint = "#262", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, PreserveSig = false)]
public static extern void SetUserTile(string username, int whatever, string picpath);

static void Main(string[] args)
SetUserTile(args[0], 0, args[1]);


I don't think anyone has posted this before, but here's a video comparing SiB to Start8. (You can guess which one wins. :) )

Cheers and Regards

  On 6/12/2013 at 11:49 PM, ISOHaven said:

It doesn't pick up the user pic. Here's my login code for populating the user pic:

I've added legacy userpic loading (if domain joined only). The rest of Windows 8 does not pick it though; i guess there should be some new tool for setting picture via .accountpicture-ms.
Posted (edited)
  On 6/14/2013 at 6:36 AM, Tihiy said:
  On 6/12/2013 at 11:49 PM, ISOHaven said:

It doesn't pick up the user pic. Here's my login code for populating the user pic:

I've added legacy userpic loading (if domain joined only). The rest of Windows 8 does not pick it though; i guess there should be some new tool for setting picture via .accountpicture-ms.

If there is I've not found it yet. Why the FRACK MS hasn't added domain support to the (temp) local account with domain joins is driving a lot of us in IT absolutely mad. What's weird though is my domain account on all my 2012 servers DO have my admin pic for the login but only when doing RDP....WTF!?!?!?! Get your crap together MS!


Duh.... Forgot to mention it works now. Picked up the domain user pick with no problems!

Edited by ISOHaven

New StartIsBack!

StartIsBack has been reborn and you can taste it now!


Yet it won't excite you; it is (should be) exactly like version 2.1. It won't function properly on Windows 8.1 yet. There is no 8.1 yet to start with...

This is build just for testing which will evolve into new StartIsBack for Windows 8.1. Not sure how to name it.

Try keeping discussion on that forum; not sure if it's good enough.


I tried to post on that forum several times, but the reply never seems to stick.

Two problems I noticed:

- in high contrast mode, Start menu opens under the taskbar, so the search field and shutdown button aren‘t visible (they're covered by the taskbar)

- clicking the Start button doesn’t close Start menu when it's already open

- in high contrast mode, Start menu opens under the taskbar, so the search field and shutdown button aren‘t visible (they're covered by the taskbar)

Fixed this.
- clicking the Start button doesn’t close Start menu when it's already open
Known issue. Start button should be redone for 8.1 anyway.

I have one question:

StartIsBack! for 8.1 will replace the actual StartIsBack!? If I bought it once do I need to buy it once again for Windows 8.1?

Thank you!

  On 6/21/2013 at 1:14 PM, eydryen said:

I have one question:

StartIsBack! for 8.1 will replace the actual StartIsBack!? If I bought it once do I need to buy it once again for Windows 8.1?

Thank you!

Can't share the details about 8.1 until 8.1 releases and I try it. Please wait a few days.
Posted (edited)
  On 6/21/2013 at 2:56 PM, Tihiy said:
until 8.1 releases and I try it.

I think that was just a license question??? At any rate, June 26th is just around the corner!

Edited by ISOHaven
  On 6/21/2013 at 3:36 PM, ISOHaven said:

I think that was just a license question??? At any rate, June 26th is just around the corner!

StartIsBack license is for a lifetime. More details June 26th.

Test Build 2: https://moot.it/startisback

Seems that moot.it sucks.


I've had 6 Explorer crashes in ntdll.dll since 2.1, and 1 before. I know Explorer crashes were a topic last year, but I wasn't using it then so can't compare with then. Also, while I'm not sure StartisBack is the reason, it's my top suspect. Will the beta help? I can also just uninstall to see how that goes.

Posted (edited)
  On 6/21/2013 at 8:25 PM, Tihiy said:
I now tried this build with my own colour scheme, and it appears that StartIsBack doesn't use the correct background colour - compare the "old" StartIsBack (left) and the test build (right):


Oh, and the Run command sometimes shows up in the menu, even though it's not enabled.

Edited by ender`
  On 6/21/2013 at 9:15 PM, rseiler said:

I've had 6 Explorer crashes in ntdll.dll since 2.1, and 1 before. I know Explorer crashes were a topic last year, but I wasn't using it then so can't compare with then. Also, while I'm not sure StartisBack is the reason, it's my top suspect. Will the beta help? I can also just uninstall to see how that goes.

When crashes happen? If it's outside of using menu and launching apps, it's hardly StartIsBack fault. You can try test version as well.
it appears that StartIsBack doesn't use the correct background colour
Yep, fixed this. Say if you want more improvements to high contrast theme.

ace2 , please remove your posts, they're no use to me.

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