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You need to check your Manual first using the English Manual include inside WPI 8.6.3, because there is some errors:

Home page:

Chapter-5 open Chapter-6

Chapter-6 open Chapter-5


Chapter-6 open Chapter-5

Chapter-8 : isn't up to date

Chapter-10 : is the old one

Chapter-11: Title you can change: Home to Bcryn

And I see on the main page Manual with your language: Настанова. This OK

Have you set the folder language "ua" inside the folder: .\WPI\Manual\ua to open it clicking the button Manual ?

Thanks for your work!

Edited by myselfidem
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Nice! ;)

You can center the images inside Chapter-4 (ua).

See attachment!

*Edit: On Chapter - 1 :

(Open Chapter 5) and not Chapter 6

And it's needed to change the title translated to :

<li>Opens the Theme Wizard. (<a href="Chapter-5.html">Chapter 5</a>)</li>

*Edit2:file given

Edited by myselfidem
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Nice! ;)

You can center the images inside Chapter-4 (ua).

See attachment!

*Edit: On Chapter - 1 :

(Open Chapter 5) and not Chapter 6

And it's needed to change the title translated to :

<li>Opens the Theme Wizard. (<a href="Chapter-5.html">Chapter 5</a>)</li>

Sorry, but i can't understand what to do? Is there any troubles with opening chapter 5 from the chapter 1 page? Розділ means chapter in English. In the content (Page Home) chapter 5 - Theme Wizard overview, and clicking in the head of chapter 1 on chapter 5 we can open the page - Theme Wizard overview. Oh, found some more mistakes in translation (it's because of old manual which i used before) and finally got what You meant, please download the attachment

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Once I am back up and running I will add translations to the main archive but WPI is not going to be actively developed until such a time as I am back on my feet financially and more stable.

Russian translation and ukranian manual are in the main WPI 8.6.3 archive now.

Edited by Kelsenellenelvian
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You can also remove 2 images inside the folder: .\ua\images

- donate-to-kel.png

- Logo.png

Because they are already inside: WPI\Manual\images

*Edit: Or you can copy/paste the two images inside Manual\ua\images from WPI\Manual\images...because they aren't the same.

And you need to change the paths for those 2 images inside all html pages!

Like this a user can remove all Manuals except ua Manual.


Could you please, when you can, check the order number on the help page inside the web site:

WPI Help

Many thanks

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On English Manual some lines are missing (at the bottom) inside:

1 - index.html

2 - Chapter-9.html

3 - Chapter-10.html

4 - Chapter-11.html

<script type="text/javascript">
var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});

About images, seems to be needed tu use the code like this, using at last: />

<img src="../images/Logo.png" />

1 - French Manual updated and set Chapter-8 on Chapter-10 and Chapter-10 on Chapter-8:

2 - Added "HTML codes to put French special characters" inside the WPI French Manual:

HTML Codes for French

New French Manual downloaded link:


Thanks and regards!

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Inside Installer.hta it's possible to remove <nobr> </nobr> at line 419 and keep:

 Windows Post-Install Wizard 

And adding inside installer.css (WPI\Themes\Win7)

color: GrayText;

white-space: nowrap; /* Prevents a text from breaking into a new line automatically */

Tested and works fine.

Found help here:


Maybe it's useful?


Edited by myselfidem
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