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Kelsenellenelvian here the new NL lang update.

Also for you and everyone happy newyear^^..

lang_nl update 30-12-2012.rar

Grt Whatsup

On English Manual some lines are missing (at the bottom) inside:

1 - index.html

2 - Chapter-9.html

3 - Chapter-10.html

4 - Chapter-11.html

<script type="text/javascript">
var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});

About images, seems to be needed tu use the code like this, using at last: />

<img src="../images/Logo.png" />

1 - French Manual updated and set Chapter-8 on Chapter-10 and Chapter-10 on Chapter-8:

2 - Added "HTML codes to put French special characters" inside the WPI French Manual:

HTML Codes for French

New French Manual downloaded link:


Thanks and regards!

Inside Installer.hta it's possible to remove <nobr> </nobr> at line 419 and keep:

 Windows Post-Install Wizard 

And adding inside installer.css (WPI\Themes\Win7)

color: GrayText;

white-space: nowrap; /* Prevents a text from breaking into a new line automatically */

Tested and works fine.

Found help here:


Maybe it's useful?


All above changes have been made and are in the main archive.

Posted (edited)

Many thanks Kels!:)

Inside English Manual on:

1 - Chapter-1.html, line 12 about (set on one line) :

<img src="../images/Donate.png" />

2 - Chapter-10.html, path on the line 48 (position quot):

<img src="../images/layout.gif" />


Edited by myselfidem
Posted (edited)

Submitting new changes:


On line 196, we can remove: (because the correct value already exists on line 198)

// wmi.js

On line 195 we can add (because they are missing):

// wmi.js

FirewallProductName, AVProduct;

configwizard.js (we can change)

On line 1088:

HandleConditionsSelectionMenu(!InsertCondValues ? "getFirewallProduct()" : 'getFirewallProduct()=="'+getFirewallProduct()+'"');

On line 1092:

HandleConditionsSelectionMenu(!InsertCondValues ? "getAntiVirusProduct()" : 'getAntiVirusProduct()=="'+getAntiVirusProduct()+'"');


Add missing line 1959 :(about usb key)

// Features tab

Adding also your modification on line 65 inside globals.js


Thanks and regards.

Edited by myselfidem

A little typo error inside WPI.hta on line 349: (because)

<!-- Here becaue of the getText() calls -->

I don't see the trouble with WPI about font at startup!

Posted (edited)

It seems we can change also inside configwizard.js :

On line 1096:

HandleConditionsSelectionMenu(!InsertCondValues ? "ConnectedToInternet()" : 'ConnectedToInternet("'+ConnToNet+'")');

On line 1108:

HandleConditionsSelectionMenu(!InsertCondValues ? "isDesktopLoaded()" : 'isDesktopLoaded("'+DesktopLoaded+'")');

To see these Conditions.


Edited by myselfidem
Posted (edited)

To avoid making changes on all Themes for WPI inside: WPI\Themes\Win7\installer.css

We can remove my first suggestion to add inside installer.css (line 77: .WPI_Txt): white-space: nowrap;

And we can add inside Installer.hta on line 419:

<div class="WPI_Text" style="position:relative; height:13px; font-family:arial; font-size:8pt; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap;">

Thanks and regards

Edited by myselfidem
Posted (edited)

Inside: .\WPI\Common\Themes\Windows\wpi.htm

We can add some value:

1 - Line 15 ( />) (also inside Installer.hta: at line 262)

<bgsound id="TimerSound" src="#" loop="1" autostart="true" />

Thanks and regards


We can also change inside: optionswizardtemplate_sounds.htm (and on all htm files)

Changing all value: <nobr></nobr>

<div id="lblSndWPIStart" class="opTxt" align="absmiddle"></div>


<td nowrap>
<div id="lblSndWPIStart" class="opTxt" align="absmiddle"></div>

Edited by myselfidem
Posted (edited)

Actually IF you read our reference sheet it is wpi as:

"==" Equal to (not "=", which assigns a value to a variable.)

"!=" Not equal to

It is possible to add inside the manual on Chapter-7.html:

Comparison operator

!== Not identical

We can see this operator inside api.js


Edited by myselfidem
Posted (edited)

It seems an error inside: themewizardtemplate.htm

On line 29: correct values are ?


Inside: aboutwpitemplate_changelog.htm

On line 9 missing: </div>

<legend><div id="legChangeLog"></div></legend>


*Edit: inside themewizardtemplate_tooltips.htm

We can remove the line 651: </tr> (unwanted line)

Edited by myselfidem
Posted (edited)

WPI doesn't install fonts from the start like it should.

I don't know if this can solve the trouble, but on previous version on wpi.htm this was like this on first lines:

<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="../Themes/'+Theme+'/wpi_theme.js" application="yes"></' + 'script>');
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="./Themes/Windows/customthemecode.js" application="yes"></' + 'script>');

Now on the line 6 , there is a double slashes (//)

Could you give us more details, please?


Edited by myselfidem

On past versions of WPI, bit lost somewhere in code changes WPI is supposed to install fonts from the fonts folder to the OS when it starts after the option is checked.

It completlt ignores that option now and I am having a dickens of a time finding it.

Posted (edited)

Thanks Kels!

I see a missing part (first part writed on previous version) on line 590 inside registry_dos.js

for (var files=new Enumerator(thisFolder.Files); !files.atEnd(); files.moveNext())


Edited by myselfidem

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