myselfidem Posted January 20, 2013 Posted January 20, 2013 (edited) However, it seems to solve the little slight leftward movement it's needed also to change inside:themewizardtemplate_tooltips.htmMove </div> to line 503 and </div> to line 525 like this:<div id="TextPaddingValue" class="opTxt" style="width:3em;"></div><div id="TransparencyValue" class="opTxt" style="width:3em;"></div>Thanks and regards*Edit:Move </div> to line 10 inside aboutwpitemplate_changelog.htm<div id="ChangeLog" class="opTxt" style="width:100%; height:225px; overflow:auto;"></div> Edited January 22, 2013 by myselfidem
myselfidem Posted January 21, 2013 Posted January 21, 2013 (edited) About icon inside WPI Installer, I suggest as test to try to change inside the file, to display the wpi.ico:Installer.hta change:<script type="text/javascript"> document.write('<script type="text/javascript"' + ('<HTA:APPLICATION ID="oWPI_Installer"' + ' application="yes"' + ' singleInstance="yes"' + ' applicationName="Windows Post-Install Wizard Installer"' + ' version="'+ShortVersion+'"' + ' icon=""' + ' border="dialog"' + ' borderStyle="normal"' + ' innerBorder="no"' + ' caption="yes"' + ' sysMenu="no"' + ' contextMenu="no"' + ' minimizeButton="no"' + ' maximizeButton="no"' + ' navigable="yes"' + ' scroll="no"' + ' scrollFlat="no"' + ' selection="no"' + ' showInTaskBar="yes"' + ' windowState="normal"' + ' />') + ' </' + 'script>'); </script>Icon used downloading the Avatar.png on the web site (changing to WPI.ico with GIMP):Installer windowTested and works fine!The icon will be fixed inside Installer and it seems start is faster !Thanks to check if it's OK.RegardsWPI Installer icon*Edit: french manual updated (added Comparison operator ===)*Edit: script updated*Edit2: However, the window Installer can be resized using the script above! Edited April 3, 2013 by myselfidem
jinkazama Posted January 24, 2013 Posted January 24, 2013 Italian Language for 8.6.5Please update it to use 8.6.5 in italianlang_it.js
chymax3m Posted January 25, 2013 Posted January 25, 2013 Had the language file been updated? Send me please English lang file in PM and i'll update Ukrainian one.
myselfidem Posted January 29, 2013 Posted January 29, 2013 (edited) I would suggest to add "function getProductKey" inside WPI to know the Windows key!I found the code here (at the bottom of the web page):JS/VB Product Key Viewer (THANK YOU RPGFAN!) 1 - Adding inside wmi.js (from line 349); [or maybe inside core.js and wmi.js ?] :function getProductKey(){ position="wmi.js"; whatfunc="getProductKey()"; // Thanks to TheTeenScripter var shell = new ActiveXObject(""); var DigiProdId = shell.RegRead("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\DigitalProductId"); DigiProdId = DigiProdId.toArray(); var binaryKey = new Array(); for(i=52;i<67;i++) { binaryKey[binaryKey.length] = DigiProdId[i]; } var digits = new Array('B','C','D','F','G','H','J','K','M','P','Q','R','T','V','W','X','Y','2','3','4','6','7','8','9'); var decodedKey = new Array(); // Will be 25 characters at the end for (var i = 24; i >= 0; i--) { var k = 0; for (var j = binaryKey.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { k = (k << 8) + binaryKey[j]; binaryKey[j] = (k / 24) & 255; //The "& 255" converts the k %= 24; //value to a byte. } decodedKey.unshift(digits[k]); } var ProductKey = ""; for(i=0;i<decodedKey.length;i++) { ProductKey += decodedKey[i]; if(Math.floor((i+1)/5) == (i+1)/5 && i != decodedKey.length-1) { ProductKey += "-"; } } return ProductKey;}2 - Inside information.js (line 119):MyComputerGrid.addRow(gId++,getText(lblProductKey)+','+getProductKey()+'');3 - Inside global_lang.js (line 321):var lblProductKey=[];4 - Inside global.js (line 198):var SystemEnclosureType, ProductKey;5 - Inside lang_en.js (at the bottom: line 1102)lblProductKey[lang] = ['Product Key'];On line 1100 inside lang_en.js (missing ; at last):lblNumberOfCores[lang] = ['Number Of Cores']; Tested and works fine!Thanks and regards Edited January 29, 2013 by myselfidem
myselfidem Posted January 30, 2013 Posted January 30, 2013 (edited) As previously made by Francesco, we can fix a bug using Dependencies (adding a blank line): inside configwizard.js on line 833:if ((document.getElementById("uid").disabled) || (document.getElementById("cmd1").disabled)) Alert("",getText(txtMustAddCommand),"",3,-1,0,0);;The alert box will appear now (and no more text on the top-left window !)Tested and works fine! Thanks to check if it's OK.RegardsAlert Box Dependencies ImageMaybe it would be useful to change also the message box and add (for example):lang_en.js (line 972):txtMustAddCommand[lang] = ['You must add a program name (UID) and also a command entry through the \'Add\' button before being able to perform this opreation'];Regards*Edit: post updated Edited February 2, 2013 by myselfidem
myselfidem Posted January 31, 2013 Posted January 31, 2013 (edited) Bug Fix about Downloading files with WPI using Windows 7 or Windows 8:Manage BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) with Windows PowerShellUsing Windows PowerShell to Create BITS Transfer Jobs (Windows)Previous versions of Windows provided command-line management of BITS using the BITSAdmin.exe tool. In Windows 7, BITSAdmin.exe is deprecated. Instead, you should use the Windows PowerShell cmdlets.To download successfully ({DOWNLOAD}) a file from Internet using Windows 7 or Windows 8, we must add some changes inside installer.js:From line 1338 we can add:if (getOSver()=="Win7" || getOSver()=="Win8") cmdLine='Powershell Start-BitsTransfer -Source '+URL+' -Destination "%TEMP%\\'+Filename+'" -TransferType Download'; fsoCmd=true;if (getOSver()=="2K" || getOSver()=="XP" || getOSver()=="Vista")Tested successfully: and regards*Edit: post and command updated! Edited February 23, 2013 by myselfidem
myselfidem Posted February 2, 2013 Posted February 2, 2013 (edited) @KelsWhat do you think about adding some useful infos inside wpi.css to customize Theme, like this:wpi.css (partial infos):.navTxt /* text icons on the left: Options, Configuration... */{ font-family: tahoma; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff; font-size: 16pt;}.timerHeader /* text over the counter */{ font-family: arial; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt;}.timer /* digital counter */{ font-family: arial; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; font-size: 24pt;}Thanks and regards Edited February 2, 2013 by myselfidem
ZEUS__ Posted February 4, 2013 Posted February 4, 2013 line 173 replaced with its true meaning.. also I began to translate manual for Turkish, hope I translate it as soon as possible.lang_tr.js
myselfidem Posted February 6, 2013 Posted February 6, 2013 (edited) About Edition ID for Windows XP.Result: NOT_FOUND with my Windows XP localized french version.But, changing inside wmi.js (from line 115) to:if (szOSVerCache=="XP") { szEditionIDCache=objItem.Caption; }Tested and works fine! I think it's OK for all localized Windows XP version!Thanks to check if it's OK.Image Windows XP EditionRegards*Edit: post updated Edited February 12, 2013 by myselfidem
myselfidem Posted February 7, 2013 Posted February 7, 2013 (edited) Note: about function getSysPCType() inside wmi.js:There is no result on Windows XP ("Unspecified"):Win32_ComputerSystem class (Windows)PCSystemTypeData type: uint16Access type: Read-onlyType of the computer in use, such as laptop, desktop, or Tablet.Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows Me/98/95: This property is not available. Maybe we can add a comment inside wmi.js (on line 1209):// This property is not available for: Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows Me/98/95. Thanks and regards. Edited February 12, 2013 by myselfidem
myselfidem Posted February 8, 2013 Posted February 8, 2013 (edited) Inside wmi.js we can add on line 940:if (objItem.MediaType.toUpperCase().indexOf("DVD WRITER") != -1 || objItem.PNPDeviceID.toUpperCase().indexOf("DVD") != -1)Adding the second part we can see all values also with Windows XP. CD\DVD Burner was not detected before on XP, but only on Windows 7.Tested on my computer with dualboot (Windows XP and Windows 7) and works fine!Thanks and regards Edited February 10, 2013 by myselfidem
myselfidem Posted February 12, 2013 Posted February 12, 2013 (edited) I suggest to add a new function for WPI.1 - Detect KeyboardLayout inside wmi.js (from line 348) :function getKeyboardLayout(){ position="wmi.js"; whatfunc="getKeyboardLayout()"; try { objWMIService=GetObject("winmgmts:\\\\" + "." + "\\root\\CIMV2"); colItems=objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem", "WQL", wbemFlagReturnImmediately | wbemFlagForwardOnly); enumItems=new Enumerator(colItems); objItem=enumItems.item(); KeyboardLayout=objItem.Locale; } catch(ex) { } return KeyboardLayout;}Add inside global.js// wmi.js var KeyboardLayout;Add inside global_lang.jsvar lblKeyboardLayout=[];Add inside information.js (on line 119):MyComputerGrid.addRow(gId++,getText(lblKeyboardLayout)+','+getKeyboardLayout()+'');Add inside lang_en.jslblKeyboardLayout[lang] = ['Keyboard Layout'];2 - To display properly Language, location and keybordlayout, I suggest to change:Inside core.jsChange // %OSLANG% to:// %OSLANG% var LCID; CreateLocalArray(); try { objWMIService=GetObject("winmgmts:\\\\" + "." + "\\root\\CIMV2"); colItems=objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem", "WQL", wbemFlagReturnImmediately | wbemFlagForwardOnly); enumItems=new Enumerator(colItems); objItem=enumItems.item(); LCID=objItem.Locale; for (var x=0; x<arrOSLang.length; x++) { if (arrOSLang[x].LCID==LCID) { oslang=arrOSLang[x].TLA; oslocale=arrOSLang[x].Locale; break; } } } catch(ex) { oslang="ENU"; oslocale="English - United States"; } // Environment variable for batch file setEnvVar("HDD",hdd,false); setEnvVar("CDDRV",cddrv,false); setEnvVar("WPIPATH",wpipath,false); setEnvVar("ROOT",root,false); setEnvVar("OSLANG",oslang,false); setEnvVar("OSLOCALE",oslocale,false); }And remove inside core.js:function DecToHex(d){ position="core.js"; whatfunc="DecToHex()"; var hD="0123456789abcdef"; var h=hD.substr(d&15,1); while(d>15) { d>>=4; h=hD.substr(d&15,1)+h; } return h;}Image Computer InformationTested and works fine for me!Example:config.jspn=1;prog[pn]=['Ashampoo'];uid[pn]=['ASHAMPOO'];ordr[pn]=[1];dflt[pn]=['yes'];forc[pn]=['no'];bit64[pn]=['no'];cat[pn]=['Applications'];pfro[pn]=['no'];cmds[pn]=['{OS=Win8%comma%Win7%comma%Vista%comma%XP} "%wpipath%\\Install\\abs6_free.exe"'];cond[pn]=['getOSlang()=="FRS"'];pn++;WPI_Log.txtFichier journal de l'installation WPIDébut de l'installation: mardi 12 février 2013 13:42:47Information WPI: Version=8.6.5 Exécutable utilisé=true Version d'Internet Explorer=9.0 Connexion Internet=trueSystème d'exploitation Version du Système=6.1 Système d'exploitation=Win7 Version actuelle=7601 ID Edition=Ultimate Edition Service Pack=1Architecture Nom de l'Architecture=GenuineIntel Chaîne du Nom de l'Architecture=Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz ID Architecture=x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 1 Nombre de Processeurs=1 MHz=3000 Type d'Architecture=x86 Bits Architecture=32 Fichier Configuration=C:\WPI_v8.6.5\UserFiles\config.js Fichier Options=C:\WPI_v8.6.5\UserFiles\useroptions.js Fichier Réseau=C:\WPI_v8.6.5\UserFiles\networkoptions.js Fichier Thème=C:\WPI_v8.6.5\UserFiles\themeoptions.js Fichier Options Fenêtre=C:\WPI_v8.6.5\UserFiles\windowoptions.js// Window tab Resolution=1024 MainWindowWidth=800 MainWindowHeight=600 MainWindowX=-1 MainWindowY=-1 InstallerWindowX=25 InstallerWindowY=25// General tab NumCols=3 // --- Timer=true Seconds=59 StartBeepAtSecs=10 // --- Language='fr' // --- DefaultInstallPath='default' CustomInstallPath=[''] // --- AbortInstallIfFailure=false ExecuteCommandIfFailure=[''] ContinueWhereFailed=false// Features tab ShowDownloadOutput=false DisableInstallCombobox=false ShowExtraButtons=true DoNotShowIfCD=true USSFSilentMode=false VerifyInstallHDD=false AllowCheckForInternet=false LoadDesktopBeforeInstall=false ReOpenAfterInstall=false DisableCatCheckBoxes=false SortWithinCats=false DisableOnDepsNotMet=true AlwaysUseScrollBar=true DontSplitCats=true InstallByCategory=true ReallyForce=false DisableIfDoGray=false InstallFonts=false ShowCommandInInstaller=false ShowInstallerImages=false AlwaysShowOutputWindow=false EjectCDWhenDone=false DoNotShowIfUSB=false DisableHotKeys=false MaintainAutoLogonCount=false// Tools tab MonitorResolution=0 MonitorDepth=0 MonitorRefresh=0 // --- ExecuteBeforeEnabled=false ExecuteBeforebit64=false ExecuteBefore=[''] ExecuteAfterEnabled=false ExecuteAfterbit64=false ExecuteAfter=[''] // --- RestartComputer=false RestartType=0 RestartSeconds=30 DoNotLoadDesktop=true // --- LogInstallation=true LogPath=['%systemdrive%\WPI_Log.txt']; TimeStampLogFile=false// Audio tab PlayAudioInInstaller=false InstallAudio=[''] Volume=75 Shuffle=false CopyAudioFolder=false CopyAudioPath=['C:\Audio'] DeleteAudioFolder=false// Sounds tab SndWPIStartCB=true SndWPIStart=['"%wpipath%\Audio\SoundsScheme\Alert.wav"']; SndInstallStartCB=true SndInstallStart=['"%wpipath%\Audio\SoundsScheme\AtBeginning.wav"']; SndInstallSuccessCB=false SndInstallSuccess=['"%wpipath%\Audio\SoundsScheme\Yes.wav"']; SndInstallFailCB=false SndInstallFail=['"%wpipath%\Audio\SoundsScheme\No.wav"']; SndInstallFinishCB=false SndInstallFinish=['"%wpipath%\Audio\SoundsScheme\AtEnd.wav"'];// Style tab Theme='Win7' Skin='SkyBlue' BgPicture='' // --- LayoutStyle=3 // --- ShowToolTips=trueVariables Globales: %OSLANG%=FRS %WPIPATH%=C:\WPI_v8.6.5 %ROOT%=C: %CDROM%= %USB%= %DOSPATH%= %SYSTEMDRIVE%=C: %WINDIR%=C:\Windows %PROGRAMFILES%=C:\Program Files %TEMP%=C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Local\Temp %SYSDIR%=C:\Windows\System32 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%=C:\ProgramData %USERPROFILE%=C:\Users\Antoine %APPDATA%=C:\Users\Antoine\AppData\Roaming %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%=C:\Program Files\Common FilesListe des programmes à installer: Ashampoo1 Eléments, 1 Commandes-----mardi 12 février 2013 13:42:49 Programme: Ashampoo ID unique: ASHAMPOO Ordre: 000001 Catégorie: Applications mardi 12 février 2013 13:43:13 - cmd1 Succès (Code de retour 0): "C:\WPI_v8.6.5\Install\abs6_free.exe" mardi 12 février 2013 13:43:14 - Installation terminée.-----Nombre d'installations échouées: 0Installation terminée: mardi 12 février 2013 13:43:14Thanks to check if it's OK!Regards Edited February 12, 2013 by myselfidem
myselfidem Posted February 24, 2013 Posted February 24, 2013 (edited) To enable DragAndDrop inside Configuration Tab, we can add inside configwizard.js:Line 185; about: function CreateNavigation() NavGrid.enableDragAndDrop(true); Line 228; about: function CreateConfigurations()ConfigurationsGrid.enableDragAndDrop(true); Thanks to check if it's OK!Tested and works fine for me.RegardsImage Enable Drag And DropNote: To keep the new order we must change the number(s) manually! Edited June 2, 2013 by myselfidem
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