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I was attacked viciously by this nasty virus last night. It started infecting so many exe files right before my eyes. I quickly turned off my computer before it could do anymore damage and disconnected my external drive which has all my important data on it. So, what the real question is is how can I protect myself on Windows 2000 so this doesn't happen again? The one thing I should make clear is I didn't have a firewall which I have downloaded since. But since I'm on Windows 7 for the time being, I thought I'd ask to see what you diehard Windows 2000 users do to protect yourself. I used the unofficial rollup to make sure I was completely patched and I also used blackwingcat's kernel extender as well. I had AVG 9.0 which was only out of date for a month since I hadn't obtained the latest updates. I use Google Chrome for my browser as I don't even touch IE6. The only thing I really do on my computer internet wise is visit this site, very rarely Facebook and I don't do anything on there worth even being there to be truthful. I check my email via Outlook 2003 and I chat every night with my fiancee on IRC. Other than that, I do nothing else internet wise so where I picked this up from, I have no idea. The virus did cause minimal damage to my external but AVG healed most of it but I lost my unofficial rollup which I can just get again. But I'm only on dialup so it's not like I have a fast connection to begin with. I would really appreciate some input because I'm not ready to throw in the Windows 2000 towel yet. I love that OS because it's very fast and as far as I'm concerned, better than anything else Microsoft has released. Windows 7 is very sluggish to me where Windows 2000 was nearly instant. Any input is greatly appreciated!

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Win32/Virut - from MS

Win32/Virut is a family of file infecting viruses that target and infect .EXE and .SCR files accessed on infected systems. Win32/Virut also opens a backdoor by connecting to an IRC server, allowing a remote attacker to download and run files on the infected computer.
I chat every night with my fiancee on IRC

Otherwise, I'd say you've probably done properly AFAIK...

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I've been using IRC for years and never had this until now, I did happen to see that when I was reading though. The server I use is systemnet.info if that helps. If we have to, we can always switch to something else.

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Outlook 2003 isn't probably the most secure e-mail client... :whistle:

Which ffirewall have you installed? Among free software Malware Defender is probably the most current version of FW supporting Windows 2000. As for AV, Avast 7 still supports W2K while other free solutions (AVG, Avira) don't do it anymore.

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