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Found it! The point is that i turned off the tooltips in my WPI. I'll try to translate them in a comprehensive way than check the whole lang file for mistakes and in few days I'll send You it.


Hello! Mostly finished translation, but found one string - 'Accordions' funny but in Ukrainian it means a music instrument :whistle: Could You tell me what is that string about?


Hello, i found a "bug" in some way: all the language's names in the options wizard reflect in an appropriate language except Ukrainian, which must reflect as "Українська". Could You fix it?

I have fixed it in my archive Just open optionswizard_languagecombo.js in notepad and change yours...
Sorry, but it was mine mistake, i forgot to tell You that I've made those changes when started translation, but running 8.5 version didn't find that ...As for the theme with 4th style, look mine variant


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