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WPI_v8.5.8 test!!

"C:\Audio" With quotation marks it Fail...no music !!!

C:\Audio This work fine!!...music play well^^


case 'DELDIR':

cmd="CMD /C RMDIR /S /Q "+ cmd; this one Fail here to...Warning is back!!!..Audio folder still on HHD.

case 'DELDIR':

cmd="CMD /C RD /S /Q " + cmd; Stay by this one...this work fine Audio folder is now remove^^.


With these changes it works fine...Thanks for your hard work on this Fix Kel..

Grt Whatsup.

Edited by Whatsup
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Kel you should try just \Audio without C: drive letter

I use just a backslash+foldername with the cmd prompt in my waik commands because it automatically assumes the folder is on the system drive (worth a try)

Edited by ricktendo64
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About the path to copy Audio foder on HDD.

At first time the path is writed inside the box when a user wants copy the Audio folder and remove after the installation is done, but if we uncheck the remove and copy option and uncheck Audio Player, we can see if we select a new time the Audio Player that the box to write the installation path is empty and we can write: C:\

Block the path to C:\WPI_Audio would be a fine security for everyone. That mean we can not write inside the box even if we uncheck boxes.

About the error if I select some applications and not all to install, when Windows restart there is a message on the taskbar: Error: Windows could not connect to the Event System Service, after 4 minutes to restart.

I think we must keep the path to C:\WPI_Audio to write the music playlist inside Install.m3u file!


Edited by myselfidem
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Kel you should try just \Audio without C: drive letter

I use just a backslash+foldername with the cmd prompt in my waik commands because it automatically assumes the folder is on the system drive (worth a try)

Hi ricktendo64.

I test your option..but sorry it fail here.

Grt Whatsup

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We can see inside Install.m3u file that using quotes for the path to copy and remove the folder give errors:


The music is only displayed using a path without quotes.



But with mp3 files there is a warning message like said Whatsup: The command RMDIR gives the error and path with quotes doesn't work (no music displayed)

Same result as Whatsup.


Edited by myselfidem
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Is there a reason why

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<style type="text/css">
img, div, input, span { behavior: url("../WPIScripts/iepngfix.htc") }

has been removed from WPI.HTA? Without that transparency doesn't work in IE6.

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Using RD or RMDIR inside the installer.js works fine!

Give error because a space is missing inside the line 1177:

case 'DELDIR':

cmd="CMD /C RMDIR /S /Q "space missing+ cmd;




// Audio tab


vendredi 24 août 2012 08:25:39
Programme: Copie du dossier audio sur le disque dur
Ordre: 0
Catégorie: WPI Built In
vendredi 24 août 2012 08:25:39 - cmd1 Succès (Code de retour 0): CMD /C XCOPY C:\WPI_v8.5.8\Audio "C:\WPI_Audio" /C /I /E /Y /H /R
vendredi 24 août 2012 08:25:39 - Installation terminée.


vendredi 24 août 2012 08:25:39
Programme: VLC
ID unique: VLC
Ordre: 000001
Catégorie: Applications
vendredi 24 août 2012 08:25:55 - cmd1 Succès (Code de retour 0): "C:\WPI_v8.5.8\Install\vlc-2.0.3-win32.exe" /S
vendredi 24 août 2012 08:25:55 - Installation terminée.


vendredi 24 août 2012 08:25:58
Programme: Suppression du dossier audio sur le disque dur
Ordre: 0
Catégorie: WPI Built In
vendredi 24 août 2012 08:25:58 - cmd1 Succès (Code de retour 0): CMD /C RMDIR /S /Q "C:\WPI_Audio"
vendredi 24 août 2012 08:25:58 - Installation terminée.


Nombre d'installations échouées: 0

Installation terminée: vendredi 24 août 2012 08:25:59



Take care with the spaces inside the command you have changed!

case 'DELDIR':

cmd="CMD /C RD /S /Q(space in)"(space in)+(space in)cmd;

Edited by myselfidem
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Is there a reason why

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<style type="text/css">
img, div, input, span { behavior: url("../WPIScripts/iepngfix.htc") }

has been removed from WPI.HTA? Without that transparency doesn't work in IE6.

Thanks Francesco. This is also missing inside Installer.hta

This code was inside previous version (WPI 8.0.0)


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Take care with the spaces inside the command you have changed!

I did not change it..only copy en past here for info.

But Thanks for the info...I'll keep an eye on^^

Could you try now changing the command inside installer.js, like this, and let us know the result?:

case 'DELDIR':
cmd="CMD /C RMDIR /S /Q " + cmd;

Works fine for me!

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Honestly? I am nearly ready to remove the whole feature. I have spent 40+ hours on it in the past week...

I can fix the quotes issue but I only get the damned audio folder to delete half of the time...

I'm really sorry.that it so much time cost you...that was not my intention..again sorry Kel.

To make it clear for you:


C:\Audio Fix my music start...work great like this way.



if (PlayAudioInInstaller && DeleteAudioFolder && programs.uid=="DELETE_AUDIO_FROM_HD") // Stop player so can delete folder






Pause(0,2500); Fix the Audio folder removed from HD works great like this way...


Thx alot for all your time...and again sorry.

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Honestly? I am nearly ready to remove the whole feature. I have spent 40+ hours on it in the past week...

I can fix the quotes issue but I only get the damned audio folder to delete half of the time...

It's just a little error inside the command!


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