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Yes, old winload.exe can load XP/2003, version of bootmgr doesn't matter.

If I remember right the Vista RTM version was the last working one.


But a small problem was that they checked for digital signature of the kernel.

And XP has no signed kernel.


Hello Sir,


Which of the following method is more better (in terms of occupied Disk Space ) in order to create smallest

 'WTG + WimBoot + VHDX' Setup ?


1- WimLib way here (does NOT require win8.1u1 winpe).

2- WinNTSetup v3.6.1 way here


Note- WimLib way end up with a C drive occupied by only 250 MB (before 1st boot where pagefile.sys and hyberfil.sys will be created).


Thanks and Regards

Posted (edited)
Hello Sir,


I got following error message for my 'install.esd' file.


Does following error occur for encrypted ESD files or I am doing else wrong 


How can I find out that my 'install.esd' is either encrypted or un-encrypted ?


Can I expect supports of encrypted ESD files from 'WinNTSetup 3' in near future ?




Edited by devdevadev
Posted (edited)

You can not use esd files for wimboot.


For encrypted files, well you will notice it, if you try to apply them with any tool.

I can't support them without making changes to the wim files and that's not an option.


But maybe wimlib will support them in future ...

Edited by JFX
Posted (edited)

HEy JFX.......


You can not use esd files for wimboot.


For encrypted files, well you will notice it, if you try to apply them with any tool.

I can't support them without making changes to the wim files and that's not an option.


But maybe wimlib will support them in future ...


Thanks, Now after uncheck 'WIMboot' option my 'install.esd' work properly. It means it is not encrypted. 


But How can I decide that 'install.esd' is encrypted/Un-encrypted ?


Final Version 3.6.0

- new option to use wimlib 1.7.0 for all WIM operations*
- wrong error message for VHD checks
- fixed applying failed on to low system free space
- fixed avoid wimboot uses on server type OS
- fixed applying to a folder if current working dir has the same root as install drive
- added -regtweaks:{path} commandline and gui option

*You have to add the wimlib dll files to "Tool\x??\wimlib" folder
and add "-wimlib" commandline parameter

I had created  'WTG + WimBoot + VHDX' Setup using 'WinNTSetup v.3.6.1' and 'install.wim' file. And it successfully completed and worked.


I had not added anything (wimlib dll files to "Tool\x??\wimlib" folder and  "-wimlib" commandline parameter ) in the WinNTSetup3\Tools\x86\wimlib folder, then why 'WIMBoot' successfully created ?


 But maybe wimlib will support them in future ...


Does you mean that 'WinNTSetup 3' and 'wimlib' uses different technique for creating WIMBoot ?


Does 'WinNTSeteup v.3.6.1' uses any other technique for 'WIMBoot' other than WimLib way ?


Which of the following three method will save maximum Disk Space ?

1-  WTG + WimBoot + VHDX

2-  WTG + VHDX

3-  Normal WTG


Which of the above method is best in term of 'Disk Space' , 'Speed' and 'Performance' ?


Question-  Will I have to use 'Dynamically Expanding VHD' in order to keep the size of the 'Windows81.vhdx' as minimum as possible so that there will be NO free space wastage within the 'Windows81.vhdx' ?




Edited by devdevadev


Seems you learn by asking, but not reading or actually trying something.

Well let me answer questions in numeric order.


1. encrypted install.esd have an ENCRYPTEDESD node inside their XML

2. WinNTSetup doesn't require wimlib for wimboot, if you use windows 8.1 upd 1.

3. Both using the "technique" on Windows 8.1 upd 1, but wimlib can do this experimental on older windows versions, too.

4. same as 3

5. the 1st of course, saving disk space is the purpose of wimboot

6. 3rd!

7. well yes, that the point of dynamic vhd's


Well, sorry, this is off-topic, but I was very unpleasantly surprised todat that the very good Com! magazin (German) is, well, basically DEAD! JFX, did you read the magazine regularly? Have you seen the new format ("August" issue)? What do you think? I think it's a bloody shame!


Congratulations JFX, you're in the latest issue of "Com! Magazin" (German)!!!!

(Article "Boot from NAS", starting at page 44, WinNTSetup 3.4 is on pages 47,50 and 54).



No, I generally don't read any PC related magazines.

What happened, that they get you so upset?

Posted (edited)

Hello JFX Sir,


First thousands of thanks and regards for such a useful information........


Can I use 'WIMBoot.wim' as a Source in 'WinNTSetup v.3.6.1' in order to create 'WTG + WimBoot + VHDX' combo ?


Do you know about a Script/Tool/Commands/Method in order to convert 'install.esd' into 'WIMBoot.wim'

directly ?




Edited by devdevadev

Well yeah, it should work, but you have to copy the wimboot.wim to the UDF before using WinNTSetup.


To convert your esd try: wimlib-imagex export /?


Oh sorry, I thought maybe you read the WinNTSetup-related parts from time to time (didn't they send you the mag when your program was mentioned, like ChrisR?).

The magazine had a complete change (guess it will stop soon), without informing any of the subscribers beforehand...

I only read the online version anyway, no biggie for me, but I can imagine people who paid for their subscription being quite disappointed....


No, I generally don't read any PC related magazines.

What happened, that they get you so upset?

Posted (edited)

Well yeah, it should work, but you have to copy the wimboot.wim to the UDF before using WinNTSetup.


To convert your esd try: wimlib-imagex export /?


I could not understand Where I have to copy 'WIMBoot.wim' before using WinNTSetup ?


What do you mean by UDF ? Should I have to copy 'WIMBoot.wim' into 'UFD- USB Flash Drive' ?


Can you please describe in little detailed steps ?



Edited by devdevadev

Hello JFX


I want to request you for a little advancement in next release of 'WinNTSetup' which is as follow-


If possible then can you please introduce a new 'Check Box' option in next release of 'WinNTSetup' in such a way so that when we choose 'install.esd' as a source along with 'WIMBoot' option then 'Check Box' become activated automatically and convert 'install.esd' to 'WIMBoot.wim' with the help of 'wimlib' , Copy 'WIMBoot.wim' to the root of Boot Drive, Capture WIMBoot Installation and Apply 'WIMBoot.wim' to the 'Installation Drive' ?


If interested then you can also allow us to Check/Uncheck new 'Check Box' option when we choose 'install.wim' as a source along with 'WIMBoot' option and perform exactly the same process as described above for 'install.esd' + 'WIMBoot' combination.


Note- New 'Check Box' option will be activated only when we choose 'WIMBoot' option otherwise 'WinNTSetup' behave as usual for both 'install.esd' and 'install.wim' .


I have thousands of hope from JFX for above advancement............


Thanks in Advance




Oh sorry, I thought maybe you read the WinNTSetup-related parts from time to time (didn't they send you the mag when your program was mentioned, like ChrisR?).

The magazine had a complete change (guess it will stop soon), without informing any of the subscribers beforehand...

I only read the online version anyway, no biggie for me, but I can imagine people who paid for their subscription being quite disappointed....

No, I only took a small look on the last issue, were winntsetup was used to install to NAS.



Let's wait how wimboot will evolve, before adding such feature.

There would be a need to add much more options than just copying or converting the wim format.

Posted (edited)

Hello JFX.....


As my 'Win8.1ToGO.vhdx' is Dynamically Expanding VHDX so I do not want to keep more spare space within 'Win8.1ToGO.vhdx'. I want to keep 'Win8.1ToGO.vhdx' as smallest as possible so that it just contain extracted files required for WIMBoot.



What would be the smallest sizes of 'Win8.1ToGO.vhdx' so than I can just apply x86/x64 'WIMBoot.wim' into 'Win8.1ToGO.vhdx' with the help of 'WinNTSetup v.3.6.1' ?




Edited by devdevadev

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