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Hi JFX... How we can detect if Disk n is a bootable Disk using command prompt in boot.wim WinPE environment . I have seen that WinNTSetup have following indicators in the UI. GPT / MBR BOOTMGR PBR EFI PART / BOOT PART How exactly WinNTSetup get above three parameters. How we can do the same using .cmd batch for detecting if Disk 1 is bootable or not ? Please help...
WinNTSetup_x64.exe CAPTURE-CLI J:\ "D:\Wimboot\" "MinWin-10x64-LZX.wim" "MinWin-10x64-LZX_220803_044206" "MinWin LZX WIMBOOT IMAGE" -compress lzx -config WimScript.ini Is above WinNTSetup_x64.exe CAPTURE-CLI command is equivalent to following 'wimlib capture in wimboot mode' command ? " Path to wimlib_x64 folder\wimlib-imagex.exe" capture J:\ "D:\Wimboot\MinWin-10x64-LZX.wim" "MinWin-10x64-LZX_220803_044206" "J:/ ==wimboot" --include-integrity --wimboot --compress=LZX ~~~ Commandline Switches for CAPTURE and CAPTURE-CLI : image_path image_file "image_name" ["description"] - /compress [xpress|lzx|lzms] - set the compress type - /config WimScript.ini - Enables use of a configuration file for exclusion and compression options. There is no switch for wimboot capture in CAPTURE-CLI ? There is a confusion between image path and image file . Can you please a bit describe what to use here ? Where I should use Volume Drive Letter in CAPTURE-CLI command ? Thanks & Regards...
Hi....JFX MBR-BIOS >> - /mbr - Creates 1 active primary NTFS partition in MBR drive layout GPT-UEFI >> - /gpt - Creates 1 NTFS and 1 hidden ESP partition in GPT drive layout MBR-BIOS/UEFI >> - /mbresp - Creates 1 NTFS and 1 hidden ESP partition in MBR drive layout WinNTSetup_x64.exe VHD-CREATE -file:C:\WIMBOOT.vhd -size:2GB -type:fixedfast -label:VHD_WIMBOOT -mbresp -fat32:100 What switch I should use for MBR -BIOS/UEFI option so it will Creates 1 NTFS and 1 hidden ESP partition in MBR drive layout ? [vhd] # set the size of the hidden boot partition in MB # size limit is 50 MB minimum, 1000 maximum bootpartsize=320 - /fat32:{size} - sepcify the FAT32 boot partition size (50 - 1000 MB) Create boot files Select as boot Drive Assign drive letter Currently only FAT32 Part size setting/switch is available. How I can define remaining three settings using command prompt / .ini settings ? WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 -source:%source% -tempDrive:Z: -sysPart: HDD-1:2 - ESP (FAT32, 94.0 MB) This command does not work. What switch I should use to select ESP FAT32 Part of VHD as boot drive ? If VHD Drive Z: is Installation drive, then why not it auto select ESP FAT32 Part as boot drive ? Will WinNTSetup create boot files within ESP FAT32 Part if installing Windows into VHD using command promt ? Do you use any variables for ESP Partitions ? Please help... Thanks & Regards....
Hi JFX, Thanks for the new MinWin feature. Please also provide command line support for 'MinWin' and 'WimBoot' Windows Installation using WinNTSetup Command Line so we can perform fully unattended 'MinWin' and 'WimBoot' Installation. Thanks & Regards...
Hi JFX... @JFX @jaclaz @wimb @alacran FOR VHD INSTALL- "%wpath%\WinNTSetup%pp%.exe" VHD-CREATE -file:"%FREEDRIVE%\WIMBOOT\Win10x64-WB.vhd" -size:15GB -type:expandable -label:"Win10x64-WB" set e=%errorlevel% set "ALPHABET=_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZYZ" call set VHD_DRIVE=%%ALPHABET:~%e%,1%% if "%VHD_DRIVE%"=="" echo ERROR! if "%VHD_DRIVE%"=="_" echo ERROR! echo Win10x64-WB.vhd is mounted as %VHD_DRIVE% "%wpath%\WinNTSetup%pp%.exe" NT6 -source:"%isopath%" -wimindex:"2" -syspart:%SYSPART% -tempdrive:%VHD_DRIVE% -unattend:"%XML%" -drivers:"%E2BDRIVE%\SVBus" -Sysletter:C -RunAfter:"COPY_VHD_WIMBOOT_FILES.cmd %E2BDRIVE% %VHD_DRIVE% %OSPART%" -setup -reboot -testSigning FOR VHD CAPTURE- I use following command to Capture Win10x64-WB.vhd to Win10x64-WB.wim in WIMBOOT mode. wimlib-imagex.exe capture %VHD_DRIVE% C:\WIMBOOT\W10x64-WB.wim --config=%E2BDRIVE%\VHD_WIMBOOT\WimBootCompress-2019-03-31.ini --include-integrity --wimboot --compress=LZX --threads=4 Applying WIM to VHD in WIMBoot mode- Currently I use following command to Apply WIMBooted Win10x64-WB.wim to 1.5 GB Win10x64-WB.vhd in WIMBOOT mode. wimlib-imagex.exe apply C:\WIMBOOT\W10x64-WB.wim %VHD_DRIVE% --wimboot What exactly WinNTSetup command I should use that will be equivalent to above wimlib-images apply command in WIMBOOT mode ? Regards....
Thanks a lots for this very useful feature....AFAIU we will use this feature in command line as follows - "%wpath%\WinNTSetup%pp%.exe" VHD-CREATE -file:"%FREEDRIVE%\WIMBOOT\Win10x64-WB.vhd" -size:15GB -type:expandable -label:"Win10x64-WB" set e=%errorlevel% set "ALPHABET=_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWZYZ" call set VHD_DRIVE=%%ALPHABET:~%e%,1%% if "%VHD_DRIVE%"=="" echo ERROR! if "%VHD_DRIVE%"=="_" echo ERROR! echo Win10x64-WB.vhd is mounted as %VHD_DRIVE% "%wpath%\WinNTSetup%pp%.exe" NT6 -source:"%isopath%" -wimindex:"2" -syspart:%SYSPART% -tempdrive:%VHD_DRIVE% -unattend:"%XML%" -drivers:"%E2BDRIVE%\SVBus" -Sysletter:C -RunAfter:"COPY_VHD_WIMBOOT_FILES.cmd %E2BDRIVE% %VHD_DRIVE% %OSPART%" -setup -reboot -testSigning Is this correct use of this feature ? Any better IDEA please ? When we use WinNTSetup tool then- syspart: is automatically detected and assigned. Is there any way in WinNTSetup command line so that we can also get -syspart: as any variable/errorlevel ? @JFX @jaclaz Can anybody please help regarding this issue ?
I use following command to Capture Win10x64-WB.vhd to Win10x64-WB.wim in WIMBOOT mode. wimlib-imagex.exe capture %VHD_DRIVE% C:\WIMBOOT\W10x64-WB.wim --config=%E2BDRIVE%\VHD_WIMBOOT\WimBootCompress-2019-03-31.ini --include-integrity --wimboot --compress=LZX --threads=4 What exactly WinNTSetup command I should use that will be equivalent to following wimlib-images apply command in WIMBOOT mode ? wimlib-imagex.exe apply C:\WIMBOOT\W10x64-WB.wim %VHD_DRIVE% --wimboot
You are right Sir...I am running command within from a batch in 'boot.wim' environment but I want to inject VHD_WIMBOOT.cmd file within "%VHD_DRIVE%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp" folder which will be created after the Copying Phase of WinNTSetup Installation. It's why I need to use /Runafter so that I can inject .cmd files within VHD just before reboot ? Is there any better way which I should use here ? Are you talking about using following approach ? -RunAfter:"COPY_VHD_WIMBOOT_FILES.cmd %E2BDRIVE% %VHD_DRIVE% %OSPART%" COPY_VHD_WIMBOOT_FILES.cmd - ========================== @echo off copy "%1\VHD_WIMBOOT\SWITCH_DEFAULT_OS.cmd" "%2\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp" copy "%1\VHD_WIMBOOT\VHD_WIMBOOT.cmd" "%3\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp"
-RunAfter:"copy "%E2BDRIVE%\VHD_WIMBOOT\SWITCH_DEFAULT_OS.cmd" "%VHD_DRIVE%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp" & copy "%E2BDRIVE%\VHD_WIMBOOT\VHD_WIMBOOT.cmd" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp" " Can I use two commands within -RunAfter switch as above ? Is it valid ?
Sorry to disturb you Sir...I could not understood the meaning of exitcode actually...Thanks for your kind help and support....BTW, I just loved the new Dark Theme mode in WinNTSetup.
When we create VHD using WinNTSetup Tool then it automatically attach VHD and use a random free Drive Letter to mount VHD and automatically set that drive letter of VHD as installation drive. Is there any specific protocol that decide what Drive Letter will be used for mounting VHD ? "%path%\WinNTSetup%pp%.exe" VHD-CREATE -file:"%FREEDRIVE%\WIMBOOT\Win10x64-WB.vhd" -size:1536MB -type:expandable -label:"Win10x64-WB" It will be nice if VHD-CREATE provide an option to use desired Drive Letter for attaching created VHD. OR you can set a variable VHD_,DRIVE containing the drive letter of attached VHD. So that we can use %VHD_DRIVE% as Installation drive.
Hi JFX.... "%path%\WinNTSetup%pp%.exe" VHD-CREATE -file:"%FREEDRIVE%\WIMBOOT\Win10x64-WB.vhd" -size:1536MB -type:expandable -label:"Win10x64-WB" "%path%\WinNTSetup%pp%.exe" VHD-ATTACH -file:"%FREEDRIVE%\WIMBOOT\Win10x64-WB.vhd" How I can get Drive Letter of just mounted VHD so that use as %VHD_DRIVE% in following command to install Windows in VHD using WinNTSetup command line. "%path%\WinNTSetup%pp%.exe" NT6 -source:"%FREEDRIVE%\WIMBOOT\Win10x64-WB.wim" -wimindex:"1" -syspart:%SYSPART% -tempdrive:%VHD_DRIVE% -Sysletter:C -WIMBoot -compact:lzx -wimlib -wbc:wimbootcompressed.ini -setup -reboot -testSigning Regards
Thanks JFX for providing your precious time... t's looking WinPE already assign drive letter to Boot Partition (System Reserved). So how I can automatically detect and get Drive Letter of 'Boot Partition' (System Reserved) using cmd in exactly the same way WinNTSetup do ? Please help me to automatically get Drive Letter of 'Boot Partition' (System Reserved) using cmd with WinNTSetup approach if possible... Thanks & Regards...
Should I use following code in order to make automatic Dual boot of Win 7 and Win 10 ? :DualBoot_Win_7_10 set XML=%PTN2%\_ISO\WINDOWS\INSTALLS\CONFIGS\SMART_CHOCO.xml if exist %SYSPART% format %SYSPART% /Q /Y /V:"Windows 7" %WinNTSetup% NT6 -source:%PTN2%\sources\install.esd -WimIndex:2 -syspart:%SYSPART% -tempdrive:%SYSPART% -unattend:"%XML%"-ForceUnsigned -drivers:"%PTN2%\driver_Win7x86" -Sysletter:C -RunAfter:"set_7_usb_boot.cmd C:\windows" -OEM:%PTN2%\sources -setup -reboot if exist %SYSPART1% format %SYSPART1% /Q /Y /V:"Windows 10" %WinNTSetup% NT6 -source:%PTN2%\sources\install.esd -WimIndex:6 -syspart:%SYSPART% -tempdrive:%SYSPART1% -unattend:"%XML%"-Sysletter:C -OEM:%PTN2%\sources -setup -reboot goto :EOF I think after restart 'Win 10' will continue remaining installation phases till preparing the desktop. After reaching at the desktop of 'Win 10', I will have to auto boot to 'Win 7' entry in order to complete remaining installation phases of 'Win 7'. So how I can set to auto boot to a particular BCD *(Win 7) entry after auto-restart of 'Win 10' ? Is there any command line way to auto boot to a BCD entry after restart ? bcdedit /default {Windows 7 identifier} OR May be after reaching at the desktop of 'Win 10', I should set 'Win 7' boot entry as default OS using command line and then just restart to auto continue remaining installation phases of 'Win 7' ?Suppose I have Dual boot of 'Win 7' and 'Win 10'. And I am booted to 'Win 10' desktop. So how can I automatically get 'Windows 7 identifier' using command line ? So that I can make 'Windows 7' as default OS. And then just restart to continue remaining installation phases of 'Win 7'...?? How 'WinNTSetup' automatically detect 'syspart' drive if exist and assign BootDest=Z: (while in Disk Mgmt there is no drive letter set for 'System Reserved'partition ?). I also want to set BootDest=Z: if 'System Reserved' partition exist otherwise I will use BootDest=%OSPart1% How 'Search...' button dialog box is different from normal File Explorer ? How WinNTSetup can see 'System Reserved' partition as Z: while normal File Explorer and Disk Mgmt have not assigned any drive letter to 'System Reserved' partition ? What is secret trick you have used here ? Please help me to understood this concept ...