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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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AFAIK  XP does not boot from UEFI systems. So why would you want to UEFI-boot to install XP?

Sorry, i explain me wrong.

I'm making about 20 installation in one day, some are UEFI and another CSM.

But i've one pendrive with 128GB and i want to put everything there.

I will not install XP in UEFI mode (it's not possible), but i want use the same pendrive in any computer that i repair.

Hope you understand me now :D

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Man, congratulation for you software, it's amazing the things we can do with it :D

Now i've a WinPE with all windows version to install on any pc :D


See, that's what I love about WinNTSetup (and the WinPESE projects) as well.

Always nice to see the reactions of another fan...

Thanks again to JFX for his continued support in 2016!!!

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Another problem :(

My XP Home setup it's 100% but when i try to do the same thing with XP pro, after reboot it says:

Insuficient memory for the file ql2200.sys.

I've try a new XP pro with SP2 then inject SP3(hoping that was ISO problem) but's giving me the same error :(

Note: i'm using the same PC.

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Good :), in some cases the issue might be actually memory related, but with 4 Gb of RAM it is not possible.


Clearly it is a resource limit of some kind, the "root" cause of similar errors has been reported in the past to be connected with the "driver packs" when they are "integrated", but this should be not your case since you use them as "external" resource. :unsure:



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Good :), in some cases the issue might be actually memory related, but with 4 Gb of RAM it is not possible.


Clearly it is a resource limit of some kind, the "root" cause of similar errors has been reported in the past to be connected with the "driver packs" when they are "integrated", but this should be not your case since you use them as "external" resource. :unsure:



The strange it's the same massstorage driverpack work flawless in XP Home, and the problem it's not the ISO because if i use that iso in the perfect tool too, Easy2Boot that inject the driver too, it works well

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No idea why there should be a difference.

Is this QLogic driver really the the correct driver?

I mean can you see it in device manager in your correctly installed XP Home?

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No idea why there should be a difference.

Is this QLogic driver really the the correct driver?

I mean can you see it in device manager in your correctly installed XP Home?

I will try it ou later and give you the feedback.


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(about "capture" and the new Wimlib versions):


About the speed, well you will need to check it out.


I finally tested Wimlib (1.9.0b6) capture, to see how it compares to Dism in speed, and how much info is added (and displayed in WinNTSetup).

The speed is really good, around one third (33%) faster than DISM, with comparable image sizes (2.66 and 2.7gb in my test).

The latest Wimlib seems to automatically add all descriptions/ information needed, some of it seems to be different than DISM (with the same captured windows version), but I'm sure that can be solved.


So thanks for the tips on Wimlib, JFX (saw you on the forum), great to see you helped out!!

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I've notice that when i apply any Windows UEFI, after reboot it is asking me for a key.

If i build a pendrive with Rufus(only 1 windows setup) during setup, it find automatically the key from firmware.

Is there any thing i can do to make it work in that mode?


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Yes, the new version of wimlib adds all needed information.

WinNTSetup only needs version, arch and edition ID.

And these seems to be okay with Beta7.



I have no idea how to avoid this, product key issue.

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i found a problem with my script, maybe someone can help me.

When i'm on Winpe i must set Windows HDD to T: because When my disks doesn't have partitions, my pendrive is C:

But after installing, my windows is installed on T: and not C:.

This is my script:


%usb%\winntsetup\WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 -source:l:\sources\install.wim -WimIndex:1 -syspart:S: -tempdrive:T: -Sysletter:T -setup -reboot



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