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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.1


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[EDIT: Did this test with the previous version, not 3.7 yet!! Will do that tomorrow).

Thanks JFX, what did you change? I just did a test with an unedited windows 8.1 unattend.xml, it worked right away! (Didn't expect that). Only thing I noticed was a very tiny start menu, was trying to find out which settings might cause that. I'm not sure if it's a setting in my unattend, or in WinNTSetup (tweak).

Very nice to see the unattended setup working like this! This was my second install test, first was normal (no unattended), it was a long time ago for me to see all those nagging questions :-)


I would like to know what you think of Windows 10. I don't "mind" it, really, but to me it's more like "8.2" than "10". I like it very much that WinNTSetup is just soberly displaying "Windows 6.4", there's actually no "10" visible anywhere...

Edited by Atari800XL
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Well I didn't change much, just some smaller fixes I noticed the last weeks.


Also added compatibility setting to the app manifest so

it will not run in compatibility mode of Windows 8.1.



What I thing about Windows 10?


I guess I'm dissapointed like everyone.

It looks just like a tiny update to the current Windows 8.1 and 

by no means something that worth of skipping a version number.


First fate took my Opera now it takes even my OS, what next? 


Seems I will use Windows 7 until very end, maybe even after 2020

But at least the new wimgapi has a new feature to add files ...

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Hello 'JFX'...


I am using 'WinNTSetup_x86 v3.7.0' .

And I want to put wimlib files within WinNTSetup3\Tools\x86\wimli directory. There are three wimlib files in the download section. Can you please tell me about the exact file which I should have to choose. There are many files within wimlib.zip. Can you please specify the list of wimlib files which I should put within wimlib directory. Why you not adding wimlib files within WinNTSetup ?


1- wimlib-1.7.2-windows-x86_64-bin.zip    < 4 hours ago     638.2 kB
2- wimlib-1.7.2-windows-i686-bin.zip         < 4 hours ago     661.5 kB
3- wimlib-1.7.2.tar.gz                                  < 4 hours ago     961.8 kB
Out of three which one I should download for 'WinNTSetup_x86 v3.7.0' ?
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Hi 'JFX'


Which/What type of advance feature 'WinNTSetup' does provide if we add 'wimlib' files within it ?


Can you please enumerate about that advance features ?




I am unable to create WIMBoot of 'Windows 10 Technical Preview'. What may be the reason ?


Does 'Windows 10 Technical Preview' not support 'WIMBoot' ?



Edited by devdevadev
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Hello friends ...

I have encountered the following error when using the Winntsetup361
"Failed To Loaded offline Registry

Please how do I fix?
Tanks for help.








Eu acredito que o seu antivirus apagou o arquivo offreg.dll baixei novamente o programa e coloque a pasta do WinntSetup na exclusão do mesmo, o Norton aqui identifica o programa como virus também



I believe your offreg.dll antivirus deleted the file I downloaded the program again and place the folder in the exclusion of same WinntSetup, Norton here identifies the program as virus also



Olá Tiago.

O problema era com a versão mesmo hoje estou usando a versão 365 e atualizando para esta mais nova, não ocorreu mais nenhum problema.

A única coisa que não consegui até hoje foi instalar com o hd pronto para UEFI, pois você faz as partições  e explode com o WinNTSetup na partição que seria a usual, mas durante a instalação ele reclama do disco e fala que não pode proceder.


Então quando é UEFI uso instalação normal, mas perco os tweaks desta ferramenta maravilhosa.


Obrigado a todos pela ajuda.


Hi Tiago

The problem was with the version even today I am using version 365 and upgrading to this younger, did not occur any more trouble.

The only thing I couldn't until today was install with the hd ready to UEFI, because you make partitions and explodes with WinNTSetup on the partition that would be usual, but during the installation it reclaims the disc and says that it cannot proceed.

So when is normal, but installation use UEFI lose the tweaks of this wonderful tool.

Thank you all for your help.
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Advanced users, not advanced features.

You right, the Technical Preview version wasn't recognized for Wimboot usage.


It's wired how MS uses version numbers these days,

they skip some and forgot some others completly.


So re-download and try wimboot now.

Edited by JFX
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Hi there!


Guys, could you help me?


I'm trying to isntall Win 7 from Live OS using Winntsetup v3. The problem is when I choose the local drive C the BOOTMGR PBR marked as yellow (MBR and BOOT FLAG are green). I know I should fix something via Bootice but have no idea how to fix it. When I click (in Bootice) Process MBR - I see that Win NT 6.X MBR is active... So what I need to do to get gree BOOTMGR PBR?


Thank you!

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You don't need to fix MBR and PBR, they will be updated by default.

The Only thing you need to take care is the BOOTFLAG


But your's is green so everything is okay.

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Harkaz just released XP SP4 RC.

I was very impressed, it works perfectly with WinNTSetup know (just did a quick test).


I integrated SP4 into my SP3 source, used DPBase to add storage drivers (SATA etc), created the iso, booted Win8PESE-64, used WinNTSetup 3.7 to install. Everything works fine.

English only for now, but still very impressive, I think. I will still use the (localized) OnePiece packs for now, but SP4 is a very impressive achievement, I think.


Of course, the most impressive thing is that WinNTSetup can install both XPSP4 and Windows 10 just as easily, all three "products" released within one week!

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My Laptop is 'Dell Inspiron 1545' which is a MBR/BIOS type........

I have recently installed WIN10TP as 'WIMBoot + VHDX' configuration in my system which is created with the help of 'WinNTSetup v3.7'.

Everything is working just fine. But there is no option for 'Sleep'. Why ?

Does 'Sleep' feature is not supported in WIMBoot ?

Why I am unable to use 'Sleep/hibernate' features if I use 'WIMBoot + VHDX' configuration ?

Is there any role of 'WinNTSetup' for not accessing 'Sleep/hibernate' feature ?

I want to keep My Installation Drive as small as possible so I want to disable 'pagefile.sys'. Is there any serious drawback of disabling 'Pagefile.sys' ?


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I don't now about sleep but hibernate is not supported in nativeVHD boot environment.

WinNTSetup will disable hibernate only, if you tell it to do.


If you disable pagefile.sys and have not enough RAM, than you will get an error message by windows if you reach your RAM limit.


BTW: Why do you use VHDX, you know they require more size, do you?

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Hi 'JFX'.....


Thanks for useful info...........

I prefer Dual Boot of latest Windows OS (Win10TP) but I don't want to use two Partitions for two OSes. I want to keep all Installation files and folders of Both OS in a single partition. It's why I using 'WIMBoot + VHDX'. I am using 'VHDX' because it allow me to keep two OSes in a single partition. And If one OS is corrupted then I re-install it within form second OS and vice-versa. And there is no need to format two Partitions again and again. And It very comfortable for me to just delete a 'VHDX' file in order to remove a OS completely without formatting a whole partition. And Before deleting 'VHDX' file I can cut-paste my Imp. Data within fro 'VHDX' to the root of same Partition which contains 'VHDX'. And By this way I don't have backup my Imp. Data to any other Storage Device. And After re-installation of Windows within 'VHDX'. I reverse the cut-paste process.


As I am using tetra boot of 'Mac OS X' , 'Win 10 TP' , 'Win X TP' and 'Ubuntu 14.10'. So I want to keep minimum number of partition in my Hard Disk.


You mean 'VHDX' require/consume more size in order to hold WINDOWS? If 'Yes' , then what about 'VHD' or any other 'Virtual Disk Drive' ? Does 'VHD' also require more size ?


 I can not compromise with 'Hibernate' feature so what should I do so that I can keep two Windows OS in one partition along with WIMBoot ? Is there any solution ?


I have only 3GB RAM. So Will it be safer to disable 'pagefile.sys' in my Case ? or not ?


Please suggest me a trick/method by which I can keep two WIMBooted OS within same partition with 'Hibernate' features....


Thanks & Regards....

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What may be the reason behind disabling 'Hibernate' if booting from native VHD by Windows ?


I think 'WinNTSetup v3.7' should show 'Enable Hibernate' checkbox under 'Tweaks' instead of 'Disable Hibernate' checkbox. So that we can 'Enable Hibernate' if booting is performed from VHD by Windows. Otherwise there is no meaning of 'Disable Hibernate' checkbox if booting is going to be performed from native VHD by Windows.


If possible then please replace 'Disable Hibernate' checkbox with 'Enable Hibernate' checkbox under 'Tweaks' if booting from native VHD by Windows.


Is it possible to implement following configuration ?



Thanks & Regards.....

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Hi JFX and Atari800XL



Finally got a chance to test XP with driver pack mass-storage integrated. Worked perfectly as expected  :thumbup  .




Would you mind sharing from where i can download the unofficial SP4 and how to integrate it to XP SP3 MSDN edition ?.

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