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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.1


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Never noticed this, cause it does not happens with fully unattended setups.

Aah, there's the reason I haven't noticed it, I do fully unattended setups (including noUAC) normally...

Edited by Atari800XL
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hey body. Please help. For Command Line 

WinNTSetup.exe nt6 -cfg:"win81.ini" -reboot -setup

This is what i typed. But i will not automatily Start up the process

If My Command is 

WinNTSetup.exe nt6 -cfg:"win81.ini" -reboot -setupwait

it will bring me to Ready? Page. I still need to press enter or click ok to start it.


Could you help me? Why when im using -setup. program will not start auto?

I am using verison 3.7.9. 

Thank you very much,

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The "-setup" switch requires critical things like source, syspart and tempdrive to be passed by command line.

Thank you for your reply.

I see now.

New problem.

I am using it under PE

When I do

WinNTSetup.exe nt6 -source:install.wim -syspart:C: -tempdrive:C: -reboot -setup

install.wim is same folder as WinNTSetup.

There is error says:

The instruction at "0x0041971e" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read".

Please help.

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Try using a fully qualified PATH (and not just the filename) to the directory where the install.wim is for the -source: value.

I.e. (example given in post #1)


WinNTSetup2_x86.exe NT6 -source:G:\sources\install.wim -WimIndex:5 -syspart:C: -tempdrive:C: -unattend:"unattend\Win7x86_Ultimate_en.xml"
-ForceUnsigned -drivers:"D:\driver_Win7x86" -Sysletter:C -RunAfter:"set_7_usb_boot.cmd C:\windows" -setup -reboot




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Try using a fully qualified PATH (and not just the filename) to the directory where the install.wim is for the -source: value.

I.e. (example given in post #1)


WinNTSetup2_x86.exe NT6 -source:G:\sources\install.wim -WimIndex:5 -syspart:C: -tempdrive:C: -unattend:"unattend\Win7x86_Ultimate_en.xml"

-ForceUnsigned -drivers:"D:\driver_Win7x86" -Sysletter:C -RunAfter:"set_7_usb_boot.cmd C:\windows" -setup -reboot




Thanks. Ive tried. But Same thing here. Used different wim files but same happen.

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Hmm, I could reproduce an app crash on the RC version but not on the final.


PureBasic's string management looks a bit strange to me,

Sometimes an empty string is an address to and 0 terminated string, ok, but sometimes it's a 0 pointer

That explains the error you get.


I'll try to fix this with the next version and also make command line setup identical to the normal GUI.

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Hmm, I could reproduce an app crash on the RC version but not on the final.


PureBasic's string management looks a bit strange to me,

Sometimes an empty string is an address to and 0 terminated string, ok, but sometimes it's a 0 pointer

That explains the error you get.


I'll try to fix this with the next version and also make command line setup identical to the normal GUI.

Sure. Since I was using the 3.7.9.

I would like to try some older version. Aslo 3.8RC

And I will give you feedback.

Thank you for the information.

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Hmm, I could reproduce an app crash on the RC version but not on the final.


PureBasic's string management looks a bit strange to me,

Sometimes an empty string is an address to and 0 terminated string, ok, but sometimes it's a 0 pointer

That explains the error you get.


I'll try to fix this with the next version and also make command line setup identical to the normal GUI.

checked 3.7.7 works....

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I tried the scripted way described in the previous post, but it looks like that needs a reboot after all, so not very convevient at all.

Another method described in the thread I mentioned is to remove Defender components from install.wim, but that's not the perfect solution either, of course...

So a simple on/off would still be best, but I'm sure JFX will find a good solution...

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Well JFX, this is a wonderful surprise! When you said RC2 should fix "the mentioned problems", I didn't even think you would include "turn off Defender", but from the zip description I saw you *did*, so I immediately tested it (just got home).

Working perfectly on preview build 10125!!! It looks like this build already installs a bit faster than previous ones, and with Defender off, PostInstall is lightning fast again, as well!

10125 is actually running quite well now (unattended setup, fast postinstall, most "annoyances" turned off), even on old hardware. Memory use is quite low!

Excellent job!!!!


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Tiny observation: I did an XP install, to test 3.8RC2. All's well, but i see a folder "c:\Z-MSST" after setup, that I never noticed before.

Is this a folder you forgot to remove, or is it there by design?

Edited by Atari800XL
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