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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.1


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and clean in bootice with re-partition


but... the error is the same on a phisical PC a Dell vostro with UEFI and Win8.1


i think it's a problem with a bootice partitioning... maybe my error

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i've just finish a regular setup with the windows7x64.iso and all went well (regular setup)


just now remake a setup on winpe with winntsetup... just to view if the only format of the partitions works


this stuff make me crazy...

Edited by Lordk1
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Try using DISKPART to create the partitions instead of BootIce?


i.e. (for example)

Edited by steve6375
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Thank you for reply.
Mystery is solved. My HDD's integrity is corrupted. Solution: 

chkdsk e: /x /f

did I spend many days this? I want to cry!  :blushing: 

Suggestion: Can be add to WinNTsetup that CheckDisk task after BCD settings finished.

Like I said, I always setup install.wim to my other hard drives. Therefore, I used to selet "mount drive installation as" and "drive letter preassigment". It's working. Thanks JFX!
On some modified (unattended) WIMs the Sysprep phase can't pass. Error messages:

"Windows could not complete the installation"
"Windows Setup could not configure Windows on this computer's hardware"
"The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered and unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed."



from the setup logs in \Panther:
[windeploy.exe] Found failed generalization state [6] --> system is in an invalid state
[windeploy.exe] Failure occured during online installation.  Online installation cannot complete at this 
time.; hr = 0x8030000c



Temporarily solution: SHIFT F10 -> \Windows\System32\oobe\msoobe.exe
But this time the setup cannot complete properly.
(_:\Windows\Setup\State\State.ini -> other messages expect "completed")
Where's the harm? Windows Update can't working. From WindowsUpdate.log:
Windows OOBE is still in progress. AU deferring detection
WARNING: BeginDetection failed, hr:0x8024a008
All AU searches complete.
# WARNING: Failed to find updates with error code 8024a008



JFX, why happening the issue? What is state failure to cause on sysprep phase? Obivously, the issue related any a setting in unattended WIM. I did spend many months but I can't detect why. 
My request:
Sometime, I only want mount and preassigment feature of WinNtSetup. Unfortunately, WNS always want to extract install.wim. Simply because it's keep waiting 15-20 minutes. How am I use mount and preassigment feature without extracting? My purpose: Apply mount and preassigment feature to existed Windows on my drive. 
WinNTsetup switch WIM extract method (to wimlib) if CTRL+SHIFT+W. (Thanks for wimlib support, too!) Likewise, "no extracting" can be implementing. if it's not too much trouble. Could you do it? I would love to.

Thank you for reading and your interesting.
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Sorry have no idea about the "Windows could not complete the installation" error, I never experienced that one.


The Windows Update can't work in OOBE mode anymore, that's a change Microsoft made with Windows 8.1.


There is a "no extracting" feature using command line 


WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 -noapply -bcd:none


But mount and preassigment only work for your current disks,

as it saves the MBR signature and the partition offset.

Not so sure you want that in your wim.

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Hi, JFX,

Is there any way to configure PPPoE connection in WinNTSetup sysprep. Because Windows 10 is looking for internet connection to finish setup. And without internet computer starts restart cycling.

Or any other solution for solving this problem.


P.S. I found teporary answer - Shipt+F10->inetcpl.cpl-> tab Connections->Setup button (setup Internet connection). But this isn't so elegant :)

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