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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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Is this a mounted ISO or a stand alone WIM,

With a normal ISO the \sources\api-ms-win-downlevel-*.dll files will be used for driver integration for Win8.1 out of win7.

If not they have to be in the "api-set" folder inside winntsetups tools folder.

Anyway try Beta2 - It should fix at least the Vista and one Dism related problem.

(1) It is a stand alone wim, I never use full iso's anymore

(2) So the sources\api... files are not available, this must be the problem. But please clarify: You say that those files are only necessary when applying 8.1 from a win7 PE? But I'm normally using Win8PESE to setup 8.1. Do I still need the files in that case?

(3) What are the best files to put in the "api-set" folder? The aps-ms-win*.dll files from a 8.1 iso, or 8? I guess I only need the 64-bit files for Win8PESE-64? (Sorry, I see the separate x64 and x86 folders now).

(4) Thanks for beta2 - which Vista problem did you fix exactly?



Edited by Atari800XL
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Yes, on Windows 7 Host you'll need the aps-ms-win*.dll next to the wim or in the api-set folder.

This is necessary to get the dism.exe from win8.1 or later running.


If you running a Win8.1 system, they are not needed.


The Vista driver integration should now work. There was a problem with pkgmgr command line.

Also it behaves different than dism, if one specific a drive letter instead a folder path for drivers.

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If you running a Win8.1 system, they are not needed.



But I'm running Win8PESE-64, what happens then (it's based on "old" Windows 8). Is that another complicating factor (sorry!).


Like Mo said in The Simpsons: "I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and and a big butt, etc."


I added the api*.* files from latest 8.1 iso to my WinNTSetup tools folders, and used the latest beta2.

I'm doing a test right now (boot with Win8PESE-64, install from clean 8.1-32 wim, to make sure there are no extra drivers in the wim already).

At the "Integrate drivers" stage now, "Dism.exe - Application error - exception - 0xc06d007e at 0x77794b32).

Sorry JFX, if you get fed up with my stupidity, please say so. I thought I was on the right track.


There is a Dism_stdout.log now, with version only: "6.3.9600.17031"


...I'll continue trying, next up is boot with Win7PESE-32 instead of Win8PESE-64 and install w8.1-32 and test video driver integration by WinNTSetup


--EDIT-- I'm getting another error here: "0xc06d007e".


...after that I'll try boot with Win7PESE-32, install Vista and try same driver.


I just hope you don't get fed-up with this, 'cause I feel we're almost there, and it would be so cool if it worked!!

Edited by Atari800XL
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Dism is one hell of a buggy software, all these error's would be crashing if the nice MS guy would do some error handling.

Sadly I can't reproduce it, best would if you sent me a sysinternals process monitor log file.

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Vista driver integration went without error (which made me very happy), but on reboot the driver was not available.

I think we covered a lot of ground today, maybe we should let it rest a bit, new ideas might come up. I have a set of old laptops on a side table here to do a lot of tests, so I'll try this and that...

Thanks a lot JFX!


Edit1: Tried Process Monitor, as per your suggestion (win8pese-64).

Looks like it can't find api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll

It's not in the 8.1 iso \sources folder, so now I wonder where I should get it from (and if there's other stuff needed after this). Will check a 8.1 system...

(at least I can see from the Process Monitor log that it searches in the WinNTSetup tools folder, so that's good!)

Edited by Atari800XL
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Oh, so let me guess you try installing one of the updated Win8.1 update 1, 2 or 3?

And inside that new image there is no api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll inside \Windows\System32\downlevel?

But for sure there is one in \Windows\System32  :ph34r:
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Erm, we were first looking for the files in the iso's sources folder. There's only the api-mswin-downlevel stuff there (no api-ms-win-core).


Right now, I'm locating 262 more of these api-ms files in the wim's system32 folder. So I guess I should just try throwing these in the WinNTSetup tools folder as well? OK, I'll try...


So once again: At first, you only told me to look in the iso, not in the wim! Hold on...

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Well your Dism crashes cause there is no downlevel version of api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll.

The native (\Windows\System32\api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll) one can't be used.


So with one of the big updates dism was linked against this new library,

however MS forgot to compile a downlevel version.

Well this is something that have to wait til next year


Properly the best solution will be to rely on ADK DISM. 




Well, that's just prime!


So it was wimgapi.dll which wants to load that file.

Fixing one rare occurring problem to rise an regular occurring one.

Edited by JFX
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Well, that's just prime!
So it was wimgapi.dll which wants to load that file.
Fixing one rare occurring problem to rise an regular occurring one.



Almost missed this edit... Sorry, I'm confused (again), did you change something in b3, if so: what exactly?

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I recently installed Win7 with 3.7.2 and after the installation, I notice the following error in setuperr.log


2014-12-24 12:29:36, Error                 CSI    00000001 (F) E_INVALIDARG #2# from UnloadStore(target = NULL)

Anyone know what might be causing this?

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Instead of the the api-set folder there now one called DISM.

You can still put only the api downlevel dll inside,

to trigger the offline dism to do driver injection.


It should work now, the tools folder wimgapi.dll is copied next to dism.

Don't really know why it refused to load it from tools folder, it even searched there. 


However you can now copy the complete dism from latest ADK in the tools folders.

This should avoid trouble with new Windows releases.




it's a normal error, there no need to pay attention to it.

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Instead of the the api-set folder there now one called DISM.
You can still put only the api downlevel dll inside,
to trigger the offline dism to do driver injection.
It should work now, the tools folder wimgapi.dll is copied next to dism.
Don't really know why it refused to load it from tools folder, it even searched there. 
However you can now copy the complete dism from latest ADK in the tools folders.
This should avoid trouble with new Windows releases.

This all sounds really good. I'm not sure I understand the first paragraph completely, but for now I will just try downloading the latest beta, letting it download the tools, and testing it. Otherwise, please tell me one more time if I should put something into the new DISM folder myself, and if so, what exactly.


Couldn't test just yet though, the installer crashes right at the end of the first "grow bar" of downloading the tools. Tested with XP, 8.1-64, 8.1-32 (first thought it might be a XP problem at first).

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You download Dism 8.1 with GWT and put the DISM folder inside the Tools\x?? folder, there should already be a folder called DISM.

If you want to save space, the api-ms-win-downlevel-*.dll should be enough actually.


I check the download problem, when I back home.

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Thanks for being patient with me (again), JFX. I have successfully downloaded the files you described with GWT (brilliant job on that one, as well...!), all files in DISM folder are present.

I hope the WinNTSetup download (or other) error can be solved, I tried it again just now and had the same result.

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