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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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I am new to all this, but I am hoping you can help me. I am trying to install Windows 7 onto a laptop. I am using SOME WAREZ boot CD (which i put on USB) and trying to use the WinNTSetup v2.3.1 which is on it. I am using the program, and pointing it to another USB which contains the Windows 7 installation files. My problem is that i have one 'Red X' left: 'BOOTMGR PBR'. Any ideas how to get that one green, so it will boot when its all done?

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Just install it, the MBR and PBR icons are not so important.

MBR and PBR will be updated later.

Some people with multi boot environments doesn't wanted the automatic updated of the boot records.

So it's now optional (default) and the icons are only there as warning.

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Paricularly Rule #1.a:

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ask a question: which tools to use to unpack or repack WinNTSetup2

7zip is the easiest solution. In the misc folder of my Skydrive there is an repack example using 7zr.exe

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks JFX, I was already looking forward to this one... It surprised me somewhat that the program looks the same as the 2.x branch, but hey, if it ain't broke...

I'm looking forward to testing it next weekend! So this one's programmed in a different language? Are there any other new things in the new version?


EDIT: Found your announcement from march 30:

Following improvements are planned.

- command line will be more logical
- better language file support
- VHDX support is still missing

I might also include some tools, I use in very often in WinPE

- offline product key finder
- offline admin password reset
- gui wrapper for BCDEdit

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Hi Atari800XL, yes this one is complete rewritten in a different language.

So far not to much changes since v2.

- VHDX is fully supported (but no instant creation of fixed ones, yet)

- language file is now a resource dll with much better loading speed as a simple text file.

- command line now have options and switches, well not much changed but more parameters are planed

- Windows Product key finder and password reset are integrated

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Thanks, I will test the new version with XP, W7, W8. Nice to see the commandline is still supported and, in fact, enhanced. As there is no new howto's as far as I can see, I assume the commandline in the testversion is the same as the last version in the 2.x branch.

[sorry, didn't see/read the helpfile, didn't think it was available yet, as pressing F1 didn't bring it up. Turns out it *is* available from the sysmenu]

EDIT1: First quick test: Boot Win8PESE, tccle prompt:

WinNTSetup_x86.exe nt6 -source:y:\OS\w7.wim (OK, source detected)

WinNTSetup_x86.exe nt5 -source:d: (Source not detected). When I select drive D: in the gui, everything's fine. Also tested with -source:d:\ -source:"d:" (d: is a mounted xp iso).

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OK, so both points were valid? Thanks, I will test further...

EDIT1: Did a successful test with the new V3WIP version to install a W8 version that has been around as long as V3WIP. Works fine!

EDIT2: Could it be that the commandline option "-reboot" doesn't "take" in the gui? (ie: the option is not ticked).

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Well JFX, sometimes I can't believe that not "everybody" uses WinNTSetup...

These are just things I run into when using your fine tool...

More hunting:

(1) My unattended file is not (fully?) used, even though it's specified in the commandline (and also ticked and selected in the GUI). I'm sure you're aware of this? If not, let me know, I'll give more details (tested: The new W8WIP version, first with new WinNTSetup 3, then with old WinNTSetup 2.6.x. First setup was not unattended, second *was*).

(2) BootToDesktop was not executed for W8WIP. Same story: 2.6.x: OK 3WIP: Not OK.

...although I must add that W8WIP setup using 2.6.x version stalled right at the end of setup [needed an extra reboot]. Not sure exactly what's going on there, but this might not be WinNTSetup-related. Needs even more testing (has the unattend.xml syntax changed? etc).

Still, (1) and (2) above do seem to differ between 2.6 and 3. I'll await your response, we'll see after that.

Please let me know when/ if a new WIP version becomes available!

And thanks again for your programs!

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Ok next version is ready.

WIP 08/31/2013

- change winhttp linking to dynamic
- removed winmm.dll dependency
- fixed F1 and Escape hotkey not working
- fixed cmdline source not updating description text
- fixed cmdline reboot, addotheros, nobootsect doesn't click respected checkbox
- fixed unattend file not copy if \Windows\Panther folder is missing
- fixed BootToDesktop was not integrated


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- You say "BootToDesktop" was not integrated, but I believe that one *did* work. Not important, now it works with double power.

(1) Can you please make the "setup" button the default button again like in the 2.x version? This way, when I start with commandline options (and nothing has to be changed) I only need to hit "Enter" (VERY convenient! eg. when run from a hotkey). On the other hand, if I want to do some minor adjustments (say, a different wim, or a different unattend file for audit mode, etc), I only need to change a few thing here and there. This is what's so great about WinNTSetup!!

(2) In the latest version, in the last screen (just before apply), the bootsector dropdown now defaults to "Do not update the bootcode". Is this by design? I would like it to default to one of the other options (not sure which was default before, bootsect.exe or bootice). I believe this changed in this latest version.

Hope you don't mind the continuous testing, it's just a very nice task for my spare nc6320 sitting quietly in the corner...

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