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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.1


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On 7/10/2021 at 4:27 AM, j7n said:

The "ADK" that gets downloaded automatically has utilities incompatible with WinXP. If I already have new Windows running that can run the new "ADK", I'd be less likely to need to setup another copy of new Windows. The requirements of a tool like this should be minimal.

There is a folder XP-Users should look at: _DeltaPatchWinXP.


@click-click This is common error, try a different PC.
Or place vhd on locale disk, finish setup and than copy VHD to USB.

BTW: the partition alignment of your device is unknown to WinNTSetup, what's the starting sector of the partition?

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From the USB flash partition - Is this what you mean?

	c:\>fsutil fsinfo sectorInfo f:
LogicalBytesPerSector :                                 512
PhysicalBytesPerSectorForAtomicity :                    512
PhysicalBytesPerSectorForPerformance :                  512
FileSystemEffectivePhysicalBytesPerSectorForAtomicity : 512
Device Alignment :                                      Aligned (0x000)
Partition alignment on device :                         Aligned (0x000)
Performs Normal Seeks
Trim Not Supported
Not DAX capable
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Well you mount the VHD, let's say the driveletter is X:
Run this from admin Comment Prompt to load the offline system registry 

reg load HKLM\sys X:\Windows\system32\config\system

than use regedit.exe and check "Start" dword value, it should be 0


and finally unload offline registry with:

reg unload HKLM\sys


or use WinNTSetup on the mounted VHD, check the native USB3 checkbox on Ready page.

BTW: If you don't select a source in WinNTSetup, but an installation drive with existing Windows Installation,
all tweaks and setting will be applied to the offline system.

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Thanks for your time. I was trying to create a Win7 Win2Go that would boot on different hardware. I have 2 Thinkpads that have different hw and the usb drivers are specific to each one. If  I install on one and try to boot from the other, I get an abend 07B . I tried the generic drivers you mention in your readme, but that abends with a 07B (usbhub3 .sys)  on both. Using a flash usb doesn't work that well with Win7.

Win10 on a usb flash drive using the on-board drivers is much more flexible and handles booting much better so I'm probably wasting my time trying to get the same results using Win7.


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Wow this is a bit hard ti understand. I fixed my original problem about windows 7 not completing the install on a usb flash by using a powered 7 port usb3 hub. If I insert the flash drive there and do the exact same install, I don't get an error like I do using the local usb port. Go figure. They are both USB3 ports and I would be interested to know what the differentiating factor is using one or the other.

I can still only use the flash on the laptop where it was built though, because the usb drivers on the other laptop are different (07B abend booting).

Why is it that the usb driver from Win10 can handle both laptops where the HW is slightly different (New vs. Old) and is there any way to implement the W10 on-board usb drivers into a Win7 build to handle USB3?

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1 hour ago, click-click said:

Why is it that the usb driver from Win10 can handle both laptops where the HW is slightly different (New vs. Old) and is there any way to implement the W10 on-board usb drivers into a Win7 build to handle USB3?

Starting with Windows 8 there is a generic driver for USB3.x.
IF you add modded windows 8 driver as described in Tools\Win7USB3\ReadMe.txt, then there will be another checkbox on Ready page.

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10 minutes ago, Asifmute said:

If you have a little bit experince of NTLite tool, then you can copy USB3 Driver from windows 10 ISO.

Link for NTLite is...


This method will be helpful for your desire ISO Driver pack in windows 10.

Never used it. Too much being done under the covers. I like to understand how things are done. :)

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Then Follow this instruction...

C:\Users\User(Name)\Desire Extracted path\WinNTSetup_v463\Tools\Win7USB3

Try below link for Driver.

Password For RAR:


Link is ...


wait for my share of file, that will help you.


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39 minutes ago, click-click said:

I was getting abend 07b on those, installing with the add drivers checkbox.  I mentioned this in a previous post.  Should installing via add drivers work too.?

Well, your log files only show that you integrate intel usb3 drivers, not the generic win 8 ones.
Yes, you can use the add drivers option, in case you have an updated Windows 7 WIM file.

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