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Hi All,

I have this Broken CD



I glue the fracture but the CD hasn't been recognized in my optical drive.

So I put a piece of insulating tape (isolierband) to cover the transparent area (the fracture area), but the CD still does not recognize in any CD/DVD recovery software.

How can I recover some of the data?

I need to cause the optical drive to jump over the corrupted area and recognize the CD.

How do I do that?

Many Thanks!

Posted (edited)

No way in hell m8!!!

That cd is toast!


OK let me get a bit more technical...

I have used cd's that have a small crack on the out side because there was not much data written on it.

But on a CD\DVD the data is written in a circular fashion and the drive spins the cd VERY FAST (@ 8,000+ RPM) so even trying to use your disk in your drive is risky as the disks stabiltiy is BLOWN. You are running a risk of having the disk break into small parts and f-up your drive.

AFAIK there is absolutly no way you can recover any data on that disk.

Edited by Kelsenellenelvian

As Kel said above. And I quote "No way in hell m8!!!” If it was just a simple crack in the plastic that is one thing, but with this disk having the foil curled up like it shows in the picture there is NO way of getting it to work.



Years ago, I broke a Frank Zappa CD into over 100 peices and taped it all back together and tried to play it. All it did was make an awful sound in the CD player.

If you think about how CDs work (frickin' LASERS) the laser would hit any of the broken parts and reflect (or refract) the laser into some unknown direction instead of back into the lense. This is a reason why you can't read the disc because the laser probably isn't returning back to the lense when it gets to that part. If the lense does not get a laser beam back, it thinks there is no disc there. Just like TCP/IP!


No offence CrazyDoctor (I actually do like you), but you amaze me every day

with the broken things you own and (want to) try to fix. :w00t:

I've seen a lot of extremely broken things in my life, but not in such a short

time-span after each other. :lol:



I need to cause the optical drive to jump over the corrupted area and recognize the CD.
As others have said, optical drives don't work like magnetic drives. There's no way, even with a small break (not scratch, but actual break) that you're going to be able to get anything off of that disc again. You may find a data recovery place that has equipment to put all of the miniscule pits back together on a new disc, but that will cost a (very) pretty penny as it's both time and equipment-intensive. After all that, there's still no telling if the data would even be recoverable at that point without the missing pits due to the way data is stored on an optical disc.

Your best bet is to find another backup, and never trust any one media as a sole backup ever again, unfortunately.


pretty bad.

So I guess it is not my lucky day.

If I will take a piece of the magnetic sheet form another cd and cover with that the corrupted area. Is it might work or is it just a wasting of a good time?


It's a time sink in the end - without highly specialized equipment and a very clean room, you aren't going to even get close to recovery (and again, there's no guarantee the folks WITH said equipment and room would either). Best to chalk it up to a loss, learn your lesson(s) or teach whomever the owner of this disc was thiers, and move on.

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