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I have a problem here. I want to try and make a tweaked Windows 7 install but every time I try to do this when I get to the disk selection part of windows 7 install I get asked for a driver disk for the hardware.


Hey everyone)... Cool down, LOL)... I'm just saying I'll stick to vLite, for now... And then, well... We'll see)...

And yes, having Nuhi back here would be really fantastic...

Look....if the app is not meeting your requirements then stick with the app you wish. Someone like windows and someone MAC. Samething if you like 7lite use it otherwise go with the app you like. I'm not pushing anyone to use 7lite. Whatever you say I don't care.....your words or thing not going to hurt me right. I'm here becoz for other users. If you don't really please leave off from this topic and uninstall rt 7 lite.


I have a problem here. I want to try and make a tweaked Windows 7 install but every time I try to do this when I get to the disk selection part of windows 7 install I get asked for a driver disk for the hardware.

Try to integrate your Hdisk driver and check it


I have a problem here. I want to try and make a tweaked Windows 7 install but every time I try to do this when I get to the disk selection part of windows 7 install I get asked for a driver disk for the hardware.

Try to integrate your Hdisk driver and check it. Otherwise image may be corrupted


Try to integrate your Hdisk driver and check it. Otherwise image may be corrupted

Ive made about five different images with the same result. Ive tried different settings in each image and each time it asks for HDD drivers.


Try to integrate your Hdisk driver and check it. Otherwise image may be corrupted

Ive made about five different images with the same result. Ive tried different settings in each image and each time it asks for HDD drivers.

post your last session file


I have a problem here. I want to try and make a tweaked Windows 7 install but every time I try to do this when I get to the disk selection part of windows 7 install I get asked for a driver disk for the hardware.

If you have removed disk controller drivers and not integrated your own then this is what happens.


Btw since your back Bensam i will repeat my question:

Question about build 2.2.0:

v.178 Windows 7 SP1 is Wave0 meaning it supports only 5 languages.

Due to this i can't install any language pack that isn't in any of those 5 languages on a SP1 system and can't install SP1 on a system that has one such LP installed.

So the question arises:if i integrate both the LP and SP1 with RT 7 Lite - will the image boot and work correctly?

Or does RT 7 Lite prevent the conflict from happening?

If someone here has an Win7 image with SP1(v178) and not one of these LP-s(English (US), French, German, Japanese, or Spanish (Traditional) working correctly then let me know


Btw since your back Bensam i will repeat my question:

Question about build 2.2.0:

v.178 Windows 7 SP1 is Wave0 meaning it supports only 5 languages.

Due to this i can't install any language pack that isn't in any of those 5 languages on a SP1 system and can't install SP1 on a system that has one such LP installed.

So the question arises:if i integrate both the LP and SP1 with RT 7 Lite - will the image boot and work correctly?

Or does RT 7 Lite prevent the conflict from happening?

If someone here has an Win7 image with SP1(v178) and not one of these LP-s(English (US), French, German, Japanese, or Spanish (Traditional) working correctly then let me know

RT 7 Lite currently supports with these language packs....if their native is not found then it will exit.

P.S: some users find difficulty when rt 7 lite installing only in C:\ I will change this settings and rt 7 lite can be installed in any partition and you can launch from that.

Posted (edited)

Lastest version. 1.4.0

These are all from a fresh test of windows 7 image, no modification before!!


Hibernation Computer still goes into hibernation even if disabled from RT7Lite > tweaks > system

Welcome box first time starting Internet Explorer shows up even if disabled under RT7Lite > tweaks > Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer Phishing Filter are still enabled even if disabled from RT7Lite > tweaks > Internet Explorer


RT7LITE > Un-Attended > OOBE

When default selected Network Location: HOME. Still shows up after first start after fresh windows install. You have to select wich location again!, HOME -WORK - OTHER

ISO version im using from msdn!.


Edited by wazer
Posted (edited)


At this time with RT Se7en Lite 1.4.0 RC, you can customize your "Autounattend.xml" file if you want to have an fully unattended installation!

When RT Se7en Lite has finished don't create an ISO file immediatly!

You can customize the "Autounattend.xml" with WSIM or use a one you have and working fine!

Save the new "Autounattend.xml" inside your folder where is located your Windows 7 customized, and delete the old one or rename it!

It's recommanded do not use:


This setting is deprecated. This setting was used to skip Windows Welcome. To skip Windows Welcome, see Automate Windows Welcome.

If SkipMachineOOBE is set to true, add values for the Windows Welcome screens in your answer file. If these values have not been specified, the computer could be left in an unusable state.


This setting is deprecated. This setting was used to skip the Welcome Center pop-up window. In Windows® 7, this has been replaced by the Getting Started application, which is available on the Start menu.

And use this batch file (make changes needed!) to create the ISO file (example: x86):

WAIK for Windows 7 is installed on the computer.

@echo off
"C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\oscdimg.exe" -u2 -m -o -lWin7 -b"C:\Win7\boot\etfsboot.com" "C:\Win7" "C:\Win7.iso"
echo ==Finished execution==
echo ==Press any key to exit==&pause>nul

Your Windows 7 installation will be fully unattended!


Edited by myselfidem

P.S: some users find difficulty when rt 7 lite installing only in C:\ I will change this settings and rt 7 lite can be installed in any partition and you can launch from that.

And those of us that have Win7 installed in drives/partitions other than C:\> are ready to test things when the updates/changes are made.



At this time with RT Se7en Lite 1.4.0 RC, you can customize your "Autounattend.xml" file if you want to have an fully unattended installation!

When RT Se7en Lite has finished don't create an ISO file immediatly!

You can customize the "Autounattend.xml" with WSIM or use a one you have and working fine!

Save the new "Autounattend.xml" inside your folder where is located your Windows 7 customized, and delete the old one or rename it!

It's recommanded do not use:


This setting is deprecated. This setting was used to skip Windows Welcome. To skip Windows Welcome, see Automate Windows Welcome.

If SkipMachineOOBE is set to true, add values for the Windows Welcome screens in your answer file. If these values have not been specified, the computer could be left in an unusable state.


This setting is deprecated. This setting was used to skip the Welcome Center pop-up window. In Windows® 7, this has been replaced by the Getting Started application, which is available on the Start menu.

And use this batch file (make changes needed!) to create the ISO file (example: x86):

WAIK for Windows 7 is installed on the computer.

@echo off
"C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\oscdimg.exe" -u2 -m -o -lWin7 -b"C:\Win7\boot\etfsboot.com" "C:\Win7" "C:\Win7.iso"
echo ==Finished execution==
echo ==Press any key to exit==&pause>nul

Your Windows 7 installation will be fully unattended!


thank you for the information :).

Ill look into it when i got the time.


Ha.Integrated SP1 with 2.3.0 and then integrated languagepack that is not supported by wave0 SP1 that i integrated.Luckly it didn't corrupt the image.It even reported that i have this language pack installed when i tried manual install on a running image.Just missed the place to switch language.

Just FYI.

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