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I didn't even selected components from the Tasks. The one I am using is already trimmed with vlite and before applying RT7 lite on it the os was installing fine. This problem only appears after I used RT 7 Lite.

Are you using one of the European "N" Windows versions, or Enterprise?

No, I am using Windows 7 Ultimate, already trimmed it to 1.56GB.

I have removed these components:


Character Map

Mobility Center

Speech Support

Welcome Center



























Simplified Chinese





Table Driven Text Input Processor


Traditional Chinese



Welcome Center


Media Center


Error Reporting

Quality Windows Audio Video Experience


Natural Language

Reliability and Performance Monitor

Tablet PC


RT7 must emprove the cleaning on the winsxs folder but is in the good way. Each time that a new release was out,contain e improvement.Me too crashes but for clear reasons . In my case I would say it crashed because during costumize was selected a wallpaper that was no longer present. For the rest I do not make other mistakes. If things go as if I think , the version 1.7 should bring good changes but wait to come out the public version.

But where did Ben?

Zumoc I have good news for you.

Check my post #500 on Dead0's topic.

I have reduced the Winsxs folder to ~200 files on x64 with everything working!

Nice!. Can be launched via RT7?

Are you sure you have not deleted any drivers? . The second advice may be due to a lack of chipset drivers. You should never remove the drivers in red. I had this problem with the Vbox.

I didn't even selected components from the Tasks. The one I am using is already trimmed with vlite and before applying RT7 lite on it the os was installing fine. This problem only appears after I used RT 7 Lite.

The problem could be vlite. Try not to use it.


The problem could be vlite. Try not to use it.

No dear it can't be, as my OS is working fine after vlite but the problem only arises after RT 7 lite.


Have you tryed to give the driver of the chipset first of the controller ? What's machine have?

Mine is Acer Aspire 5570. And I even tried to use Driver DVD but same result.


If you've tried all possible drivers, it means that something is missing from the Windows CD or wrong drivers. Missing the correct driver so you may have been eliminated or RT7 or vLite. If I remember correctly, your laptop has the intel chipsets but may not be sufficient. Check that does not use specific drivers for your PC that is not difficult. The notebook are "crabs" for modified Sysop's.Is my opnion.


My laptop is a 5570. I had no issues with RT7 Lite. Windows 7 has all of the drivers necessary for the laptop, except for the Texas Instruments card reader. Be sure that you are selecting or deselecting things properly (I actually had this mixed up the first time I used the program): To select items for removal on the left side, you check mark them; to install features in the right hand column, you check mark them.

If you are first using Vlite to reduce an image, and then using RT7 lite to further manipulate the image, I would guess you would almost certainly be asking for trouble.


Also, I used initially vlite to lighten the WinSxS folder and RT7 for the rest but the two programs have difficulty working together. Indeed installed first vLite, decreased the WinSxS folder and then uninstall to install vlite RT7. However that does not work and why you believe it is because the two programs disassembled and reassembled the file file in a different and incompatible with each other.


it is because the two programs disassembled and reassembled the file file in a different and incompatible with each other.

You are correct sir.

Agree, if Vlite removes some things dang near impossible for a second program to come along and try to read certain elements from the image that was moved, rearranged, deleted and such.

Stick to one thing, eventually RT7 may be more complete with feedback from all that want these things.


Great I am in very strange problem. When I am trying to install from Pen drive I am getting that cd/dvd drive device driver error but when I made an ISO and try to install via DVD it got installed properly without any error. Now please help me what might be the problem and what is the solution of this problem.


it is because the two programs disassembled and reassembled the file file in a different and incompatible with each other.

You are correct sir.

Agree, if Vlite removes some things dang near impossible for a second program to come along and try to read certain elements from the image that was moved, rearranged, deleted and such.

Stick to one thing, eventually RT7 may be more complete with feedback from all that want these things.

In fact i reported some "improvements" to make possible more comprehensive RT7. But already some time since I heard Ben. I assume that he is working on the new beta. I wrote some notes in private but I was not yet responded.


Great I am in very strange problem. When I am trying to install from Pen drive I am getting that cd/dvd drive device driver error but when I made an ISO and try to install via DVD it got installed properly without any error. Now please help me what might be the problem and what is the solution of this problem.

Yours is a classic problem on the beta release. We can not wait to go always good. The advice to you is, or works only with vLite or work only with RT7. In both cases the strengths and weaknesses as you've already seen.


RT7 must emprove the cleaning on the winsxs folder but is in the good way. Each time that a new release was out,contain e improvement.Me too crashes but for clear reasons . In my case I would say it crashed because during costumize was selected a wallpaper that was no longer present. For the rest I do not make other mistakes. If things go as if I think , the version 1.7 should bring good changes but wait to come out the public version.

But where did Ben?

Zumoc I have good news for you.

Check my post #500 on Dead0's topic.

I have reduced the Winsxs folder to ~200 files on x64 with everything working!

Nice!. Can be launched via RT7?

I tried the batch file but I is not working correctly. It 'probably the folder "S2" does not exist in my Italian ISO. is it possible? I do not see and I do not see even in the operating system installed.


it is because the two programs disassembled and reassembled the file file in a different and incompatible with each other.

You are correct sir.

Agree, if Vlite removes some things dang near impossible for a second program to come along and try to read certain elements from the image that was moved, rearranged, deleted and such.

Stick to one thing, eventually RT7 may be more complete with feedback from all that want these things.

In fact i reported some "improvements" to make possible more comprehensive RT7. But already some time since I heard Ben. I assume that he is working on the new beta. I wrote some notes in private but I was not yet responded.

bensam has started new thread here http://rtwincustomize.net/web/viewtopic.php?f=110&t=7677 saying 1.07 is coming soon.

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