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windows PE 3.0


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Hi guys and girls :hello:

Look I am certain this has been done to death....just read so much....more confused than ever.

I have recently aquired Windows 7 Ultimate and I must say microsoft seem to have got this right....after Vista fiasco!

Can someone give me the heads up on how i build a PE boot with windows 7 for 64 bit?

Can't seem to find info on just creating the 64 bit version. OK! I am certain that it is probably the same as before as with 32bit but create 64 bit folders etc.

Can someone put me on the right track...please!


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This is what i used, created 32 bit, just change the folder for the 64bit version, copy below into cmd file and run after installing winpe 3.0

RD /s/q C:\PE\winpe_x86

cd "c:\Program files\windows aik\tools\petools"

call copype.cmd x86 C:\PE\winpe_x86


copy c:\PE\winpe_x86\winpe.wim c:\PE\winpe_x86\ISO\Sources\boot.wim


cd "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\Servicing"

Dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:C:\PE\winpe_x86\ISO\Sources\boot.wim /index:1 /MountDir:C:\PE\winpe_x86\mount


Copy D:\MakePE3\Windows\System32\*.* C:\PE\Winpe_x86\Mount\Windows\System32

Copy D:\MakePE3\Icon\*.* C:\PE\Winpe_x86\ISO


cd "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\Servicing"

Dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:C:\PE\winpe_x86\mount /Commit


cd "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86"

oscdimg -n -bc:\PE\winpe_x86\etfsboot.com c:\PE\winpe_x86\ISO c:\PE\winpe_x86\winpe_x86.iso


Edited by Tripredacus
fixed RD
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  • 2 years later...

Hi again :thumbup

I know this is an old thread, but I thought it was still relevant to the question in hand....

When creating the pe boot cd is there a way to add a preference for keyboard? I would like to add the Swedish one if that is possible.



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Hi again :yes:

As you all know by now - I am about a hundred years behind you guys...I know that you should keep the boot.wim to a reasonable size because of memory errors.

Yes, I know there is a ton of litrature out there and Tripredacus has some great links....still have a question.


To cover the bases when adding drivers...which ones are classed as the most important and should be in the wim and which ones can be in the ISO and not need to be loaded into ram?

I know that network drivers are a biggy....just wondered about the others especially when there are so many drivers to be had from Driverpacks.net


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Hi again!

Hs anyone a link to a comprensive list of command line switches. Want to know what does what and not just take from you guys....

Although I am grateful ner


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Switches for what? :w00t:

Anyways, as far as drivers go. For the boot.wim you only need LAN and Mass Storage drivers. If you are not doing a network deployment, you may not even need LAN drivers. Since all my WinPE use is from PXE, those two driver types are the ones I use. However, I don't go about adding drivers willy-nilly. Only if a hardware isn't working properly, I add its drivers.

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Hi Tripredacus!

Well, in the code above from ner he used D /s/q. Just thought it would be nice to understand what each does.

And regarding adding drivers that you don't need - I here you. I have done just that....added network drivers and mass storage.

If I was to add other drivers to the pot and avoid adding them to the boot.wim but have them available on the CD then what would be the code for that if I have say my PE folder on C:\PE

Thanks again for your advice....much appreciated!


Edited by bookie32
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Hi Tripredacus!

Well, in the code above from ner he used D /s/q.

It looks like a typo. Should be RD /s/q.

C:\Users\xxxx>rd /?
Removes (deletes) a directory.

RMDIR [/S] [/Q] [drive:]path
RD [/S] [/Q] [drive:]path

/S Removes all directories and files in the specified directory
in addition to the directory itself. Used to remove a directory

/Q Quiet mode, do not ask if ok to remove a directory tree with /S

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