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The File-Checker (HFSLIPFC) for HFSLIP

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Don't forget about KB2570791. It's not listed in the bulletin ;)

MU/WU is not asking for it. What's all the fuss about?

Posted (edited)

Hmm, it should be asking for it. Strange. August 2011 cumulative time zone update for Windows operating systems http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2570791

Last Review: August 11, 2011

Patch Tuesday was the 9th so it makes sense that it didn't appear then but is should now.

It has a digital signature of Friday, July 08, 2011 8:58:23 PM

Edited by -X-

Maybe it appears as an optional update? The XP one requires validation to download, the one for Win2003 Server can be downloaded normally.


Mmm, nice catch, that one might apply here,since the authorities modified the daylight saving time here these year (now, summer time starts in august instead of october)

Posted (edited)

OK, here's some info:


2562937 (Ax killbits) replaces 2508272


2567680 replaces 2121546, but this one was already replaced by 2507938, so nothing to replace.


2570791 replaces 2443685 (Timezone update)

Edit: almost forgot: KB2536276 v2 replaces KB2536276 (you need WindowsXP-KB2536276-v2-x86-XXX.exe)

MRT 3.22 replaces 3.21


IE8 2559049 replaces prev. cumm. update (can't remember the KB number right now).

Also, new flash is available here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7065652/SWFLASH.CAB

And for hfslip64, here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7065652/HFSLIP64_PRE_SWFlash10.zip

C ya!

Edited by jvidal

you still alive, Mimo?

Yes, all is ok. sorry for the delay... I was on a business trip and I had also much -- high priority :) -- private things to do. But currently I preparing the new upload...

file-checker update for windows XP:

- Added: KB2536276-v2 (MS11-043: SMB Client)
- Added: KB2559049 (MS11-057: Internet Explorer)
- Added: KB2566454 (MS11-062: Remote Access Service NDISTAPI Driver)
- Added: KB2567680 (MS11-063: Windows Client/Server Run-time Subsystem)
- Added: KB2570222 (MS11-065: Remote Desktop Protocol)
- Added: KB2562937 (Security Advisory 2562937: ActiveX Kill Bits)
- Added: Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.22.5202.0
- Added: KB2570791 (Cumulative Time Zone Update)
- Added: Adobe Flash Player
- Removed: KB2536276 (MS11-043: SMB Client, replaced by KB2536276-v2)
- Removed: KB2530548 (MS11-050: Internet Explorer, replaced by KB2559049)
- Removed: KB2507938 (MS11-056: Windows Client/Server Run-time Subsystem, replaced by KB2567680)
- Removed: Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.21.5103.0
- Removed: KB2443685 (Cumulative Time Zone Update)
- Removed: Adobe Flash Player

Download HFSLIPFC v.2011/05/10 with XP-update-list v.2011/08/22

Furthermore I’ve added a download-link to the update-list for the Italian Windows Messenger 5.1 ( Thx to brutus1234

Posted (edited)

Wait, I (already) found a few bugs:

First, hfslipc is looking for KB2562937-ENU-xxxxxxx , but my lang is set to spanish, not english. Because of this, it asks for the prev. update (2508272, now obsolete) and it says that 2562937-ESN-xxx is "obsolete", whereas it's actually the correct update.

Why on earth would hfslipc ask for a previus update when it doesn't find the current one? I think this is not right. It should just ask for the latest, and if it's not found, then say it's missing, but not ask for a previous one...

Second, are you sure that IE8-KB2559049 replaces the Compatibility update (KB2447568)? It replaces the previous cumm. update, but the compatibility update...????? (BTW, it says "relpaced" instead of "replaced").

Third: 2567680 DOES NOT replace 2507938. It replaces 2121546, which was already replaced by 2507938.

2507938 updates two files: winsrv.dll and csrsrv.dll, while 2567680 replaces only one: winsrv.dll

I hope you can fix these ASAP.


Edited by jvidal
Posted (edited)

First, hfslipc is looking for KB2562937-ENU-xxxxxxx , but my lang is set to spanish, not english. Because of this, it asks for the prev. update (2508272, now obsolete) and it says that 2562937-ESN-xxx is "obsolete", whereas it's actually the correct update.

Why on earth would hfslipc ask for a previus update when it doesn't find the current one? I think this is not right. It should just ask for the latest, and if it's not found, then say it's missing, but not ask for a previous one...

When I looked for the download of KB2562937 I just found a direct download link on the kb-article (no link to the download-center). And also on a non-englisch kb-article I found just the English one. So I think it's an ENU-update for all languages.

The reason that KB2508272 is still listed as an active download: you can decide that the file-checker will not check for advisories. And then KB2508272 will still be expected. But if the file-checker will find KB2562937, KB2508272 will not be expected anymore.

Second, are you sure that IE8-KB2559049 replaces the Compatibility update (KB2447568)? It replaces the previous cumm. update, but the compatibility update...????? (BTW, it says "relpaced" instead of "replaced").

Of course youre right. In the update-list (web-site) it's correct but when I changed the file-checker-list I made this error.

Third: 2567680 DOES NOT replace 2507938. It replaces 2121546, which was already replaced by 2507938.

2507938 updates two files: winsrv.dll and csrsrv.dll, while 2567680 replaces only one: winsrv.dll


I upload a fixed list this day...

-- edit --

when I search directly in the download-center for KB2562937 I found the download-page (with language-selection).

Edited by Mim0

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