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Posted (edited)

Still there is a problem with Vista Platform when using this program

You can download (first page of the topic) and use the last release 7Customizer_0.5.0.rar!


Extract the file at the root of the HDD and not on the Desktop!

Your log file:

=== 7Customizer Started===

7Customizer verion: 0.4.0a

7Customizer path: C:\Users\Adminstrator\Desktop\7Customizer\7Customizer.exe

Current directory: C:\Users\Adminstrator\Desktop\7Customizer

OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2

OS architecture: AMD64

Edited by myselfidem
Posted (edited)


However, I've tested with my Windows Vista SP1 DVD and 7Customizer_0.4.4 and works fine!


=== 7Customizer Started===

7Customizer verion: 0.4.4

7Customizer path: C:\7Customizer_0.4.4\7Customizer.exe

Current directory: C:\7Customizer_0.4.4

OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

OS architecture: AMD64

Work folder found: True

Mount folder found: True

Themes folder found: True

Languages folder found: True

Extract utility found: True

Configuration file found: True

bootorder.txt file found: True

Boot sector file found: True

Elevated: True

Loading Language: Begin

Loading Language: Done

Getting drive info

Free space: 332.413997650146 GB

Getting drive info: Done

Saved Imagex path: C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe

Saved DISM path: C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\Servicing\Dism.exe

Saved odcdimg path: C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\oscdimg.exe

Windows source path selected

Sources folder found

install.wim found

install.wim size: 2621 MB

Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe">work\testimagex.txt

Testing imagex

Imagex result begin:

Imagex result file created.

ImageX Tool for Windows

Copyright © Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.

Version: 6.1.7600.16385

Imagex result end.

Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\Servicing\Dism.exe">work\testdism.txt

Testing dism

dism result begin:

Outil Gestion et maintenance des images de d�ploiement

Version : 6.1.7600.16385

dism result end.

added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe" /XML /info "C:\Vista\sources\install.wim">work\imagesinfo.xml

Starting imagex

Imagex created imagesinfo.xml Successfully

Reading images information from imagesinfo.xml

First 5 lines of imagesinfo.xml






Number of Available Images: 7

Reading image indiceis

Reading image displaynames

Reading image names

Reading image architectures

Reading image edition IDs - using FLAGS

Available Images: Begin

Windows Vista Professionnel

Windows Vista Édition Familiale Basique

Windows Vista Édition Familiale Premium

Windows Vista Édition Intégrale

Windows Vista Édition Familiale Basique N

Windows Vista Professionnel N

Windows Vista Starter

Available Images: End

Reading info finished

Start button pressed

added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\imagex.exe" /XML /info "C:\Vista\sources\install.wim" 4 >work\imagesinfo.xml

Starting ImageX

Imagex created imagesinfo.xml Successfully

Reading selected image information from imagesinfo.xml

First 5 lines of imagesinfo.xml






Installed Language: Begin


Installed Language: End

Image default language: fr-FR

Image Architecture: x86

Image Edition:ULTIMATE

Selected Image name: Windows Vista ULTIMATE

Finished Reading selected image information

Tweaks Enabled

Preparing instructions for registry editing

added reg.exe load HKLM\7user "work\mount\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT"

added reg.exe load HKLM\7soft "work\mount\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE"

added reg.exe load HKLM\7system "work\mount\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM"

added reg.exe import "work\reg.reg"

added reg.exe unload HKLM\7user

added reg.exe unload HKLM\7soft

added reg.exe unload HKLM\7system

Finished preparing instructions for registry editing

Apply button pressed

Debug Mode: False

Prepearing instructions to execute

Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\Servicing\Dism.exe" /mount-wim /wimfile:"C:\Vista\sources\install.wim" /index:4 /mountdir:"work\mount"

Added: "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\x86\Servicing\Dism.exe" /unmount-wim /mountdir:"work\mount" /commit

Preparing tweaks file

Finished preparing tweaks file


Finished Execution

Done. Exiting 7Customizer


Edited by myselfidem


7Customizer is only for customizing Windows 7. You are using it to customize windows Vista.


Thanks for the update

7 is the same as Vista but a different interface. Because Microsoft knows me.

Looking at the log. The code looks like Visual studio 2008/2010 with visual basic

As a programmer at uni of Bolton




However, I've tested with my Windows Vista SP1 DVD and 7Customizer_0.4.4 and works fine!

Very interesting. I didn't know that. So, that means 7Customizer supports customizing Windows Vista (In a certain level). Hmmmm. I think I need to try a couple of things and decide whether to add Vista (which I really hate) support or not.

Thanks for the great feedback.


7customizer is developed using C# in Visual Studio 2008.




However, I've tested with my Windows Vista SP1 DVD and 7Customizer_0.4.4 and works fine!

Very interesting. I didn't know that. So, that means 7Customizer supports customizing Windows Vista (In a certain level). Hmmmm. I think I need to try a couple of things and decide whether to add Vista (which I really hate) support or not.

Thanks for the great feedback.


7customizer is developed using C# in Visual Studio 2008.


Just a personal opinion but I dont think you should add support for vista. Its "outdated" and we have vLite for it:)

Plus 7 is so much better than vista.

Posted (edited)


It was just for testing purpose! :rolleyes:

I've tested customizing Windows Vista SP1 x86 with 7Customizer_0.4.4 on my computer Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64. Works fine.

But I've not tested all the features offered by 7Customizer.

WAIK for Windows 7 installed!

Edited by myselfidem

@ grabben

Its "outdated"

It is not outdated. It is still supported by M$.

we have vLite for it:) Plus 7 is so much better than vista.[

Yeah I agree.

However, if supporting vista will not take much effort, I do no see any reason not to support it even if it sucks , BSODs all the time , is slow, is incompatible , is full of problems and I really hate it. Hmmm after saying all of that, let's just forget about it and let it RIP. :D



Yes Blue,

it's better you will concentrate your development on Win7, because Vista is not the best operating system of MS. It's not good going back to the past.




It was just for testing purpose! :rolleyes:

I've tested customizing Windows Vista SP1 x86 with 7Customizer_0.4.4 on my computer Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64. Works fine.

But I've not tested all the features offered by 7Customizer.

WAIK for Windows 7 installed!

I know it was and it actually worked. ABit of a surprise but still not:)

@ grabben

Its "outdated"

It is not outdated. It is still supported by M$.

we have vLite for it:) Plus 7 is so much better than vista.[

Yeah I agree.

However, if supporting vista will not take much effort, I do no see any reason not to support it even if it sucks , BSODs all the time , is slow, is incompatible , is full of problems and I really hate it. Hmmm after saying all of that, let's just forget about it and let it RIP. :D


Well i wrote "outdated" meaning that 7 is newer and way better so we can skip vista:)


Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a way to set a mount folder? My tools partition is exFAT which isn't compatible with DISM mounting, so I need to be able to set it to my NTFS partition. Any way to do this? I apologize in advance if this has already been discussed. Thank you.


Hi blue4603,

What should I do if I want to add some software (.exe) in Windows 7 SP1 ? I mean WinRAR ... UltraISO... and so on ?

Thanks in advance.

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