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Posted (edited)

Technet was the same.

Don't really know how this worked before with French on Features and Packages. When I set French they are all blank. Can you try that and let me know?

The files with Technet Frnch are exporting in English so it should not work

I thought the Technet would be a localized version since it said French.

Edited by maxXPsoft

Posted (edited)

I will test and I report the result when it's done.

*Edit: Using Se7en_UA it's not needed to use /English...Works fine without!


Outil Gestion et maintenance des images de d‚ploiement
Version : 6.1.7600.16385

Version de l'imageÿ: 6.1.7601.17514

Obtention d'une liste de tous les pilotes … partir du magasin de pilotes...

Liste des packages de pilotes :

Nom publi‚ : 1394.inf
Nom du fichier d'origine : 1394.inf
BoŒte de r‚ception : Oui
Nom de la classe : 1394
Nom du fournisseur : Microsoft
Date : 21.06.2006
Version : 6.1.7601.17514

Nom publi‚ : 61883.inf
Nom du fichier d'origine : 61883.inf
BoŒte de r‚ception : Oui
Nom de la classe : 61883
Nom du fournisseur : Microsoft
Date : 21.06.2006
Version : 6.1.7600.16385

Nom publi‚ : acpi.inf
Nom du fichier d'origine : acpi.inf
BoŒte de r‚ception : Oui
Nom de la classe : System
Nom du fournisseur : Microsoft
Date : 21.06.2006
Version : 6.1.7601.17514

Nom publi‚ : acpipmi.inf
Nom du fichier d'origine : acpipmi.inf
BoŒte de r‚ception : Oui
Nom de la classe : System
Nom du fournisseur : Microsoft
Date : 21.06.2006
Version : 6.1.7601.17514

Nom publi‚ : adp94xx.inf
Nom du fichier d'origine : adp94xx.inf
BoŒte de r‚ception : Oui
Nom de la classe : SCSIAdapter
Nom du fournisseur : Adaptec
Date : 11.11.2008
Version :

Nom publi‚ : adpahci.inf
Nom du fichier d'origine : adpahci.inf
BoŒte de r‚ception : Oui
Nom de la classe : SCSIAdapter
Nom du fournisseur : Adaptec
Date : 27.04.2007
Version :

Nom publi‚ : adpu320.inf
Nom du fichier d'origine : adpu320.inf
BoŒte de r‚ception : Oui
Nom de la classe : SCSIAdapter
Nom du fournisseur : Adaptec
Date : 25.01.2007
Version :

Nom publi‚ : af9035bda.inf
Nom du fichier d'origine : af9035bda.inf
BoŒte de r‚ception : Oui
Nom de la classe : Media
Nom du fournisseur : AfaTech
Date : 31.07.2008
Version :


Outil Gestion et maintenance des images de d‚ploiement
Version : 6.1.7600.16385

Version de l'imageÿ: 6.1.7601.17514

Liste des fonctionnalit‚s pour le package : Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.1.7601.17514

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : OEMHelpCustomization
tat : D‚sactiv‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : CorporationHelpCustomization
tat : D‚sactiv‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : SimpleTCP
tat : D‚sactiv‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : SNMP
tat : D‚sactiv‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : WMISnmpProvider
tat : D‚sactiv‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : TelnetServer
tat : D‚sactiv‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : TelnetClient
tat : D‚sactiv‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : WindowsGadgetPlatform
tat : Activ‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : InboxGames
tat : Activ‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : More Games
tat : Activ‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : Solitaire
tat : Activ‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : SpiderSolitaire
tat : Activ‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : Hearts
tat : Activ‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : FreeCell
tat : Activ‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : Minesweeper
tat : Activ‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : PurblePlace
tat : Activ‚

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : Chess
tat : Activation en attente

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : Shanghai
tat : Activation en attente

Nom de la fonctionnalit‚ : Internet Games
tat : Activation en attente


Outil Gestion et maintenance des images de d‚ploiement
Version : 6.1.7600.16385

Version de l'imageÿ: 6.1.7601.17514

Liste des packagesÿ:

Identit‚ du package : Microsoft-Windows-Client-Refresh-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~fr-FR~6.1.7601.17514
tat : Installation en attente
Type de version : Language Pack
Heure d'installation : 12.04.2011 01:45

Identit‚ du package : Microsoft-Windows-CodecPack-Basic-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.1.7601.17514
tat : Install‚
Type de version : Feature Pack
Heure d'installation : 20.11.2010 21:41

Identit‚ du package : Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.1.7601.17514
tat : Install‚
Type de version : Foundation
Heure d'installation : 20.11.2010 21:41

Identit‚ du package : Microsoft-Windows-IE-Troubleshooters-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~en-US~6.1.7601.17514
tat : D‚sinstallation en attente
Type de version : Language Pack
Heure d'installation : 20.11.2010 21:41

Identit‚ du package : Microsoft-Windows-IE-Troubleshooters-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.1.7601.17514
tat : Install‚
Type de version : Feature Pack
Heure d'installation : 20.11.2010 21:41

Thanks and regards

Edited by myselfidem

I will test and I report the result when it's done.

I am running an English version and exporting french dvd sources and I get English files which the program won't read right. Features and Packages are blank. I see a way to fix but will take me a little time

With changing to /Table I will need you to export the 3 files and put up on your web for download. just use Add Right click .wim



With changing to /Table I will need you to export the 3 files and put up on your web for download. just use Add Right click .wim


If I well understand you need the three text files (exported french) using /Table ?

I can give you on MediaFire if it's needed when I do a new test of course!


If I well understand you need the three text files (exported french) using /Table ?

yes you can replace this to your Right click .wim

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CommandStore\shell\Drivers Packages Features To Desktop\command]
@="cmd /c start /b powershell -command \"&C:\\Windows\\System32\\Dism.exe /image:C:\\zMountDir /Get-Drivers /Format:Table /all > %%userprofile%%\\Desktop\\zDrivers.txt\";powershell -command {\"&C:\\Windows\\System32\\Dism.exe /image:C:\\zMountDir /Get-Packages /Format:Table > %%userprofile%%\\Desktop\\zPackagelist.txt\"};powershell -command {\"&C:\\Windows\\System32\\Dism.exe /image:C:\\zMountDir /Get-Features /Format:Table > %%userprofile%%\\Desktop\\zFeatures.txt\"};Write-Host -NoNewLine 'Press any key to continue...';$null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown');\""

Posted (edited)

Here is the folder Right-Click.rar with the three files: zDrivers.txt; zFeatures.txt; zPackagelist.txt saved on my Desktop:


First I mounted the image install.wim using .wimrightclick replacing the reg file you given above, but it was not needed... because this one is already inside the updated file:


All works really fine.

Thanks and regards

Edited by myselfidem
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.7.3 March 31, 2013, 9:52:17 AM
' Fix to write separate Paths for Win 7 and Win 8 on certain items [Se7en_UA_Path] and added [Eight_Path]
' Exports Features Packages Drivers using /Format:Table now
' Improve startup performance. Had left a debug tool it ran each time. Same for RunOnceEx Tester
' Add more Tweaks for Win 8 and Win 7.
' Fix error where if Autoit was not installed some tweaks didn't work
' Disable Appx packages for Win 8 running on win 7 Finalize Image

I needed the separate paths cause I change between Win 7 and Win 8 frequently.

The speed increase on startup is very noticeable. It was creating zSysteminfo.txt each time and only needs that when it's started over and you will see that now when it is creating it.

Decided not to include Add Right click .wim since I update it ocassionally like today. Get it separately from here or in my Sig. Guests won't see anyones sig

Edited by maxXPsoft
  • 2 weeks later...

I use Se7en_UA.exe 6.7.3

And setup in C:\Se7en_UA

When I run Se7en_UA.exe I get error like picture

Run time error 453

Can't find DLL entry point MD5Init in md5.dll

How can I fix this error?

Thank you


Posted (edited)

Maybe that can help:


*Edit: Are you using Se7en_UA on Windows XP?

EDIT: Se7en_UA6.3.33 final for XP Vista. Use this last version 6.3.33 if you are running XP or Vista. I regret that I can no longer keep both updated. Easiest way to do Seven is just install it to drive without a key and you have 30 days to build your unattended. XP now? has to be same architecture as the Target Vista/Seven OS

Edited by myselfidem
Posted (edited)

Run time error 453

Can't find DLL entry point MD5Init in md5.dll

I use that to check MD5 on my exe to make sure it is virus free. I may can remove it since all files to Mediafire are scanned with Bitdefender

Edit: I have removed it and the 6.7.3. Be done updating newer version and have it up soon.

Edited by maxXPsoft

Almost the perfect Unattend just ran. Fixed several things here

Also added the changing User Tile with setupcomplete.cmd to Addons

I recommend you start over at DVD copy with this version

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.7.5 April 18, 2013, 3:17:18 PM
' It will Rename Appswitch.dat to Appswitch.ini. Thats all it was anyway
' Removed md5.dll. Mediafire scans all files so if you download from there you get a safe file
' Fix where using dism /online was crashing Cleanup.cmd
'Se7en_UA.exe 6.7.4
' Fix the way it handles .msu Hotfixes. Was not adding .msu
' Fix if you rollback and added a couple dll's with modfiles it would crash at Pack


Almost the perfect Unattend just ran. Fixed several things here

Also added the changing User Tile with setupcomplete.cmd to Addons

I recommend you start over at DVD copy with this version

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.7.5 April 18, 2013, 3:17:18 PM
' It will Rename Appswitch.dat to Appswitch.ini. Thats all it was anyway
' Removed md5.dll. Mediafire scans all files so if you download from there you get a safe file
' Fix where using dism /online was crashing Cleanup.cmd
'Se7en_UA.exe 6.7.4
' Fix the way it handles .msu Hotfixes. Was not adding .msu
' Fix if you rollback and added a couple dll's with modfiles it would crash at Pack

Just tried the new version with win 7 x64 ultimate

I'm getting the following error

Processing 140 of 143 - Adding package C:\Se7en_UA\HFixes\windows6.1-kb947821-v2



Processing 141 of 143 - Adding package C:\Se7en_UA\HFixes\Windows6.1-KB971033-x6



Processing 142 of 143 - Adding package C:\Se7en_UA\HFixes\Windows6.1-KB982018-v3



Processing 143 of 143 - Adding package C:\Se7en_UA\HFixes\Windows6.1-winhelp32KB



Error: 2

Package C:\Se7en_UA\HFixes\Windows6.1-KB209900-x64.msu may have failed due pendi

ng updates to servicing components in the image. Try the command again.The comma

nd completed with errors.

For more information, refer to the log file.

The DISM log file can be found at C:\Se7en_UA\Logs\Hotfixes.log

Pause to see if ERROR. Copy Error and let me know

Press any key to continue . . .

Posted (edited)

KB209900-x64.msu may have failed due pending updates to servicing components in the image.

Its one of those although that number I haven't seen

I've ran across a few of those and adding something to process these during cleanup.cmd with next version 6.7.6

My list so far and this will be able to be updated by user by simply adding a ,####### to the list

I'll add that number if someone tells me as you have



EDIT: Done

Getting mixed results after cleanup and reboot though, about 2 out of my list although the command ran they still show up in Windows Update. scratching head on that here


If you using the Right Click .wim change the Add Packages to a cmd /k start /b powershell

It will continue even on errors or hitting a key in that window.

Edited by maxXPsoft

Getting mixed results after cleanup and reboot though, about 2 out of my list although the command ran they still show up in Windows Update. scratching head on that here

When I got this error I ws using a wim that had ie10 and other updates reverse integrated.

I changed to a wim downloaded from Microsoft with sp1. I got the same error on a different update.

But don't know if this is because only the last error is displayed or not

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