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maxXPsoft, I assume you are injecting SP1. I suspect that many aspects of SP1 install is being executed during the actual install. You probable need to copy your FirstUXRes.wim into SP1 (replacing their two copies) before you inject it. Enjoy, John.

Posted (edited)

I am not injecting, I say again this is a Full sp1 dvd and that is when trouble started with FirstUXRes.

May go back to injected version with my app cause it worked there. Then I could work on problem in a Vm

Edited by maxXPsoft

maxXPsoft, how was your DVD made? I made my image that works (including FirstUXRes) using sysprep/capture. Have you searched the DVD, including images, for FirstUXRes? The only thing else I can think of is that a new file is being DLed. Do you have an Internet connection during install? Good luck, John.

Posted (edited)


I went back and made a sp0 and slipstreamed sp1 with same results. FirstUXRes.WIM is where it is supposed to be in all locations and I even disconnected Inet while installing

I did do search through the sources look above

I have been modding startup files since early xp, back then we used Winntbbu Editor and only 1 file winntbbu.dll

I'm still digging into this. are you running 64-bit?

Edited by maxXPsoft
are you running 64-bit?

maxXPsoft, yes, x64 Ultimate.

Did you change the FirstUXRes.WIM files in SP1 before slipstreaming? There are at least two copies in SP1. I did another install (VM) yesterday and all went fine. My Install.wim came from a sysprep/capture from a DVD installation plus SP1 and IE9 (installed after W7 installation). I did a similar search as yours the other day with about the same results. Enjoy, John

Posted (edited)

I load them with my App so it is after I copy whatever source and since sp1 is injected after I know to use current versions of the dll, .wim and so on

FirstUXRes.WIM all is fine turn out my image was wrong res trying to reduce size. it must be 1024x768 not 766. This won't tell you that only use black background instead

noticed this in several setups also if you don't use an exact image MS resize things look funny on the screen.

on the FirstUXRes if you look at properties and security you will see about 10 extra users on all them files. I removed them all in my adventures

Edited by maxXPsoft

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.5.4: April 12, 2011, 4:55:28 PM
' Removed .wim right click menu. Can add that from Tools
' Added a lot of mod files additions this release. These are mainly targeted at a SP1 DVD
' %ProgramW6432% fix for APPS

Usage: ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files for 64 bit Applications

FLAG2=%ProgramW6432%\ExamDiff Pro\password.bin

I have sampled many of these modded files. Liked the changing of my Start Orb in explorer.exe

mod files additions


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.5.5: April 25, 2011, 6:34:26 AM
' Add 7-Zip Command line version to Tools
' Cleanup old source makes it load faster
' Fix themepack not deleting

7zip added to extract SP1 files

Edited by maxXPsoft
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Get it while you can. Complete backup and restore program.

REM http://www.mztweak.com/mzregistrybackup.html
REM NOTES: Nullsoft Installer. FULL Registry backup and restore
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /VE /D "Mz Registry Backup 1.4" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /V Inum /D "CMD /C Start /Wait %SystemDrive%\APPS\Mz_Registry_Backup\MzRegistryBackup.exe /S" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\iAdd /V Inum /D "CMD /C DEL \"%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop\Mz Registry Backup.lnk\"" /f

For French people I've made the translation French.xml.


For Mz 7 Optimizer or individual downloaded programs here:


Just set after the installation the French.xml file inside: .\Program Files\Mz 7 Optimizer\Languages\


Edited by myselfidem
Posted (edited)

Hi I've Downloaded Today Se7en_UA 6.5.5 to My Slipstream Work Folder and than extracted it with 7Zip 9.20RC and than startup the Setup.I've installed it to C:\Se7en_UA and to my H:\Slipstream Folder without spaces.So now just normal with mouse I click on it and it doesen't Start. So WHY?

My System:

ASrock 890FX Deluxe5 AM3+ Motherboard

AMD Phenom II 955 3.2Ghz BE C3 Stepping Boxed

G.SKILL Ripjaws X DDR3 Ram 1866Mgz 11-10-10-28 2x4Gb

MSI Raden R6970 Lightning

Windows 7 Enterprise 32 Bit RTM Retail German(I am from Germany)

None Service Packs None Updates Installed

I have also Probelm Installing Win 7 32 Bit SP1 for Now some component during Installation is not completly downloaded Windows6.1KBXXXXXXXXX? What is this I don't understand.

Thank You Forwards


Edited by cTreamer

Hi everyone :hello:

I put my new system together a few weeks ago and just been letting it run with various progs running for a burn in test. Today I started the actual install of the OS (Win7 64 Bit Pro) and had it fully updated to June. Installed my Antivirus updated it and so forth. Now come to install Se7en_UA and it installs just fine, problem is it won't start. Appears to be like the same issue as Fernando1 and others have experienced, double click on icon arrow shows busy for about 2 seconds and then nothing. I did have this working fine on my old desktop but that has been wiped clean :angry: and re-purposed for the wife. Here is what I have tried.

Base install W7 64Bit SP0

Base install W7 64Bit SP0 with WAIK for W7

Base install W7 64Bit SP1

Base install W7 64Bit SP1 with WAIK for W7

Renaming Appswitch.new to Appswitch.dat

Deleting the ini file wich it will not re-create as the program never starts.

So yeah I messed up when wiping the old HD and probably could have transferred the install from there to here type of operation but that is now water under the bridge. I have been from page 1 of this topic to the last post on page 8 all day today regarding this issue and nothing is working. I know (If it ain't broke don't fix it):rolleyes: Please help!!

My system:

AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition Deneb 3.4GHz

G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 16GB (4 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)


GeForce GT 430 (Fermi) 1GB 128-bit DDR3 PCI Express 2.0 x16

Western Digital Caviar Black WD5002AALX 500GB 7200 RPM 32MB Cache




Found what was wrong I think

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.5.6: June 26, 2011, 12:39:38 PM
' Correct adding of exe, msi installers with $$\SETUP\Scripts\Setupcomplete.cmd
' Opens tweak file after adding with notepad.
' WinCal-Win7* + WinPinball* add to REGadd. They won't run till user is loaded
' Fix adding of .bmp with Full SP1
' Checks if iso at dvd copy


Found what was wrong I think

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.5.6: June 26, 2011, 12:39:38 PM
' Correct adding of exe, msi installers with $\SETUP\Scripts\Setupcomplete.cmd
' Opens tweak file after adding with notepad.
' WinCal-Win7* + WinPinball* add to REGadd. They won't run till user is loaded
' Fix adding of .bmp with Full SP1
' Checks if iso at dvd copy

Max your GREAT!!:thumbup That took care of it and I will shortly be putting together a new image later today and will post back with info.

Thanks Again


Posted (edited)

Only install to 1 location like C:\Se7en_UA and run from there

Try right click and run as Administrator maybe

Yes I Know,I did so at First I've Installed to C:\ and it didn't start. Than Deinstalled and Installed into my H:\Slipstream Windows AiO Folder and again mouse click on it 1-2 Seconds wait and it doesen't start again.Right Mouse Click and Run As Administrator was First what I've tried that I thought maybe could work. So it also doesen't work.Now I've installed Win 7 SP1 32-Bit but none further Post-Updates.How can I Fix this Problem????

Thank You Forwards


Edited by cTreamer

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