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I was mad after that dell guy left and went to sleep. Ended up changing nothing cause PC was booting up

You can delete the Se7en_UA.ini then restart and it will create new. Attach so I can look

To unmount

Open command prompt with 'Run as Administrator' and run following

Dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:F:\zMountDir /discard

Dism /Cleanup-Wim

then delete this reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WIMMount\Mounted Images


First of all I wish you to get success changing your Mobo and PSU :yes:

To finalize here, my goal was to slipstream sp1 into windows 7, do some tweaks and make it unattended but I was unable to do it with Se7en_UA6.5.0, maybe there is something wrong with my pc so I came up with another tool called RT 7 lite. Right now I am at the middle of slipstreaming sp1 and what would happen next who knows it?

Anyway the Se7en_UA.ini is blank and …. that’s it.

Posted (edited)

Anyway the Se7en_UA.ini is blank and …. that’s it.

Yes it is blank and that saves several seconds when it starts, delete it and restart Se7en_UA and it re creates it again with where you are at for me to troubleshoot what is wrong. Thats ok use RT makes no difference. I had never been reported with that error.

Edited by maxXPsoft
  • 2 weeks later...
'Se7en_UA.exe 6.5.1: February 03, 2011, 10:05:15 PM
' Modified SP1 injection to allow different image selection. Also make less annoying
' Removed Image compress and will do Auto to eliminate the [Files] folder from the .wim
' Add new multi language 7QuickLaunch.au3 corrected by myselfidem

Posted (edited)

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.5.1: February 03, 2011, 10:05:15 PM
' Modified SP1 injection to allow different image selection. Also make less annoying
' Removed Image compress and will do Auto to eliminate the [Files] folder from the .wim
' Add new multi language 7QuickLaunch.au3 corrected by myselfidem

Many thanks maxXPsoft for the new version Se7en_UA. :thumbup

I see you have added the new 7QuickLauch multi language also! Nice!


Edited by myselfidem
Posted (edited)

Using version 6.5.1 when I inject SP1 I get this errpr when I install windows 7

Nothing changed about the way I inject SP1 only the message boxes that are displayed to try and make less annoying

Edit: But make sure to select en-us if you have an en-us dvd also

Are you installing that in VM?

if not this say bad drive http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7itproinstall/thread/a855eb29-c118-4c40-bc98-46ee992a4394/

Edited by maxXPsoft

Using version 6.5.1 when I inject SP1 I get this errpr when I install windows 7

Nothing changed about the way I inject SP1 only the message boxes that are displayed to try and make less annoying

Edit: But make sure to select en-us if you have an en-us dvd also

Are you installing that in VM?

if not this say bad drive http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7itproinstall/thread/a855eb29-c118-4c40-bc98-46ee992a4394/

I am installing to a VM. It works ok if I don't inject SP1

could be my download of SP1 is corupt

this is the md5 chk sum fd98c34256b3da21fb8a7e91ef1c1903

if someone could verify it



That md5 don't match either of mine


I got them here and not the torrent http://windows7forums.com/windows-7-discussion/56605-windows-7-service-pack-1-sp1-download-available.html

1 other thing I done was fix where it compresses at very end. Might try 6.5.0 after you verify the Sp1

Here's what I found if I click yes I get the error.

clicking no works without error.

Its the same with any of the downloads of SP1 I use.


Here's what I found if I click yes I get the error.

clicking no works without error.

Its the same with any of the downloads of SP1 I use.

So when you click No you add languages the next time you start it? even if just en-us

Let me test that, the Yes add's all languages to 1 folder for injection but it will not add any languages not present in the wim already

Posted (edited)

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.5.2: February 08, 2011, 7:08:05 AM
' Fix error found by jbm. Could not set offline local
' When I tried to make more easy I had removed something when you select all languages for SP1
' It was removing all from .mum file
' Add tweak to give Background right click Create Restore point

My Tweak Background right click Create Restore point

Create a file named CreateRestorePoint.reg

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\Create Restore Point]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\Create Restore Point\command]

Create a file named CreateRestorePoint.vbs

'created by Se7en_UA
'Scriptable equivalent of the SRSetRestorePoint function.

Set Args = wscript.Arguments
If Args.count() > 0 Then
RpName = Args.Item(0)
RpName = "Manual RP " & CDate(Date) & " " & (Time)
End If

wscript.Echo "Create Restore Point: " & RpName & " " & _
vbcrlf & "Please Wait untill Success"

Set obj = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!root/default:SystemRestore")

If (obj.CreateRestorePoint(RpName, 0, 100)) = 0 Then
wscript.Echo "Success"
wscript.Echo "Failed"
End If

Copy the CreateRestorePoint.vbs to Windows folder and then merge the CreateRestorePoint.reg. You can now right click anywhere in any folder or on desktop and get a right click Create Restore Point

Will do that in latest with language conversions and add vbs to Root of system drive in $1 folder

EDIT: Changed location of CreateRestorePoint.vbs to %windir%\CreateRestorePoint.vbs so it works on any Windows location. Reg had to be changed to a REG_EXPAND_SZ

Edited by maxXPsoft

'Se7en_UA.exe 6.5.2: February 08, 2011, 7:08:05 AM
' Fix error found by jbm. Could not set offline local
' When I tried to make more easy I had removed something when you select all languages for SP1
' It was removing all from .mum file
' Add tweak to give Background right click Create Restore point

Thankss, the problem is fixed.

Sorry it took me so long.

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