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New Winzip for .zipx files


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Because if igor makes 7-zip compatible with .zipx then the new update may not support windows 98, and that was the point I was trying to make.

See how you tie the implementation of the zipx spec to possible incompatibilty. This does not make sense. The only data file format that could be incompatible with 9x I can think of would be a format whose spec specifies that the filesize must be at minimum bigger than the maximum file size a 9x system can handle. Other than that I can't see anything that would make a data file format intrinsically incompatible with the given system.

But we are not talking about the file format not being compatible, it's the actual program itself when and if this guy upgrades it.

Let me supply an example of what I am trying to say to you.

At the moment Avast supports windows 98, right, but very soon they will be upgrading it to Avast 5, and I know for a fact that it will not be compatible with windows 98.

So if we take this on the same ground as the 7-Zip program, and when it's been upgraded then perhaps this will fall into the same category.

Of course I am aware that Igor may just make it compatible with windows 98 as before, but my worry was and is that it wont be compatible.


Edited by frogman
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Come on, you make sentences in which you to treat the file format spec as a cause of a possible incompatibility, read yourself.

Other than that I understand now that you are saying there is software that is not (or will not be) compatible anymore with the 9x platforms, but that's nothing new to anyone here.

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It's just too new a format to be supported by anything but Winzip right now I guess.

Yeah, but the problem will be that when winrar starts to support it we won't be supported by that either.

It does look like we are going to be forced to upgrade 98 eventually doesn't it.

Not necessarily... AVG and most other antivirus programs already dropped Win 9x/ME and we didn't drop the OS because of this. When and if 7-Zip gets upgraded to support .zipx it will either support Win 9x/ME or not. There is currently no good solution for the similarly unsupported .docx and .xlsx... For sure, there are workarounds. But no solution. And we didn't drop the OS because of this. Other problems are on the horizon. There will be workarounds for them. Or not. But I'm sure us, the real die-hard Win 9x/ME users, we won't drop the OS because of this. You can set a double- or even triple-boot machine to work around the more annoying issues, or even because that's fun to do. But I cannot imagine being forced to drop the OS.

So if we take this on the same ground as the 7-Zip program, and when it's been upgraded then perhaps this will fall into the same category.

Of course I am aware that Igor may just make it compatible with windows 98 as before, but my worry was and is that it wont be compatible.

Now surely you understand that, yeah?

We all do. You've made your point crystal clear. Let's wait and see what happens, OK? :)
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AVG and most other antivirus programs already dropped Win 9x/ME and we didn't drop the OS because of this.

Completely OT :ph34r: , but since this thread is more about fears and angryness about missing support for not-prime-time OS's, just for the record and to vent a bit :angry: , I am seriously thinking about "leaving for good" AVG, which has otherways served me well in the last few years because their "geniuses" decided to drop compatibility alltogether with NT 4.00 and also for Windows 2000 unless it is updated to SP4 AND to the post-SP4 Update Rollpack.

Besides the above, the new version is a real resource hog. :w00t:

This "smart" Commercial strategy which was NOT properly announced in advance, has left a couple of NT 4.00 machines of mine potentially unprotected for several days, until I acknowledged the fact that the running Antivirus wouldn't get anymore updates from the grisoft Server, and I had to quickly change antivirus.

I still have two laptops that are runnning Win2K SP3 as something in SP4 caused problems that I will have to either take days to troubleshoot the issue with SP4 or change Antivirus on them as well.


It is just like Vitalstatistix:



Abraracourcix, called Vitalstatistix in the English books, the chief of the tribe. Majestic, brave and hot-tempered the old warrior is respected by his men and feared by his enemies. Abraracourcix himself has only one fear; he is afraid the sky may fall on his head tomorrow. But as he always says, 'Tomorrow never comes.'

I don't think the sky will fall on our heads. :) And hopefully "tomorrow" 7-zip will support .zipx AND remain Win98 compatible. :thumbup


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I highly doubt a new 7-zip would suddenly drop support for Windows 95 and 98. It runs on 95 and 98 now and since it's a free product there's no gain by locking out older OSes. I am sure he'd have it run on Windows 3.1 and older if he could except that would require a lot more work for obvious reasons.

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They did that for a reason... I can't remember what it was but if they were telling the truth it was a rather fundamental reason.

Did what for a reason?


Dropped 9x, and without even adding .zipx browsing! :P


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They did that for a reason... I can't remember what it was but if they were telling the truth it was a rather fundamental reason.

Did what for a reason?


Dropped 9x, and without even adding .zipx browsing! :P


Yeah, but who?

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