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Windows 7 "Keep" List


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After few tests it keeps failing, with errors about system components (I don't know which). I've avoided BSOD leaving unmarked Drivers and Hardware support. At least I discovered that "Error reporting" must not be removed, installation asks for "wer.dll" if it's removed.

Edited by Kevin Raptor
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Game Explorer should be added to the "keep or will not install" list. At least with the selected components of this preset file, if you add Game Explorer you won't be able to finish installation.

; vLite preset file
; vLite v1.2
; Framework 2.0.50727.3074
; Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1 32-bit
; Windows 7 ULTIMATE 32-bit
; Version 6.1 English (United States)


;# Accessories #
Games-Inbox Games
Games-Premium Inbox Games
Mobility Center
Speech Support
Welcome Center
Windows Sidebar and Gadgets
;# Multimedia #
Media Center
Music and Video samples
Sample Pictures
;# Network #
Connect to a Network Projector
Internet Information Services (IIS)
Windows Collaboration
;# Services #
Windows Search
;# System #
Disk Quota
Natural Language
Parental Controls
Tablet PC
Windows Defender
Windows Easy Transfer

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ok people, good news :thumbup

i have a new "safe safe list", with a lot of components removed (1,25 GB ISO, 4,95 GB in HD including paging file). It installs fine on VMware. :rolleyes: Not tested yet, I'm going to bed

; vLite preset file
; vLite v1.2
; Framework 2.0.50727.3074
; Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1 64-bit
; Windows 7 ULTIMATE 32-bits
; Version 6.1 Spanish (Spain)


;# Accessories #
; Accesibilidad
Welcome Center
; Centro de Bienvenida
Mobility Center
; Centro de Movilidad
Snipping Tool
; Herramienta de Recortes
Games-Inbox Games
; Juegos-Juegos Básicos
Games-Premium Inbox Games
; Juegos-Juegos Premium
Disk Cleanup
; Limpieza del disco
Speech Support
; Soporte de voz
; Wordpad
;# Languages #
; Alemán
; Árabe
; Brasileño
; Búlgaro
; Checo
Traditional Chinese
; Chino tradicional
; Coreano
; Croata
; Escandinavo
; Eslovaco
; Esloveno
; Estoniano
; Finlandés
; Francés
; Griego
; Hebreo
; Holandés
; Húngaro
; Italiano
; Japonés
; Letón
; Lituano
; Noruego
; Polaco
; Portugués
; Rumano
; Ruso
; Serbio
Simplified Chinese
; Simplified Chinese
; Sueco
Table Driven Text Input Processor
; Table Driven Text Input Processor
; Tai
; Turco
; Ucraniano
;# Multimedia #
Sound Recorder
; Grabadora de Sonidos
Sample Pictures
; Imágenes de muestra
Intel Indeo
; Intel Indeo
Media Center
; Media Center
Music and Video samples
; Muestas de música y videos
; Protectores de pantalla
; SideShow
;# Network #
Windows Collaboration
; Área de Encuentro de Windows
Connect to a Network Projector
; Asistente para conexión a Proyector de Red
Remote Desktop Client
; Cliente de Acceso Remoto
Telnet Client
; Cliente Telnet
TFTP Client
; Cliente TFTP
Remote Desktop and Assistance
; Escritorio remoto y Ayuda
Internet Information Services (IIS)
; Internet Information Services
Simple TCPIP services
; Servicios Básicos de TCPIP
Telnet Server
; servidor Telnet
;# Services #
Windows Search
; Búsqueda de Windows
Remote Registry
; Registro Remoto
;# System #
Software Quality Management (SQM)
; Administración de la Calidad del Software (SQM)
; Ayuda
Sync Center
; Centro de sincronización
BitLocker Drive Encryption
; Cifrado de unidad BitLocker
Parental Controls
; Control Parental
Disk Quota
; Disk Quotas
Jet Database Engine
; Jet Database Engine
Natural Language
; Lenguaje Natural
Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ)
; Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ)
Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA)
; Subsistema para aplicaciones UNIX (SUA)
Tablet PC
; Tablet PC
Windows Defender
; Windows Defender
Windows Easy Transfer
; Windows Easy Transfer
Windows SAT (Performance Index)
; Windows SAT (Indice de Desempeño)








Edited by Kevin Raptor
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ok people, good news :thumbup

i have a new "safe safe list", with a lot of components removed (1,25 GB ISO, 4,95 GB in HD including paging file). It installs fine on VMware. :rolleyes: Not tested yet, I'm going to bed

; vLite preset file
; vLite v1.2
; Framework 2.0.50727.3074
; Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1 64-bit
; Windows 7 ULTIMATE 32-bits
; Version 6.1 Spanish (Spain)


;# Accessories #
; Accesibilidad
Welcome Center
; Centro de Bienvenida
Mobility Center
; Centro de Movilidad
Snipping Tool
; Herramienta de Recortes
Games-Inbox Games
; Juegos-Juegos Básicos
Games-Premium Inbox Games
; Juegos-Juegos Premium
Disk Cleanup
; Limpieza del disco
Speech Support
; Soporte de voz
; Wordpad
;# Languages #
; Alemán
; Árabe
; Brasileño
; Búlgaro
; Checo
Traditional Chinese
; Chino tradicional
; Coreano
; Croata
; Escandinavo
; Eslovaco
; Esloveno
; Estoniano
; Finlandés
; Francés
; Griego
; Hebreo
; Holandés
; Húngaro
; Italiano
; Japonés
; Letón
; Lituano
; Noruego
; Polaco
; Portugués
; Rumano
; Ruso
; Serbio
Simplified Chinese
; Simplified Chinese
; Sueco
Table Driven Text Input Processor
; Table Driven Text Input Processor
; Tai
; Turco
; Ucraniano
;# Multimedia #
Sound Recorder
; Grabadora de Sonidos
Sample Pictures
; Imágenes de muestra
Intel Indeo
; Intel Indeo
Media Center
; Media Center
Music and Video samples
; Muestas de música y videos
; Protectores de pantalla
; SideShow
;# Network #
Windows Collaboration
; Área de Encuentro de Windows
Connect to a Network Projector
; Asistente para conexión a Proyector de Red
Remote Desktop Client
; Cliente de Acceso Remoto
Telnet Client
; Cliente Telnet
TFTP Client
; Cliente TFTP
Remote Desktop and Assistance
; Escritorio remoto y Ayuda
Internet Information Services (IIS)
; Internet Information Services
Simple TCPIP services
; Servicios Básicos de TCPIP
Telnet Server
; servidor Telnet
;# Services #
Windows Search
; Búsqueda de Windows
Remote Registry
; Registro Remoto
;# System #
Software Quality Management (SQM)
; Administración de la Calidad del Software (SQM)
; Ayuda
Sync Center
; Centro de sincronización
BitLocker Drive Encryption
; Cifrado de unidad BitLocker
Parental Controls
; Control Parental
Disk Quota
; Disk Quotas
Jet Database Engine
; Jet Database Engine
Natural Language
; Lenguaje Natural
Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ)
; Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ)
Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA)
; Subsistema para aplicaciones UNIX (SUA)
Tablet PC
; Tablet PC
Windows Defender
; Windows Defender
Windows Easy Transfer
; Windows Easy Transfer
Windows SAT (Performance Index)
; Windows SAT (Indice de Desempeño)








sadly thats for 7 x86 and this thread was made with the intentions of x64. because win 7 will be the final 32bit OS from MS, so its working for you probably because its 32, I seen you were able to remove sqm which I know cant be done in x64 it wont finish install

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MS has not said that it will be dropping 32bit support in Windows 8.

And considering the still very big number of 32bit machines out there i seriously doubt they will stop supporting it in both Windows 8 & 9 .Windows 10 maybe...

Simply put people who have less then 4GB of RAM in their pc are not gonna see any benefit from 64bit.And by todays standards that is most laptop users and nearly all cheap netbook users.

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sadly thats for 7 x86 and this thread was made with the intentions of x64. because win 7 will be the final 32bit OS from MS, so its working for you probably because its 32, I seen you were able to remove sqm which I know cant be done in x64 it wont finish install

mmm the fact is that my cpu does not support "virtualization technology", and i can't run a 64 bit guest OS. I have another PC that supports VT but it has only 1 GB RAM and 64-bit virtual machines are reaaaaally slow, so I test 32 bit first. I'm interested too in 7 x64, so I'll keep working. Anyway, I'm sure most of the removed components work for 64-bit too :rolleyes:

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Hey, I've been trying to vlite 64bit ja version of 7100 like over 10 times, here's my problem.

IE8 runs but can't access internet option, and all right click menu is unaccessible within the browser area. Seems like 'internet option' itself refuses to boot affecting other trident engine compatible browser.

I'm testing this on vmware and confirmed that non-vlite works just fine.

I tried different vlite setup and tried just removing natural language / TabletPC / Speech Support and still have the same problem.

Any idea?

BTW: Maybe irrelevant but, I'm using wimgapi.dll (crc:066E0EEB) / wimfltr.inf (crc:77F633BC) / wimfltr.sys (crc:D8A4FF72), tested both on Vista64/Win7(non-vlited)

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Hey, I've been trying to vlite 64bit ja version of 7100 like over 10 times, here's my problem.

IE8 runs but can't access internet option, and all right click menu is unaccessible within the browser area. Seems like 'internet option' itself refuses to boot affecting other trident engine compatible browser.

I'm testing this on vmware and confirmed that non-vlite works just fine.

I tried different vlite setup and tried just removing natural language / TabletPC / Speech Support and still have the same problem.

Any idea?

BTW: Maybe irrelevant but, I'm using wimgapi.dll (crc:066E0EEB) / wimfltr.inf (crc:77F633BC) / wimfltr.sys (crc:D8A4FF72), tested both on Vista64/Win7(non-vlited)

Try not to remove anything, just mae the iso with vLite and see if the problem is still there.
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Well Server 2008 R2 will be 64bit only so you do the math on whether windows 8 is 32/64bit considering 4 gb ram will be norm by the time it comes about. (32bit has trouble even reading 4gb, due to address space, etc the argument old as time....)

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Hey, I've been trying to vlite 64bit ja version of 7100 like over 10 times, here's my problem.

IE8 runs but can't access internet option, and all right click menu is unaccessible within the browser area. Seems like 'internet option' itself refuses to boot affecting other trident engine compatible browser.

I'm testing this on vmware and confirmed that non-vlite works just fine.

I tried different vlite setup and tried just removing natural language / TabletPC / Speech Support and still have the same problem.

Any idea?

BTW: Maybe irrelevant but, I'm using wimgapi.dll (crc:066E0EEB) / wimfltr.inf (crc:77F633BC) / wimfltr.sys (crc:D8A4FF72), tested both on Vista64/Win7(non-vlited)

Did you try the configuration I posted above? I didn't try to use IE8, but everything else works in every regard.

Edited by Bilar Crais
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I have stumbled into a showstopper bug possibly.Lately(well starting from Beta) ive had issue where Windows 7 builds become completely unbootable.

Basicly i installed a build and used it for x amount of time.When i tryied booting it a few days later it showed only the Starting Windows text and no boot animation appeared.This has always been consistent with these.Same place-same symptoms.Nothing also helped.

Startup Repair only gave vague idea what might be the case.System files integrity check produced code 0xa(not 0x0 wich means no erors) and once SR said A recent driver installation or upgrade may be preventing the system from booting.Other time it gave more vague Unspecified changes to system configuration might have caused this problem.The F8 advanced options were useless too.Safe mode always got stuck after loading the first line:

C:\Windows\system32\system.Other options(as ntbtlog.txt,Last known good configuration etc seemed to not work at all).So now im(hopefully) close to figuring it out.I installed RC build.Only created one Restore point and then left it alone fow few days(that was monday).Today it booted fine.Ill wait for few more days to be sure.

The only differences with other install(that became non-boot) are(things i did back in that install that could account for this problem):

Installed Nvidia Display drivers(185.81).Installed Marvell Yukon NIC driver(Win7 includes older out-of-box) and installed ACPI ATK110 Utility(whatever it is) that Windows Update offered me.

Additionally on my dualboot system(Vista Ultimate x86 SP2) Diskeeper was allowed to defragment the Windows 7 partition.

In this install(that so far seems to be alive) i did not install any drivers and i completely disabled Diskeepers ability to defragment the Win7 partition.Lets see.Im suspecting either the ACPI utility or Diskeeper.If this install survives then im first gonna enable diskeeper and see if install boots after few days.if it does then im gonna install the ACPI utility and so on...

Ok i can confirm now that diskeeper is the culprit here.Heres the list of files Diskeeper defragmented on Windows 7 partition.I will ofcourse contact Diskeeper Support and let them know that such problem exists.Diskeeper version is Diskeeper 2009 Pro Premier 13.0.835.0






\Users\Raivo\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\index.dat




\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink


































\Users\Raivo\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail\edb00001.log

\Users\Raivo\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail\edbres00002.jrs





Well Server 2008 R2 will be 64bit only so you do the math on whether windows 8 is 32/64bit considering 4 gb ram will be norm by the time it comes about. (32bit has trouble even reading 4gb, due to address space, etc the argument old as time....)

Servers are running RAM in exess of 12GB.It makes sense that Windows Server version goes x64 only.I dubt that much people will have 4GB when Windows 8 comes.I mean look.2GB was the norm a while ago but even today many still run barely 1GB.Not to mention netbooks where 4GB is really premium today(ASUS EEPC etch).Most still come with 1GB or 2GB conf.

I have 2GB so i see no benefit from going x86 to x64 currently.I will go x64 once i build a new PC(4-8GB RAM) but not before.

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I have been keeping track of this topic for a few days and tried some installations for myself (not much success). From the attached preset it works if I keep Multimedia, Network, Services and System as well as the components with dependancies: Disc Clean-up and DRM. When I remove Multimedia-components, it fails during installation. I am now going to check with the System-components removed.

;# Accessories #
Disk Cleanup
Games-Inbox Games
Games-Premium Inbox Games
Mobility Center
Speech Support
System Information
Welcome Center
Windows Sidebar and Gadgets
;# Drivers #
Diva Server
Printers-Generic printer
QLogic Fibre Channel Adapter
Storage controllers-Adaptec
Storage controllers-Elxstor
Storage controllers-IBM ServeRAID
Storage controllers-ICP vortex
Storage controllers-Intel (Matrix)
Storage controllers-nVidia
Storage controllers-SiS
Storage controllers-Via
TV Tuners-ADS Technologies
TV Tuners-ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
TV Tuners-AVerMedia Technologies, Inc.
TV Tuners-Compro Technology Inc.
TV Tuners-Conexant Systems, Inc.
TV Tuners-Creatix
TV Tuners-Hauppauge
TV Tuners-KNC ONE GmbH
TV Tuners-KWorld
TV Tuners-Lumanate, Inc.
TV Tuners-Philips Semiconductors
TV Tuners-Pinnacle Systems
TV Tuners-TerraTec Electronic GmbH
TV Tuners-VidzMedia Pte Ltd.
;# Hardware Support #
Dynamic Volume Manager
Fax Support
Infrared Support
Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)
Microsoft Multi-Path Bus
Modem Support
Printer Support
TV Tuner support
Windows HotStart
Windows Portable Devices
XBOX 360 Controller
;# Languages #
Simplified Chinese
Table Driven Text Input Processor
Traditional Chinese
;# Multimedia #
Media Center
Music and Video samples
Sample Pictures
Sound Recorder
Windows Media Player
;# Network #
Connect to a Network Projector
Distributed File System (DFS)
File and printer sharing (Server)
Internet Explorer
Internet Information Services (IIS)
Link-Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD)
Network and Sharing Center
Network Explorer
Quality of Service (QoS)
Remote Desktop and Assistance
Remote Desktop Client
RIP Listener
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Simple TCPIP services
Telnet Client
Telnet Server
TFTP Client
Windows Collaboration
Windows Firewall
Windows Mail
;# Services #
Computer Browser
Distributed Link Tracking Client
Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC)
DNS Client
Error Reporting
Interactive Services Detection
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
IP Helper
IPsec Policy Agent
Network Access Protection Agent
Network List Service
Network Location Awareness (NLA)
Offline Files
Protected Storage
Quality Windows Audio Video Experience
Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
Remote Access Connection Manager
Remote Registry
Routing and Remote Access
Secondary Logon
Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)
SSDP Discovery
TCP/IP NetBios Helper
Universal Plug and Play (UPNP)
Volume Shadow Copy
WebDAV (WebClient)
Windows Connect Now
Windows Search
Windows Time
;# System #
BitLocker Drive Encryption
Digital Rights Management (DRM)
Disk Quota
IMAPIv2 Burning Support
Microsoft Client For NFS
Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ)
Natural Language
Parental Controls
Performance Counters
Reliability and Performance Monitor
Remote Differential Compression
Run a legacy CPL elevated
Security Center
Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA)
Sync Center
System Restore
Tablet PC
User Account Control (UAC)
Windows Defender
Windows Easy Transfer
Windows SAT (Performance Index)
Zip Folder

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