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Later, I noticed that many programs would have position errors when entering, editing, and sometimes simply displaying long lines or even individual long words.
Have you tried to disable Clear Type with RPConfig (third tab, 2 bottom lines) to make the comparison?

Several people had to do it because of such displaying errors. :}

I'm sure that isn't necessary. After using the machine for two days with CTDIRSPP set to 0, it seems as if all of the position errors are avoided; only the usual uneven letter spacing remains (which would be the same or even worse without ClearType anyway).

  • 2 weeks later...

Posted (edited)

There's a small problem in 9.7.2 regarding Miranda IM.

in 9.7.1 things looks like so : http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/4/21/1876835//IconsHere.png

in 9.7.2 they're like that : http://www.hot.ee/tmeeco/PICS/IconsGone.png

Every other thing seems to work very nicely :D

...and I fixed the start menu button on Watercolor Emico EB Superbar, here's the BMP and INI file, just place them into the approporiate theme folder and reapply the skin, then start button should look ok compared to other elements ^^

http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/4/21/1876835//BLUEC_STARTBUTTON_BMP11.bmp (wrong file, see next post for right one)


Edited by TmEE
Posted (edited)

...and I fixed the start menu button on Watercolor Emico EB Superbar, here's the BMP and INI file, just place them into the approporiate theme folder and reapply the skin, then start button should look ok compared to other elements ^^

Hi TmEE,

the new start button has to be renamed

from 'BLUEC_STARTBUTTON_BMP11.bmp' to 'BLUEC_STARTBUTTON_BMP1.bmp' in order to match with the skin_Superbar.ini ;)

... but it is no improvement for me:


EDIT (after further reflexion): I have used the work you had already done to carve this fixed button.

I hope it fulfills your wish. :)

[File removed. See below.]

Edited by CharlesF
Posted (edited)

Oopsie, I uploaded the wrong BMP file :blushing:

Yours more or less same as my correct file and since for some reason my upload service does not work, I encourage people to use your file :)

Edited by TmEE
Posted (edited)

since for some reason my upload service does not work, I encourage people to use your file :)

Cheers :D .

PS: you may upload some files here on MSFN.

(Max allowed amount is 1000 KB.)

EDIT: this file is slightly different from the former but definitely better. :yes:



Edited by CharlesF
  • 2 weeks later...

I have a suggestion for RP, "hide unused tray icons".

There is a shell extension that does this called effective desktop but it is not open source and also isnt a true shell extension as it needsthe program to run...

This could be made in the style of xp/... whereby it displayes the balloon if it does it automaticly (though users can dissable such notifications in the RP config panel if wanted)

Also, DeviceConnect/DeviceDisconnect, is there a way to get this with USB devices?

In XP you hear the [Dong-Ding] when inserting a usb stick and a [Ding-Dong] when extracting it.

In 98/me however you only hear (also its internal sound, i.e. cant be changed in the sounds.cpl) this with PCMCIA cards.

Ctrl-Alt-Del, Im sure maybe this has been requested before but maybe have the normal Programs end task (like current) but have a tab for All Processes/dll's (more XP/Vista dialog like)

Now for a question, why does a skinned taskbar have thick 'handles' All-round it when its not locked compared to no handles on an unskinned taskbar (Ive looked and nothing changes when clicking lock and unlock. The only change is the addition of the small verticle bars between sections like quick launch and task's)


Posted (edited)

Hi Tihiy, hi group,

I solved the mask-problem. The masks in the 32-bit icons where

inversed. Download my new version of the Mac OSX icons at:

http://www.baut.nl/downloads/RP9-Icons.zip (11 MB)

It's not completely finished yet. Update will follow soon...

By the way, I was hoping somebody could make us a matching skin.

@Svenne: do you have time/interest? I have a BMP screen shot file to

start with (I have no Mac :( ):


Here's a screenshot of the skin im working on.

Edited by Forte
  • 2 weeks later...

Tiger Blue for rp9. Enjoy

I'm sorry to have to say this, but it looks terrible! I am *not* enjoying it.

The system buttons (top of window) are not vertically centered.

The Push buttons should be round rectangles, not oval.

The scroll bars are cut off on all sides.

Selected text is obscured by the selection color (Explorer adress bar)

I know it is a lot of work (ask Tihiy), but it does not have to be finished

all at once, so don't add half-baked elements, only those which are really finished.


I was using RP in my Windows 98SE in Spanish language, when I apply the sets of icons some icons do not change, for example My computer, My documents, and I believe that some others, is this for that the language of my Windows 98SE is the Spanish?, In any case I want to help you to translate the program, and if it is possible to correct the problems that I you mention.


Posted (edited)

when I apply the sets of icons some icons do not change

Can you show us a screen shot of your explorer?

Anyway, take a look at the following key, using regedit.exe:


There should be entries like "{450d8fba-ad25-11d0-98a8-0800361b1103}".

If they have "DefaultIcon" subkeys, these should be removed, because

they override the system defaults.

Delete the "DefaultIcon" subkeys only! Otherwise your Desktop will be empty.

Edited by Dandee
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I just installed version 9.7.2 (for first time) and have a strange problem.

I use Sherpya mplayer SVN-r32735-4.2.5 for playback and since i instaled RP,

mplayer keeps creating USERPROFILE_FONTCONFIG_CACHE in current directory.

I did have this problem with Kovensky mplayer, but no problem with Sherpya builds till i istalled RP.

Uninstalling RP didn't help.

I use 98SE with KernelEx 4.5 RC1.


Found a workaround:

there is a file fonts.conf in mplayer/fonts/ directory.

if you look inside it, you'll find USERPROFILE_FONTCONFIG_CACHE - just have to replace it with

any folder you wish to store font cache in f.e. ~/.fontconfig or c:\windows\temp

But i still have no idea what installation of RP changed in my settings that mplayer started to create USERPROFILE_FONTCONFIG_CACHE in every dir i played files with it.

Edited by animalid
Posted (edited)

Just though I'd let you know that RP 9.7 works much better with a vertical taskbar (dragged to the left or right vs. the usual bottom or top) than 9.6. The latter left a couple of narrow gaps on either side that tended to accumulate random crud when the taskbar was locked. 9.7 fixed this.

Most themes don't look good with a vertical taskbar, but a few do. BlackMesa is my favorite.

Edit: I may have spoken too soon. I rebooted (to install KernelEx 4.5 final) and the narrow gaps came back. They seem to be invisible/transparent borders for the taskbar (even though it's locked). But as soon as I resized the taskbar by dragging one of the invisible borders, they both went away.

OK, not perfect, but I can live with it.

Edited by Mathwiz
  • 1 month later...

I accidentally discovered an unintended "feature"/glitch. What does it do? It makes the start menu transparent. Some of you may have also encountered this as you use RP9.

How to reproduce this:

1. You need to have "use fade effects" selected under "menu animations" in RPConfig.

2. Right click anywhere on the desktop.

3. Left click on the start menu. It may take several tries before it happens. Now your start menu is transparent (temporarily until you move your mouse over it).

Doing this multiple times will yield varying degrees of opacity. Apparently, RP9 does not complete the fade in animation and stopped midway. This isn't true transparency but it's close enough. Currently, this is not very practical as it is hard to read with the icons in the background. But it would be interesting if this glitch can be harnessed as a possible feature for a future version of RP.

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