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KernelEx 4.5.2

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It's not possible to install Adobe Reader 9.1

Google Earth 5 won't install either.

i tried some windows xp only programs and it didit work

I never said that after you install KernelEx you will be able to run ALL Windows XP applications ever created.

Full XP compatibility will never be possible.

In fact I as an author decide which applications I want to see running on 9x and add enhancements to system accordingly. I am perfectly aware that the apps you listed won't work and I can even give you a thousand more examples... but what's the point?!


Currently there are only two people in the team: me and Tihiy.

Taking this into consideration - you should feel very lucky that you can run SO MANY applications.

Small list of what you can run with KernelEx:

* Mozilla Firefox 3

* Adobe Flash 10

* OpenOffice.org 3.0

* Java Developer Kit 6

* Java Runtime Environment 6

* Google Picasa 3

* PDF-XChange Viewer

* Doom 3

* Quake 4

* Prey

* Need for Speed: Most Wanted

* and many other programs - see old KernelEx thread for reference.

Instead of moaning about what doesn't work share with the list of programs that DO WORK for you after installing KernelEx.

If you want full XP compatibility install XP. EOT.

but i dont know how to use it

i cant find no kever.ini and theres no read me so i got no clue how to use it i thought you just run programs and it does it all by it self Lol

Right click on application (exe or shortcut), select properties, select compatibility tab.

There are predefined settings for some well known programs like Firefox 3.

after uninstalling the old kernelex, then re-installing this new KernelEx 4.0 RC 1

i trid to re-install directx_nov2008_redist (i know this won't work, but i tried anyway), such error-log entries, will not appear if i disable the KernelEx extension for dxsetup.exe

driven with curiousity i remove the microsoft.NET, and try to reinstall it again with Kex in effect.

first, i install extract all files from dotnetfx.exe (version 1.1.4322.573), without any meddling in compatibily the installation process won't ever finished, i must forcefuly terminate the installation process.

if i try to disable kernelex extension for install.exe (extracted from dotnetfx.exe), this time .net installation went normally.

Installing core system components while forcing different system version is gently speaking unwise.

DirectX is definitely a core system component.

I will block the possibility to install it with different version set in compatibility tab in the next release.

If something isn't working with new KernelEx (but used to) - use compatibility tab to disable KernelEx for that program - this is why this option was designed...

swat 4

installer said you dont have admin rights lol

I will look into this issue.

how much does this program modify my system

The installer changes 80 bytes in kernel32.dll to make system ready for new symbol resolve engine (KernelEx Core) and to disable platform checks of executables.

No other system files are modified.

Few minor issues encountered along the way:

• The (fixed?) osdn mirror for the tar source package reports 'page not found'; may be a temporary glitch. Changing the path to point to switch instead of osdn fixes the issue.

I can't control that. It's an issue at Sourceforge.

• May be a good idea to mention 'src' or 'source' in archive's name; initially I thought it's just the usual non-installer alternative for the compiled application.

Already fixed.

• Speaking of non-installer... I'd pretty much like to have a zip/7z alternative of the application, for analysis/translation/etc purposes; the NSIS installer doesn't easily allow manual extraction of the content and not everybody has a development environment at hand to build everything up from the sources.

Raw archive is not an option. You can extract all files from NSIS installer with 7zip File Manager.

Heh... no problems so far with regular 9x applications. I've tried however to run the Unicode version of Miranda IM 0.8 alpha #28 self-built (that's my test bed for KernelEx ;) ) and am constantly getting crashes in UNICOWS.DLL

These indicate bugs in MSLU... nothing new. Btw. under what program did you get unicows symbols displayed?

I tried to build the debug version of KernelEx with the debug symbols, hoping it would offer more details, but it wouldn't recognize the pdb. Also, KEXBASES.DLL wouldn't compile with VC6 under 98SE. And the debug symbols for UNICOWS.DLL (unicows.pdb) wouldn't be recognized either, although it's in the same folder with unicows.dll (both in System and in Miranda's folder, just to make sure).

Hmm? Wouldn't compile? I compile with VC6 under 98SE myself! The error you are getting is most likely caused because you didn't build KEXCRT first. (I should include build instructions).

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I can't control that. It's an issue at Sourceforge.
I see; let's hope it's been fixed.

Thank you for fixing the source archive name.

Raw archive is not an option. You can extract all files from NSIS installer with 7zip File Manager.
Too bad. I'm using Total Commander with plug-ins for all archive operations, but none of those can correctly handle NSIS extraction. Oh well...
Btw. under what program did you get unicows symbols displayed?
It's just function names, not the code lines. I don't think the debug symbols are being (correctly) loaded. Anyway, it's Miranda's plug-in called Crash Dumper that creates the report and it offers more details, like currently loaded modules (Miranda-wise and system-wise). I do have the MSLU package from MS, that includes unicows.pdb.
I tried to build the debug version of KernelEx with the debug symbols, hoping it would offer more details, but it wouldn't recognize the pdb. Also, KEXBASES.DLL wouldn't compile with VC6 under 98SE. And the debug symbols for UNICOWS.DLL (unicows.pdb) wouldn't be recognized either, although it's in the same folder with unicows.dll (both in System and in Miranda's folder, just to make sure).

Hmm? Wouldn't compile? I compile with VC6 under 98SE myself! The error you are getting is most likely caused because you didn't build KEXCRT first. (I should include build instructions).

I figured out about kexcrt and built it beforehand, but kexbases.dll still won't compile; I suspect some conflict with PSDK. Here's the full log of compilation attempt:

--------------------Configuration: KernelEx Base Shared - Win32 Release--------------------
Performing Custom Build Step on .\kexbases.def
Creating library .\Release\kernel32ord.lib and object .\Release\kernel32ord.exp
Compiling resources...
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
D:\free\KernelEx\apilibs\kexbases\User32\_user32_apilist.c(64) : error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from '' to 'unsigned long'
Context does not allow for disambiguation of overloaded function
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
D:\free\KernelEx\apilibs\kexbases\Advapi32\security.c(457) : warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\free\KernelEx\apilibs\kexbases\Advapi32\security.c(1056) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'unsigned char', possible loss of data
D:\free\KernelEx\apilibs\kexbases\Advapi32\security.c(1057) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'unsigned long' to 'unsigned short', possible loss of data
D:\free\KernelEx\apilibs\kexbases\Advapi32\security.c(1277) : warning C4018: '>' : signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\free\KernelEx\apilibs\kexbases\Advapi32\security.c(1281) : warning C4018: '>' : signed/unsigned mismatch
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
.\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
.\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
D:\free\KernelEx\apilibs\kexbases\auxdecl.h(134) : error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'GetAltTabInfoA' not allowed
D:\free\KernelEx\apilibs\kexbases\auxdecl.h(134) : see declaration of 'GetAltTabInfoA'
Error executing cl.exe.</P> <P>kexbases.dll - 20 error(s), 5 warning(s)

Edited by Drugwash
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It's not possible to install Adobe Reader 9.1

Google Earth 5 won't install either.

i tried some windows xp only programs and it didit work

I never said that after you install KernelEx you will be able to run ALL Windows XP applications ever created.

Full XP compatibility will never be possible.

I'm aware of that.
In fact I as an author decide which applications I want to see running on 9x and add enhancements to system accordingly. I am perfectly aware that the apps you listed won't work and I can even give you a thousand more examples... but what's the point?!

You wanted problem reports, and I reported problems, that's about it...

How am I to know which programs are supposed to work with kernelEx or not?

Or how am I to know which programs you are planning to get running in the future?

I only named two programs that apparently don't work,

Maybe someone should make a complete list of all the programs that are supposed to work with KernelEx so that everyone can try out these specific programs.

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You wanted problem reports, and I reported problems, that's about it...

How am I to know which programs are supposed to work with kernelEx or not?

Or how am I to know which programs you are planning to get running in the future?

I only named two programs that apparently don't work,

Maybe someone should make a complete list of all the programs that are supposed to work with KernelEx so that everyone can try out these specific programs.

Let me clear that out.

A problem would be if some program that is supposed to work under 98/Me stopped working after installing KernelEx or some program that was reported to work with previous versions of KernelEx stopped working or suddenly you get crashes or other issues.

Otherwise (as in your case) if you want to see some specific application working - you write a request to add support for some specific application.

Now imagine that we have a newcomer to this thread interested in running Firefox 3 on Windows 98/Me. Our newcomer starts reading the thread to get more insight and what he/she sees? Right from the second reply: FAILURES and PROBLEMS! How would you react? I would be MUCH more hesitant about installation...

I agree that a list of working programs is needed. Also a website for the project is needed to bring more attention to the project. Any volunteers?

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1. Windows Millennium [Version 4.90.3000]

2. KernelEx Core v4.0.11 [RC 1]

3. Mozilla Firefox v3.1b3

4. Input fields (edit boxes and HTML forms) prints wrong characters when my Language indicator shows I have switched to Lithuanian lang.

5. Run Firefox, press Alt-LShift, type some non-ASCII national characters and see wrong symbols instead.

6. Should I test this under KernelEx v0.3.6? If I disable support for FF3.1b3, then I am afraid FF won't work at all.

My regional settings are set to Lithuanian, but my system font probably doesn't support lithuanian symbols as I cannot switch the indicator when typing in a name for a new folder.

I am about to do some debug session. Any guidance? : )

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I suspect some conflict with PSDK.
I have fixed the confilict is SVN.
Thanks, KEXBASES.DLL compiles fine now. :thumbup

There are a few other minor issues, such as warnings and a compilation error for setupkex.exe in the debug version; apparently there's no definition for printf (mentioned in debug.h) anywhere on my setup: neither in PSDK, nor in VC98 or throughout the KernelEx project. :unsure:

I have attached the complete log of a compilation session (both Release and Debug), as well as a patch for project files that includes Language neutral overall and changes some output paths for easier overview; hopefully someone finds these changes useful and fingers crossed I didn't do something stupid. :blushing:


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Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 doesn't work under 4.0 RC 1 for me. I've gone back to 0.3.6 and it works. On 98SE, I get a "Acrobat can't load core.dll" dialog as a start-up message and Reader 7.0 never loads.

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Official eMule 0.49c won't finish any download. Final hashing always ends up in error "Unexpected error while completing <file name> [...] This function is only valid in Win32 mode". Uninstalling KernelEx 4.0.11 (official release, not a self-built version) fixed the issue.

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So far so good with KernelEx v4.0-RC1. Haven't tested everything overall but I've noticed that a few programs were spitting out missing file notices after KernelEx update, Namely DWMAPI.DLL and MSWEBAPI.DLL. Downloading those files and putting them in their proper places resolved my issues with that.

To add a program better functioning:

--Trillian ASTRA

+Now correctly loads/saves certain configuration files and user data in their proper places (%windir%/Application data/Trillian) rather than in it's own install folder.

+Notification sounds are finally working.

+Crash dumps are now saved properly instead of the jumbled path '?<?rogram Files\trillian'

Issues encountered:

File: WINHELP32.EXE (v4.10.0.1998 - Stock Win98se)

Error: Looping of 'WINHLP32 caused an invalid page fault in module <unknown> at 0000:80000001'.

Resolution: Check in 'Disable KernelEx extentions for this program' under compatibility tab.

File: RUNDLL32.EXE (v5.1.0.2600 - Revolutions Pack 7)

Error: 'RUNDLL32 caused an invalid page fault in module <unknown> at 0000:80000001'.

Resolution: Restore stock RunDLL32.exe from installation CABS/CD using System File Checker.

Notes: This will disable the functionality of changing windows version in the first compatibility tab (RP7). Use the KEX compatibility tab (second one) instead for that purpose.

Official eMule 0.49c won't finish any download. Final hashing always ends up in error "Unexpected error while completing <file name> [...] This function is only valid in Win32 mode". Uninstalling KernelEx 4.0.11 (official release, not a self-built version) fixed the issue.

Have you tried checking in 'Disable KernelEx extentions for this program' in the compatibility tab and seeing if that resolves it?

Note that this reply underwent heavy edits during some intial testing

Edited by Chozo4
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