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Yes, you shouldn't use "WINDOWS" as:

1. Some users may have different Windows folder's name.

2. It's "WINNT" for Windows 2000 ;)

The new reg-setting (in the inf of the new SWFLASH.cab) takes the correct path (not fix WINDOWS) :) Edited by Mim0
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When you have some time can you upgrade your CDIMAGE.EXE to version Thanks

Thx! :)

Oct 2011 updates:

security updates for XP:

- KB2564958: Active Accessibility

- KB2567053: Kernel-Mode Drivers

- KB2592799: Ancillary Function Driver

- KB2586448: Internet Explorer

other updates for XP:

- MSRT 4.1.5503.0

- KB943232-v2: An application that uses the Sxs.dll file crashes on Windows XP ***WGA***

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  • 2 weeks later...

I posed what may be a stupid question at WildBill's petool topic but on reflection wondered whether I should have posed it here. In bristols' Win2KSP4 update list 2286198 is said to supersede 967715, but a cursory examination suggests that the latter deals with autorun/autoplay functionality while the former does not seem to have anything to do with that - nor apparently claims to supersede any of the previous patches in that area.

Could this be an error, or did WildBill simply include additional stuff that would make it correct, or am I missing something really obvious?


- bill

Edit: Question was answered in WildBill's thread (Yes, the former does supersede the latter, even though Microsoft's descriptions don't appear to recognize this).

Edited by billtodd
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some new updates for XP:

- Roots Certificates Update October 2011 (31.0.2195.0)

- KB2598845 (Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility View List)

and KB2564958 (MS11-075: Active Accessibility) was re-released with the correct filename

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Windows 2000 Post-SP4 Updates for HFSLIP

8 October 2011 - 27 October

Added: updates (thanks tomasz86)

- Added 2479628 v9 (unofficial). This new version replaces all previous versions, and is good for those slipstreaming either IE5 or IE6 updates, but it requires that you use HFSLIP 1.7.10 beta J v5 or newer.

- Added 2079403 v2 (unofficial).

- Added Microsoft Remote Desktop Client 5.2 (unofficial).

- Added 906569 (unofficial).

- Added 950305 (unofficial).

- Added 954193 (unofficial).

Added: updates

- Added Root Certificates, updated October 2011.

- Added Adobe Flash Player 11 SWFLASH.CAB, 4 October 2011 release ( (thanks jvidal). Requires HFSLIP to 1.7.10 beta J v6 (thanks Mimo).

Superseded updates

- 958470 (is superseded by Microsoft Remote Desktop Client 5.2 (unofficial)).

Other changes

- 980232 is not superseded by 2511455. If slipstreaming the latter, you must also include the former (thanks tomasz86).

- Restored 839228 to the Windows list (from the Obsolete list). It contains some latest files for those not using hotfixes by request.

- Updated the folder for 896081 from HF to HFSVCPACK_SW1 (thanks tomasz86).


- Removed both the IE5-compatible and IE6-only versions of the unofficial 2479628 v7 (both are replaced by 2479628 v9).

- Removed 2079403 (replaced by 2079403 v2).

- Removed Root Certificates Update, June 2011 (replaced by Root Certificates, October 2011).

- Removed Adobe Flash Player SWFLASH.CAB, 21 September 2011 release (

Changelog shows all recent changes.


Removed 908536 from the updates list because Uxtheme.dll seems to cause problems with .NET Framework-based applications.

Edited by bristols
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  • 2 weeks later...

For Windows 2000 SP4.


Hi, while I was reading the blog of Blackwingcat, I have noticed that he found a "new" hotfix fo Win2000, related to keyboard driver.




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Windows 2000 Post-SP4 Updates for HFSLIP

4 November 2011

Added: updates

- Added 826127 (hotfix available by request). Thanks blackwingcat (translated from Japanese to English via Google Translate).

- Added 983234 (hotfix available by request).

- Added Services (assigned port numbers) update (unofficial). Thanks MDGx.

Changelog shows all recent changes.


Hi acus

Hi, while I was reading the blog of Blackwingcat, I have noticed that he found a "new" hotfix fo Win2000, related to keyboard driver.

I had already seen that, but thank you for taking the time to post here. Included in today's update.

Edited by bristols
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I've tried building multiple times with the current up-to-date list, but I always end up with a disc that states that vga.sys is corrupted. I'm including all the requestable hotfixes, and have replaced my source media multiple times, to no avail.

I'm currently running hfslip one last time to try and get a working ISO out of the whole ordeal. I've gone through and removed any conflicting or old HF's, and made sure everything is in its right place (I'm no noob to hfslip, but it's been ages since I used it). I'll update this post with my latest results (log file, etc), if it's not successful.

<div>Edit: that try was unsuccessful. I went through the list again, removed anything that was in yellow, and am building a stock win2k w/IE6 now... perhaps it'll work this time :S</div><div>Edit2: Success. I guess one of the non-public hotfixes is bugged, because I _know_ the resulting OS didn't have a different vga.sys in it, but it was being detected as corrupted (maybe something in the layout.inf?)</div>

Edited by jimmsta
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I noticed that your W2KSP4 updates list doesn't have Windows2000-KB977377-x86-ENU.EXE (Schannel.dll, 5.1.2195.7371).

Instead, it's present Windows2000-KB960225-x86-ENU.EXE (Schannel.dll, 5.1.2195.7213).

Am I wrong?

No, you're right.

As I remember it, 977377 was somewhat buggy, breaking TLS. The KB article lists several known issues (but also a registry workaround). XP got subsequent updates that fixed the issues 977377 caused, but unfortunately Windows 2000 did not.

I could list it. So far I have not, since I remember people being unhappy with it at the time that it was released, and I seem to remember also that the update was recommended for server admins and not end users. Blackwingcat also removed the update from his SP5 list.

Edited by bristols
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