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Hi guys,

just an idea ... you don´t have to approve but I wanted to bringt it up.

Obviously WPI has a few problems (two come to mind: Problems with Microsoft apps and problems if Nero is/was installed or IE is not the default browser) that seem to come from the fact that WPI relies on some other programs in order to work (mshta.exe, IE).

Wouldn´t it be possible to change the design of WPI so that it works on all systems, regardless of the installed or not installed programs or even if another program being installed replaces files currently needed by WPI.

Of course it is cool that WPI works with a browser and consists mostly of html/js code but once you are faced with problems you cannot seem to resolve and seem to be "by design" it may be a good idea to think about the basics and maybe change them.

I mean, honestly, I never had or heared of any such problems with WIHU, a similar tool but not based on html/js scripts. Unfortunately, Wihu is not being developed anymore and does not work with Vista but the fact that it did not rely on any other Windows program made it much more resiliant to system specific or program specific problems.

Well, just an idea ... probably does not change much but it is really bothering me that for instance Microsoft applications are such a drag to install with WPI.

Thanks for listening,



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Actually WPI doesn't rely on IE just the IE core. I have personally tested this on a nlite disk and found that WPI ran fine (Granted the start process had to be changed slightly)

I would dearly love to make WPI work with firefox and Netscape, safari whatever BUT it is based solely on .hta and the mshta engine so without a total re-write (No we won't do it either) it has to have at least the IE core.

The Nero thing is just for Nero7, I have used WPI with Nero 6 & 8 for ages without a problem "Nero" just got funky for v.7 because for some reason they decided to mess with the HTML\mshta scripting areas.(Besides anything after v6 is just useless bloat when there are so many apps that can do the same thing with a tenth the footprint and nowhere near is intrusive) YES including the handling of blueray disks...

The reboot.js error has been found to do with outlook express hotfixes. At least from the testing I have been able to do.

As for setting firefox as the default browser why does it have to be set first? Why not just add a script into WPI that makes it default browser? That way after WPI is ran it is then the default browser.

See nearly ALL of the "Issues" you bring up are mere annoyances. There are many ways around them and many alternatives.

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Hi Kel,

well, you call them annoyances, I call them problems :hello:

The thing with Microsoft apps is an unsolved problem. A few weeks back you were able to reproduce the problem with Office and Livemeeting and the silence in that thread tells me there is no solution. You call this an annoyance ?

Come on :-)

The problem with Microsoft apps is severe enough that you either have to dump WPI or use a way to work around it and the only certain way around it is to install Microsoft apps after WPI seperately. Obviously either you guys do not use a lot of those apps or you have learned to live with it but I still think this is a major problem especially in a corporate environment.

For instance, during an unattended installation, I can work around it by setting a Runonceex entry and install all MS apps after a reboot but there is no way I can use WPI as an unattended application installer throughout the company that way (although it would be ideally suited for that) because people needing another program to be installed won´t necessarily reboot their PCs.

The other problems mentioned are maybe just annoyance but you see, you can never rule out that tomorrow yet another program will appear causing problems. When will the point be reached where you will think about a real solution ?

I mean, yes, you can blame Microsoft for causing the problems with the Microsoft apps, you can blame Ahead for causing the problems with Nero but you will have a hard time getting those companies to change. And there may be more down the road. So why not think about solving the problem by not relying on an infrastructure you obviously cannot rely on to the 100% ?

Anyway, I am not pushing the issue further, it was just an idea. I know that a complete redesign would probably be far too much work but since I cannot see any other real solution to those "annoyances", I though I´d try to offer my thought on this issue.



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When I first came on board with WPI a few years ago I liked the idea of it being open-source in javascript/html. It meant anyone could update the code, take ideas from it, learn from it. Then, like you, I thought it kind of sucked that it wasn't in a compiled language. But then I got over it when I needed some help and the forum users posted the answers. Yes, they still could have had the C code............

I would love to get away from mshta and just IE, too. And now with x64, twice the headaches, as you know. A compiled WPI wouldn't have as many issues since it wouldn't rely on the program that launched it.

The code would grow and get complicated with IE/FF/Opera checks since not every command/option is in all browsers. Each browser renders a little different. A lot of small technicallities.

WPI could, I think/guess, be used without mshta but it would have to be opened in a full browser window like a web page. All the navigation buttons/bars would be visible. It could be used like any web-based program (firewall, vpn, etc.) but would not look "normal" when launched from a DVD. Wouldn't be borderless (IE can do kiosk mode).

Given enough time I can figure almost anything out. I will keep this on the back burner.

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Never heard of WIHU though.

Just curious,,,,


is there any othere shareware or freeware that functions as efficient as WPI? I am quite happy with WPI the way it got evolved over time :) But interested to know if there is any other software that can deliver similar functions as WPI does.



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