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Integration of Intel's SATA AHCI and RAID drivers

Fernando 1

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Today I have updated the start post of this thread.


  • new: Intel Chipset Devices INF files Set v9.4.0.1017 WHQL for XP integration dated 02/27/2013
  • new: download link to the Intel RSTe Drivers & Software Set v3.6.0.1094 WHQL
  • changed: recommended XP/XP x64 RST drivers for X79 chipsets

Good luck with the integation of the recomended Intel AHCI resp. RAID drivers!



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Hei Fernando 1.

First page. 1.Preparation: > c. For users with an Intel X79 chipset AHCI/RAID system: > >64bit Intel RST textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 mod by Fernando< (latest and best conventional Intel RST driver, with added X79 support)

The download link does not work.

Sorry, I can not speak english, Google translation of this. Good luck to you, good work.

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@ Vaatleja:

Welcome at MSFN Forum and thank you for your info.

First page. 1.Preparation: > c. For users with an Intel X79 chipset AHCI/RAID system: > >64bit Intel RST textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 mod by Fernando< (latest and best conventional Intel RST driver, with added X79 support)

The download link does not work.

You are right - the link was broken.

Now the link is repaired and works. Thanks again for your post!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have used your modded sata-drivers many times on my ICH8-R motherboard when installing 32 bit versions of Windows XP and Windows 7. However, just now I wanted to give Windows 7 64 bit a go because I've added more ram, but the installer won't recognize the modded 64 bit driver. Is there any obvious reason for this that I am missing? Also, there seems to be newer sata drivers available from Intel than the ones, you presently have modded. Care to mod the new ones for us? :-)


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@ sittingduck:

As Kelsenellenelvian already has wriiten, your contribution has nothing to do with nLite and with the topic of this thread.

Nevertheless I will give you a short answer:

However, just now I wanted to give Windows 7 64 bit a go because I've added more ram, but the installer won't recognize the modded 64 bit driver. Is there any obvious reason for this that I am missing?
Not all installers do accept INF files, which have been modified. If you want to install these drivers nevertheless, you have to do it manually from within the Device Manager.
Also, there seems to be newer sata drivers available from Intel than the ones, you presently have modded. Care to mod the new ones for us? :-)
None of the newer Intel AHCI and RAID drivers do support Windows XP and Windows XP x64.

If you are searching for modded versions of newer Intel RST(e) drivers, you may look into the start post of >this< thread.

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  • 3 weeks later...

...None of the newer Intel AHCI and RAID drivers do support Windows XP and Windows XP x64.

If you are searching for modded versions of newer Intel RST(e) drivers, you may look into the start post of >this< thread.

Can anybody add the info about newer drivers in that link but in english? My native language is spanish, but german is too much :)

Specifically what I wonder is for what cases are newer mod drivers better:

"Intel RSTe AHCI & RAID drivers v11.7.4.1001 mod by Fernando"

"32bit Intel RSTe-Treiber v12.6.0.1033 mod von Fernando"

Edited by isidro
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...None of the newer Intel AHCI and RAID drivers do support Windows XP and Windows XP x64.

If you are searching for modded versions of newer Intel RST(e) drivers, you may look into the start post of >this< thread.

Can anybody add the info about newer drivers in that link but in english?
Yes, recently I have started a new English language Forum. You can find the related thread about the modded Intel AHCI and RAID drivers >here<. Edited by Fernando 1
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I have been trying to boot my XP Pro 32 bit in AHCI mode by implementing nLite, with numerous drivers and keep up coming up with the same problem.

After burning my new CD, as soon as I boot CD, I get message: "No drives found", and the whole process is aborted.

If I use nLite and prepare CD with Win XP OS only and no AHCI drivers slipstreamed onto CD, then my 500GB Seagate HDD is recognized.

I read everything on the Index Page, and it appears my CD-ROM drive might be the problem, and I might have to purchase a USB Ext. CD-ROM drive to achieve my goal, however before I go out and spend unnecessary money, I would appreciate some feedback if this is in fact is the right diagnosis.

My machine setup.

Motherboard Intel DH77KC

CPU Intel i7 3770

RAM: Single 4MB DDR3 1600Mhz

HDD Seagate 6GB Sata 500MB - Connected to Sata 0

CD\DVD Writer LG Modisc - Model GH24NS95 - Connected to Sata 4

Operating System: Windows XP SP3 - 32bit

Edited by Zorroxp
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@ Zorroxp:

Welcome at MSFN Forum!

I have been trying to boot my XP Pro 32 bit in AHCI mode by implementing nLite, with numerous drivers and keep up coming up with the same problem.
To minimize the risk of an XP installation failure you should not integrate more than 1 driver into the CD.

This is what I recommend to do:

1. Restart the creation of an XP SP3 CD with integrated AHCI driver from scratch by using the tool nLite.

2. Integrate just the 32bit Intel RST Textmode Driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL.

3. When you get the nLite textmode driver popup, you should just check the listed "Intel® 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller".

4. Before you start with the OS installation you have to enter the BIOS and to set the SATA mode of the Intel SATA Controller to "AHCI" and to do the correct boot order (first bootable device: CD/DVD Writer.

If I use nLite and prepare CD with Win XP OS only and no AHCI drivers slipstreamed onto CD, then my 500GB Seagate HDD is recognized.
This only happens, if you had set the SATA Controller within the BIOS to "IDE" mode.
I read everything on the Index Page, and it appears my CD-ROM drive might be the problem, and I might have to purchase a USB Ext. CD-ROM drive to achieve my goal, however before I go out and spend unnecessary money, I would appreciate some feedback if this is in fact is the right diagnosis.
There are some optical drives, which do not like to run in AHCI mode (they cannot read the data of the CD/DVD), but I don't think, that this is the reason of your problem.

Try what I have written above. If the XP installation should fail nevertheless, please report here, what exactly happened.



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Hi Fernando.

Firstly I want to commend you for what I consider to be the most comprehensive post on the topic of Windows XP with AHCI on the web.

It took me four days of major frustration before finding MSFN and your post on it.

I solved my problem before you posted your reply and it was something that was not in your reply.

While using nLite in My Document directory, my file structure was too long.

I moved all relevant directories to C:\ root directory and after implementing nLite from there, the process of booting from my CD was no longer aborted.

Fernando I recommend that you include this as a precaution of preventing "long files names" and "work in root directory" in your index page > 3. Additional advices for the later OS installation:

Thanks for the additional info anyway, because I will now implement your added input to achieve my desired result to boot my XP in AHCI.

Once again, thanks for help, especially for responding so quickly, you are a real star.

Regards ZorroXP

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@ Zorroxp:

Thanks for your reply and congrats, that you have solved the problem yourself.

Fernando I recommend that you include this as a precaution of preventing "long files names" and "work in root directory" in your index page > 3. Additional advices for the later OS installation:
You are right - I will add this warning.

There was already a similar note within my guide:

Unzip and store the driver folder of your choice somewhere (caution: don't use any personal Windows folder like the Desktop for storage purposes!)
, but this was especially written for the storage of the drivers, which are designed for the integration, and not for the nLite processing folder.

Thanks again!



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  • 3 months later...

Dear visitors,

in November 2007 I have started this thread and wrote a guide about the integration of Intel's textmode drivers into a Windows XP CD by using the tool nLite. Until now (August 2013) I have tried to answer all questions and to keep my guide (post 1) up-to-date and to offer download links to various suitable and actual Intel AHCI and RAID drivers.

Due to the recently completely altered software of this Forum I am not able anymore to update my old MSDN Forum guides the usual way. Since I don't want to offer here an outdated guide with broken download links and since I am offering the related guides within my own new Win-RAID Forum as well, I decided to completely delete the original text of this start post and to refer to my new Forum.

If you want to read my complete and up-to-date instructions about how to integrate Intel's AHCI and RAID drivers into a Windows XP (32/64bit) image and if you are searching for links to the drivers I recommend to integrate, you should join >this< site of my Forum.

In case of any questions or problems regarding the integration of Intel's textmode drivers you can post either here or within my Win-RAID Forum. I will try to help you either way.

Hoping for your understanding

and best wishes


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As I see it, removing/overwriting an existing post (and one of so much "relevance" :thumbup:) is a way to hide history :w00t::ph34r::realmad: (adding to it a strongly highlighted notice pointing to a new forum is another thing of course :)).

For those that are curious about what was here, courtesy of the Wayback Machine:



Edited by jaclaz
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As I see it, removing/overwriting an existing post (and one of so much "relevance" :thumbup:) is a way to hide history :w00t::ph34r::realmad: (adding to it a strongly highlighted notice pointing to a new forum is another thing of course :)).

For those that are curious about what was here, courtesy of the Wayback Machine:



Ok, this has been the original start post after having tried to update it and before I decided to remove my guide (text has been completely reformatted by the new Forum software, all links were broken):

@ all owners of a computer with an Intel S-ATA AHCI or Raid system:

Many users with such system have problems, when they try to install Windows XP (32/64 bit) or Windows Server 2003 (32/64 bit), because the Setup of these Operating Systems will not automaticly detect the hdd's, which are connected to the Intel S-ATA AHCI or Intel SATA RAID ports of the mainboard.

Furthermore the traditional F6/floppy method often fails due to bad floppy media or the lack of a floppy drive.

The easiest and safest solution is the integration of the Intel Controller drivers into a bootable 32/64bit XP or W2k3 CD by using a tool like nLite.

Here is the way how to do it:

Integration of the

Intel SATA AHCI or SATA RAID drivers

by using nLite

Guide for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 (32/64 bit)

Last updated: 08/25/2013


  • new: Intel Chipset Devices INF files Set v9.4.0.1026 WHQL for XP dated 08/05/2013
  • Informations regarding the possibility and necessity of loading/integrating the Intel Controller drivers:

  • None of the Windows Operating Systems which were released before Windows 2000 (Windows 3.11, Windows 95/98 and Windows ME) do support the actual Intel SATA and RAID Controllers (no working textmode drivers available).
  • Even Windows 2000 does not really work with the actual Intel Controllers. There are some old Intel S-ATA drivers for Windows 2000, but they do not fully support the modern features AHCI (="Advanced Host Controller Interface") and RAID.
  • The current versions of Windows XP (32/64bit) and Windows Server 2003 (32/64bit) are able to detect actual Intel S-ATA Controllers during the OS installation and will handle them as "normal" IDE Controllers, if the BIOS S-ATA settings are set to "IDE mode". In this case you don't need to load/integrate any Intel textmode drivers, but you have to abandon the features AHCI and RAID.
  • Users who are going to install XP or W2k3 and want to get benefit of the Intel S-ATA Controller features AHCI or RAID, have to enable them within BIOS prior to the OS installation and additionally have to integrate the appropriate Intel textmode driver into the OS CD or to load it via F6/floppy during the installation. Otherwise Windows Setup will not detect the Intel S-ATA Controller connected hard disk drives.
  • According to Intel only the actual Intel S-ATA Controllers for Desktop PC's (ICH7R, ICH8R, ICH9R, ICH10R and 5 Series) and Mobile PC's (ICH7M, ICH8M, ICH9M and Mobile Express Chipsets) are fully supporting AHCI, but obviously it is possible to get the AHCI features even with some ICH8/ICH9/ICH10 Southbridge PC's (look here and here). If you are not sure, look into your mainboard/laptop manual or ask the support of the mainboard/laptop manufacturer.
  • Preconditions for a successful integration of the Intel S-ATA AHCI/RAID drivers:
  • The S-ATA hdd's have to be connected to the Intel S-ATA ports of the mainboard.

    Important: Many Intel chipset mainboards have Intel and JMicron S-ATA connectors. Before you continue with your preparations, you should check, if the S-ATA cables of your hdd's are really connected to the Intel ports. If you are using the JMicron S-ATA ports, you have to integrate/load the JMicron textmode drivers (you can get them here). Otherwise Windows Setup will not detect your S-ATA connected hdd(s) at all.

  • The mainboard BIOS should be up-to-date.
  • Very important are the correct BIOS settings regarding the wanted Intel S-ATA mode.

    These are the options:

    IDE Mode = no Intel textmode drivers necessary, but no AHCI/RAID available

    AHCI Mode = Intel SATA AHCI textmode driver necessary, no RAID available

    RAID Mode = Intel SATA RAID textmode driver necessary, RAID array must be created

  • The Power Management (ACPI) should be enabled within BIOS.
  • The source for the processing with nLite should be a clean (not modified) and error free OS CD.
  • General advice: Don't use any personal folder like the Desktop, Documents etc. for the nLte processing or for the storage of anything you want to integrate into the XP CD. Otherwise your work may fail, because the path to the files will be too long!
  • Only for Intel RAID users: Before you are going to install the nLited OS onto an Intel RAID array, you should check, if the RAID has been correctly created and set as bootable by the "Intel Matrix Storage Manager Option ROM Utility". Furthermore the Intel RAID has to be set on the first place of the HARD DISK BOOT PRIORITY within the mainboard BIOS.
  • 1. Preparation:

    What you need is the actual version of

  • nLite (you get it here) and
  • the suitable (=extracted) Intel textmode drivers you want/need to integrate.

    The choice of the correct textmode driver depends mainly on the OS you are going to install, whereas the exact name of the Intel Controller of your mainboard is less important for the driver choice, because the "Intel® Rapid Storage Technology" (RST) resp. "Intel® Matrix Storage Manager" (MSM) packages usually are supporting all common INTEL SATA AHCI and SATA RAID Controllers of all Intel Southbridges from ICH7R resp. ICH7M up (users with an Intel ICH5 or ICH6 SATA Controller have to use an older or a customized driver package).

    What you need for the later integration are the extracted necessary Intel S-ATA AHCI/RAID Controller drivers. Since the complete Intel RST/MSM packages have a big size (due to the included Console software) and are not easy to extract, I recommend to download just one of the small driver packages, which are already prepared for integration purposes.

    These are the options:

  • For users with an Intel ICH7R/M, ICH9M, ICH10R/D, 5 Series, 6-Series or 7-Series (except X79) Southbridge AHCI or RAID system:
  • If you are going to install the 32bit version of Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, I recommend to download the following official 32bit Intel textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL dated 05/30/2012:

    >32bit Intel RST textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL< (latest and best conventional Intel RST driver)

  • Users, who want to install the 64bit version of Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, should download and unzip the related 64bit Intel textmode driver v11.2.0.1006:

    >64bit Intel RST textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL< (latest and best conventional Intel RST driver)

  • For users, who don't know the specific Intel SATA Controller of their system, or want to create a Windows XP CD, which may be usable with different hardware configurations:
  • Here they can get Intel's latest 32bit MSM driver v8.9.8.1005 dated 04/05/2010 for Windows XP or W2k3:

    >32bit Intel MSM textmode driver v8.9.8.1005 mod by Fernando<

  • And here is the link to the 64bit version (for XP x64 and W2k3 x64):

    >64bit Intel MSM textmode driver v8.9.8.1005 WHQL<

  • For users with an Intel X79 chipset AHCI/RAID system:
  • For XP79 chipset users, who want to get XP (32bit) installed in AHCI or RAID mode, I recommend to download and integrate this modified v11.2 RST driver (the RSTe drivers will not work for the XP installation):

    >32bit Intel RST textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 mod by Fernando< (latest and best conventional Intel RST driver, with added X79 support)

  • Here is the link to an appropriate 64bit textmode drivers for X79 chipset systems running in AHCI or RAID mode:

    >64bit Intel RST textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 mod by Fernando< (latest and best conventional Intel RST driver, with added X79 support)

  • For users, who want to get XP (32/64bt) installed by using the VirtualBox without risking a BSOD:
  • >32bit Intel MSM textmode driver v7.8.0.1012 mod<
  • >64bit Intel MSM textmode driver v7.8.0.1012 mod<
  • Especially for desktop/notebook users with an Intel ICH8R/ICH8M or ICH8/ICH9/ICH10 (without R or M) chipset mainboard, who want to set their SATA Controller to "AHCI" mode by using the newest Intel RST driver:

    Unfortunately the newest official Intel RST drivers v11.2.0.1006 WHQL do not support ICH8R, ICH8M and ICH9R chipsets running in AHCI mode due to the lack of the needed HardwareID's within the associated INF and OEM files. Furthermore some Intel ICH Southbridges without an "R" or "M" (ICH8, ICH9 and ICH10) are not supported at all by any official Intel textmode driver.

    Users with such chipset, who want to use the AHCI features and the newest Intel RST driver nevertheless, may use a special driver package I have prepared.

    Here are the links to the actual RST drivers v11.2.0.1006, whose INF and OEM files have been customized by me to make them usable with all Intel AHCI systems from ICH7 up (except X79):

  • >32bit Intel RST textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 mod by Fernando< (with additional support of Intel ICH8R, ICH8M, ICH8, ICH9R, ICH9 and ICH10 Southbridges)
  • >64bit Intel RST textmode driver v11.2.0.1006 mod by Fernando< (with additional support of Intel ICH8R, ICH8M, ICH8, ICH9R, ICH9 and ICH10 Southbridges)
  • Important remarks:
  • All "modded" 32/64bit packages contain the untouched (=original) Intel textmode drivers. Only the associated INF and OEM files have been modified to make them compatible with the originally not supported ICH8-ICH10 chipsets.
  • Due to the modification these drivers have lost their WHQL certification. You may use them at own risk.
  • Please give me your feedback, if your Intel ICH8R/ICH8M/ICH8/ICH9R/ICH9/ICH10 Controller should not be supported by these modified drivers.
  • If you are going to integrate these modified drivers, you will get a slightly different popup window than shown below, because I have added the AHCI Controllers for originally not supported ICH8/9/10 chipsets. Nevertheless you will find the suitable Controller easily, if you search for the suffix "added by Fernando".
  • Unzip and store the driver folder of your choice somewhere (caution: don't use any personal Windows folder like the Desktop for storage purposes!). Depending on the OS you are going to install, you will just need the 32bit or 64bit driver version.

    Attention: Look into your mainboard manual, if your S-ATA hdd(s) are connected to any of the above mentioned Intel ICH7/ICH8/ICH9/ICH10/5-Series/6-Series SATA ports. If your mainboard has an other (legacy type) Intel SATA AHCI/RAID Controller, you should integrate the Intel AHCI/RAID driver you will find within your mainboard driver CD.

    2. Processing with nLite:

  • Create a new directory named XPCD (or similar) within the root of your HDD and copy the content of the clean source CD (XP, XP x64, W2k3 or W2k3 x64) into this freshly created directory.
  • Run nLite and point to the directory where you have copied the OS source.
  • If your XP CD source CD doesn't yet include the Service Pack 3, you should integrate it as first step. This seems to be absolutely necessary for all new Intel chipset systems from 6-Series up (look >here<).
  • You can use all nLite options, but you have to use the tasks "Integrate Drivers" and "Create Bootable CD".
  • When you come up to the task "Drivers", hit the "Insert" button, use the "Single driver" option and point to the content of the driver package you have downloaded and extracted at first step. Click onto one of the shown INF files (it doesn't matter which one).
  • If you have integrated the appropriate drivers (hopefully supporting your special Intel SATA Controller too) you will get the following or rather similar "Storage Device Textmode Driver" popup window with a big variety of different Intel Controllers:

    At this point you have to decide, which Intel Controller(s) you want to get installed by clicking onto the suitable Controller(s).


    a ) Make sure, that the "Textmode driver" Mode is enabled.

    b ) You can and maybe have to highlight more than 1 Controller.

    Have a look into your mainboard manual to find the exact name of your S-ATA Controller and search for it within the list.

    Click onto the Intel SATA Controller(s), which is/are suitable for your mainboard BIOS settings regarding the Intel S-ATA ports (SATA RAID or SATA AHCI), your mainboard chipset (ICH7, ICH8, ICH9 or ICH10) and your system ("Desktop"=PC, "Mobile"=Laptop, Server or Workstation).


    If you are not sure, which of the listed Controllers are the suitable one(s) for your chipset, you can enable all of them (Windows Setup will find and install the correct driver). This tip is only valid for users, who had prepared an Intel textmode driver, which belongs to the "Intel® Matrix Storage Manager" series!

  • Use the other options of nLite, if you want. It is a good idea to additionally integrate the Intel INF Update Utilty named Intel® Chipset Device Software as normal device (=PnP) driver. You can download the actual INF driver package from >here<.


  • Since Intel's EXE package usually is voluminous and not easy to be extracted, I have prepared and uploaded a small driverpack for you, which contains just the actual official driver files you will need for the integration of the Intel chipset device "drivers" (Notice: they are not real drivers, but just information files).
  • You can download a small package containing just the latest official Intel INF "drivers" v9.4.0.1026 WHQL prepared for the integration from >here<. Unzip it and integrate the "drivers" by pointing onto any of the various INF files you will find within the folder. It doesn't matter which one you choose - nLite will copy them all anyway.
  • Let nLite create the ISO file.
  • As last step the ISO file should be burned as bootable CD. You can either let nLite do this job or take a burning tool like Nero.


  • If you are using Nero, you should just choose "Recorder" (menu bar) > "Burn Image" and then point to the just created ISO file.
  • Burn at not more than 8x(DVD) or 24x(CD) and choose the "Verify" option to avoid any burning errors!
  • Have fun!
  • 3. Additional advices for the later OS installation:
  • If you want to install any Windows OS (32/64bit) by booting off a SATA connected optical drive, it might be a good idea - if applicable - to connect the CD/DVD device with a SATA port, which is not running in AHCI or RAID mode.

    Reason: Some SATA connected optical drives do not like the AHCI or RAID mode during the OS installation and may generate errors (Note: Once the OS is up, usually all problems are gone.).

    Solution: Connect the optical drive to another available S-ATA port (for example with JMicron Controller), which is running in IDE mode. Alternatively you may replace your S-ATA CD/DVD device by a P-ATA (40pin) connected one or use an USB stick as bootable device to get the OS installed.

  • Don't hit F6 and don't insert any driver floppy during the installation using the CD with integrated Intel Controller drivers. Otherwise Windows Setup won't find the drivers at all!
  • You might get a problem with the installation of a 32bit OS, if you are running your computer with 4 (or more) GB of RAM. It is a good idea to remove some RAM sticks while the installing procedure. Once the OS is up, you can reinsert the removed RAM sticks.
  • 4. How to get access to the Intel® RST resp. Intel® MSM Console:

  • Once your OS is up, you will have full access to all partitions and files of your Intel RAID array or SATA hdd's/SSD's running in AHCI Mode, but you will not be able to run the Intel RST/MSM Control Center, because the program files are still missing.


  • Users with an Intel RAID system should download and install the complete Intel RST resp. MSM package (depending on the driver they had integrated), which contains the RST/MSM drivers and the Console application. For users, who are running their SATA hdd's/SSD's in AHCI Mode, the Console is less important, but they can install it as well (only disadvantage: prolonged boot time).


    You should take care, that the complete package belongs to the same series (RST/RSTe resp. MSM) and has the same version as the driver, which has been integrated into the XP CD (only exception: X79 chipset users, who had installed Windows XP 32bit, they are not able to install any RSTe Drivers & Software Set):

  • f you had integrated the 32/64bit RST driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL, you will be able to get the suitable complete and already extracted RST package v11.2.0.1006 from >here<.
  • Users, who had installed the 32/64bit MSM driver v8.9.8.1005, can download the appropriate version of the complete MSM package from Intels Download Center (>Link<, just enter "Intel® Matrix Storage Manager") or directly from >here<.
  • XP x64 users with an Intel X79 chipset, who want to get the RSTe Console Software installed (and the RSTe drivers once XP x64 is up) , should download the - already extracted - actual complete RSTe package v3.6.0.1094 WHQL from >here<.
  • After having run the installer and a reboot you will have full access to the "Intel® Rapid Storage Technology" resp. "Intel® Matrix Storage Manager" Console from within the running Windows OS.

Good luck!


This post has been promoted to an article




Edited by Fernando 1
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