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Integration of Intel's SATA AHCI and RAID drivers

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Posted (edited)


includes 2 files:


i tested both with bartpe (regular) and worked perfectly.

please check my work, as i am not an expert about the subject.



in the pdf file, at page 11, there is info showing 2824h id, god knows when intel add this to its driver package.

Edited by Lancelot_Real


@ Lancelot_Real:

Thank you very much for your quick reply and for preparing and uploading the drivers with customized IAAHCI.INF and TXTSETUP.OEM files.

On the basis of yours and Galapo's work I have prepared a small package, which contains the 32bit and 64bit Intel textmode drivers v8.2.3.1001 customized for the use with ICH8 chipsets.

Here is it: http://rapidshare.com/files/128342349/Inte...r_ICH8.zip.html

Although your linked drivers obviously worked fine with your chipset, I have done some minor modifications hoping, that this won't have any negative effect:

  1. To make it easier to find the correct Controller, I have named it "Intel® ICH8 SATA AHCI Controller Fernando-Galapo" (instead of "Intel® 82801HB SATA AHCI Controller Fernando-Galapo").
  2. Additionally I have removed some "_RAID" entries, which somehow were within the "ICH8 82801HB_Galapo" part of your IAAHCI.INF file (if these add-ons are needed, please let me know it).

Before I am going to add the download link to these modded drivers into my guide, I would like to get your feedback again. Please have a look into the modded driver files again and test them, if you have the time.

Your work is a great help for all users with an ICH8 chipset mainboard, who want to use the AHCI features. Thanks again! :thumbup



Posted (edited)

As fast as possible, :)

i made 2 trials,

1st with the 32bit ones you provided, works fine

2nd with deleting %PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2824&CC_0106.DeviceDesc% = iaStor_mobl_Inst, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2824&CC_0106 lines

(looked for mbl reference in pdf and i saw no mobile device for hwid 2824, i guess no problem in future too)

1- No problem for changing names (2824h signature is not for mobile)

maybe this one would be nice too: Intel® ICH8 SATA AHCI Controller Fernando-Galapo (82801HB)

2- No problem in changing _RAID (2824h is not for raid, it was a mistake)

you can do whatever you want in naming, np for me


the pdf file (313057.pdf) at http://www.intel.com/design/chipsets/specupdt/313057.htm is nice to learn about ICH8, i saved this file in name:

"Intel IO Controller Hub 8 (ICH8) Family Specification Update_313057.pdf" on my pc in case of any other ICH8 probems.

For all users reading this message:

Intel Sata AHCI controller of 82801HB is added to Fernando 1's repacked drivers. you can get it from the 1st Post of this subject.


Edited by Lancelot_Real
Posted (edited)

@ Lancelot_Real:

That's great - I didn't expect your reply as soon! :thumbup :thumbup

As soon as possible I will add the customized drivers to the first post of this thread.

EDIT: Done!



@ all:

Users with an Intel ICH7/ICH8/ICH9 (without "R" or "M") chipset mainboard, who want to use their Intel S-ATA ports at "AHCI Mode", will find customized 32/64bit textmode drivers within my guide (first post of this thread).

Since I don't know, if these modified drivers will work for you, I need your feedback!

Good luck!


Edited by Fernando 1

After some good installations or re-installations first no lucks.

I tried an Abit IX38 GuardGT with the following controllers:

Intel® ICH9 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller 2 - 2926

Intel® ICH9 4 port Serial ATA Storage Controller 1 - 2920

JMicron JMB363 Sata / Pata Controller.

I integraded all the textmode drivers for ICH9R/M and JMicron but

I got the message : iastor.sys is corrupted.

Any advise?

PS: I must add that I integraded all the controllers for the win_CD

could be used for as many chipshets.

I integraded all the textmode drivers for ICH9R/M and JMicron but

I got the message : iastor.sys is corrupted.

You will get this message, when you have integrated a 32bit driver into a 64bit OS or vice versa.

If the used driver really would be corrupted, you have to replace it by a fresh downloaded driver.

PS: I must add that I integraded all the controllers for the win_CD

could be used for as many chipshets.

If you have checked all available Intel S-ATA Controllers within the Popup window, this should not be a problem, but it is not always a good idea to integrate different textmode drivers.

Thank you Fernando 1 for your answer.

I did use 32bit drivers, but I found out that it had been a previous integration

i didn't notice, with sata driver from intel's site.

I've made a new fresh integration which I can check after 5 or 6 hours.

I still keep in all the controllers cause I need it for my job.

(In fact I made two win_CDs : one with needed controller and one with all of them.

I will start testing with second one).

I'll write up about results.


@ Lancelot_Real:

As you may have realized, I have uploaded at least a "modded" Intel textmode driver package, which hopefully is supporting ICH7, ICH8 and ICH9 S-ATA AHCI Controllers.

Any test from your side would be much appreciated.

@ TechFind:

Good luck!

Fernando 1,

I already checked new zip file and deleted+edited the previous message of mine. (before your post).

You probably mean this edited text:

Intel Sata AHCI controller of 82801HB is added to Fernando 1's repacked drivers. you can get it from the 1st post.

a ) For Intel ICH7R/M, ICH8R/M, ICH9R/M or ICH10R S-ATA AHCI and RAID Controllers:

Isn't there something missing?

Maybe a line like:

"b ) For Intel ICH7, ICH8 or ICH9 S-ATA AHCI Controllers"?


Hi Fernando1

I really need your help on this!.

For the past couple of weeks i am trying to install Winxp on my system . Details as follows

1. Have a Dell vostro 1400 on which i need to install winxp.

2. I got an win xp with SP2, slipstreamed it with the SP3 installation, included the drivers ICH8M (which said ICH8M-E/M SATA AHCI, i did not include the SATA RAID one) and created a bootable ISO. I followed all the steps u mentioned. (but i couldnt actually figure out the Intel matrix thingy so i dint use that for anything. but i did download the other drivers and INF files as u mentioned in ur post.)

3. I also used the multiple driver option and included the INF files drivers into the installation CD.

4. In the BIOS i tried all possible options . First i let my storage device be set to the AHCI option.

Initially it used to tell me that HDD not found.

5. Then i tried changing the settings to ATA operation. Now it started giving me the "dreaded blue screen".

6. I checked and re-checked and created slip-stream disks on numerous occasions.

Now every time i get the "dreaded blue screen" everytime i try to install the XP installation.

I really dont know what is wrong. Am i missing something here.

I have followed ur post and tried to get all possible hints so that i can use it to my cause, but nothing seems to work.

There is an option of "flash cache mode" in the BIOS (it is generally used with the AHCI settings). But other than that i cannot find any "SATA" related settings in the BIOS other than just setting the storage device in the ATA mode.

Please help me on this!.

Thanks in advance..


@ carporsche:

I have no idea why you failed with the installation of Windows XP.

At least you have 2 options:

a ) Installation without AHCI support

Disable AHCI within the BIOS and install XP without integrating any textmode driver > should work without problems (disadvantage: no AHCI features)

b ) Installation with AHCI support

Enable AHCI within the BIOS and integrate the 32bit textmode driver (choosing the ICH8M-E/M SATA AHCI Controller) > should work too

Maybe this post will help you to find a solution for your problem.

Posted (edited)

I wrote:

I've made a new fresh integration which I can check after 5 or 6 hours.

I still keep in all the controllers cause I need it for my job.

(In fact I made two win_CDs : one with needed controller and one with all of them.

I will start testing with second one).

here are the results:

Finally installation with slipstreamed drivers was successful!

(Clean win_CD + SP3 + intel sata drivers for all Intel's chipshets + Jmicron sata/pata drivers) plus (IE7 + WMP11)

In case someone is interested i write down a way of enabling AHCI after installation of XP on Intel ICH9R:


1) download intel AHCI drivers version

2) copy iastor.sys to windows\system32\drivers\

3) install modified iaAHCI.inf (*)

4) reboot

5) change in bios from IDE to AHCI

6) and vouala! AHCI ENABLED!

(*) Change line 44 from:

44 : %PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2922&CC_0106.DeviceDesc% = iaStor_Inst, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2922&CC_0106


44 : %PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2920&CC_0106.DeviceDesc% = iaStor_Inst, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2920&CC_0106

44b: %PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2926&CC_0106.DeviceDesc% = iaStor_Inst, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2926&CC_0106

line 54 from:

54 :%PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2922&CC_0106.DeviceDesc% = iaStor_Inst, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2922&CC_0106


54 :%PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2920&CC_0106.DeviceDesc% = iaStor_Inst, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2920&CC_0106

54b :%PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2926&CC_0106.DeviceDesc% = iaStor_Inst, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2926&CC_0106

line 214 from:

214 :PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2922&CC_0106.DeviceDesc = "Intel® ICH9R/DO/DH SATA AHCI Controller"


214 :PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2920&CC_0106.DeviceDesc = "Intel® ICH9R/DO/DH SATA AHCI Controller"

214b:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2926&CC_0106.DeviceDesc = "Intel® ICH9R/DO/DH SATA AHCI Controller"


Edited by TechFind

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