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Integration of Intel's SATA AHCI and RAID drivers

Fernando 1

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Ok so far fine on the, the samsung f1 drive I moved to the jmicron controller since it isnt liking the intel.
I am pretty sure, that the v8.5.0.1032 currently are the best Intel textmode drivers for ICH7-10 Chipsets you can get.

Nevertheless all users of my guide should keep in mind, that Intel is still working on the development of the newest generation of the Intel Matrix Storage Manager, which do fully support all Intel Chipsets from ICH7 up.

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Hi Fernando, thank you for the guide, it's a great help.

I have two questions. I have a copy of XP SP2, and I want to slipstream SP3, WMP11 and hotfixes, IE7, as well as the Intel drivers in your guide. (I know SP's are cumulative, but the only copy of XP I have is XP SP2)

First, is there any particular order I should do them? Keep in mind I must use WMP11 Slipstreamer to incorporate WMP11 and hotfixes.

Second, when adding the "INF files Intel Chipset Device Software as normal device (PnP) driver", nLite won't let me add more than one?

Is this by design, and nLite includes them all regardless of which one you pick, or is there a way to include all of them (which I would prefer).

Thank you again for your support and assistance.

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I have two questions. I have a copy of XP SP2, and I want to slipstream SP3, WMP11 and hotfixes, IE7, as well as the Intel drivers in your guide. (I know SP's are cumulative, but the only copy of XP I have is XP SP2)

First, is there any particular order I should do them? Keep in mind I must use WMP11 Slipstreamer to incorporate WMP11 and hotfixes.

At first step you should slipstream SP3 into your XP SP2 source. After having done that you can integrate all other things.
Second, when adding the "INF files Intel Chipset Device Software as normal device (PnP) driver", nLite won't let me add more than one?

Is this by design, and nLite includes them all regardless of which one you pick, or is there a way to include all of them (which I would prefer).

Just point onto 1 single INF file (regardless which one) and nLite will copy the whole content of the related driver folder (with all INF files etc.) into your XP CD. So Windows Setup will be able to pick them all during the hardware detection part of the later XP installation.
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Thanks for answering both questions Fernando. It's pretty straight forward once you understand the procedure.

Before I found this thread, I had no idea and always used the F6 method, and although this takes a bit more organising, it's a far more elegant and permanent solution.

Once again, thanks mate.

PS This thread should be made a sticky.

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Thanks for this really useful guide. I just have one question, and I appologise if its been asked before.

I only have a SATA optical drive + 2 x SATA hard disks (with an additional e-sata port). My chipset is intel 975 (shuttle sd37p2 barebones). I can't find any information on Jmicron ports in the manual. Will I be able to install windows with from my optical drive using SATA AHCI mode (no IDE) set in the BIOS? I can't think what other options I have, because i have no floppy drive.

I could arrange to borrow an IDE optical drive, but that would only be temporary. In this case, could i simply operate the BIOS in 'enhanced mode' (sata + IDE) for installation, and then switch to "SATA-only" once XP is installed?

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Will I be able to install windows with from my optical drive using SATA AHCI mode (no IDE) set in the BIOS?

Probably (since even I could... , on a slightly different configuration though: 1 SATA DVD-drive and 1 SATA HD, both connected to ICH10R, BIOS set to RAID, which includes AHCI).

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How safe is it to use these drivers?
The WHQL stamp doesn't have any influence on the function of a driver.

Right, but since Intel wouldn't go through the process of WHQL certification for an obscure beta driver, a WHQL certification is some kind of indication of quality I thought.

But your second remark is interesting:

Fernando, on the first page and above you state that the drivers are WHQL. When I update the drivers from your repackaged file on RapidShare using XP's Device Manager, XP complains that these are not signed (not WHQL). What did I do wrong?
Probably nothing. It seems, that the Intel textmode drivers v8.5.0.1032 are not yet digitally signed for all Intel chipsets.

I forgot about that (experienced this in the past with WHQL nVidia drivers which were not qualified for my particular videocard).

Apparently they are (at least) not certified for the ICH10R that I use. But they work well on my system so far...

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Hi Fernando,

I am new here.. after lots of searching the net for a solution I think you are my guy. Please help me.

My system config are : MB - Intel DP35DP, Core 2 Duo 3.00 Ghz processor, 2 GB DDR2 RAM, SATA HDD , SATA Optical


Currently I am running XP Pro SP2 on my system. I recently tried installing Windows Server 2003 but never

succeed. unfortunately my motherboard doesnt support Floppy DD, and that F6 option is out, I am stuck. I just

need a simple installation, I am not planning to use RAID or ACHI or whatever.. just one HDD (basic disk) which

is confgured as Native>Treated SATA as IDE.. (another option is to choose Legacy where SATA option is

disabled). I need this for my educational purpose. Whenever I tried installing Win 2003 it went fine till the

system reboots for GUI mode.. I believe the prob to be of SATA driver which needs F6 option to load those

drivers. I bought USB FDD (brand name - Enter : never heard of it though). It detects at the start till the GUI

mode so that means I am always back to square 1. I always go the BSOD which says IRQ_NOT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL

something like that.

Now if you would please help me to integrate those drivers needed to install and run Windows 2003 atleast in

Basic disk mode.. in the boot CD..

I honestly don't even know which driver to run.. Please help me

Edited by khupnaulak
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I only have a SATA optical drive + 2 x SATA hard disks (with an additional e-sata port). My chipset is intel 975 (shuttle sd37p2 barebones). I can't find any information on Jmicron ports in the manual. Will I be able to install windows with from my optical drive using SATA AHCI mode (no IDE) set in the BIOS?
It probably depends on your special optical drive. Some of them work, others not.
I could arrange to borrow an IDE optical drive, but that would only be temporary. In this case, could i simply operate the BIOS in 'enhanced mode' (sata + IDE) for installation, and then switch to "SATA-only" once XP is installed?
If "enhanced mode" means, that you can use the P-ATA port of your board for your borrowed IDE optical drive and simultaneously the S-ATA ports in AHCI mode, you should try it that way, if the OS installation should fail by booting of the S-ATA connected DVD drive.
My system config are : MB - Intel DP35DP, Core 2 Duo 3.00 Ghz processor, 2 GB DDR2 RAM, SATA HDD , SATA Optical Drive

Currently I am running XP Pro SP2 on my system. I recently tried installing Windows Server 2003 but never succeed. unfortunately my motherboard doesnt support Floppy DD, and that F6 option is out, I am stuck. I just need a simple installation, I am not planning to use RAID or ACHI or whatever.. just one HDD (basic disk) which is confgured as Native>Treated SATA as IDE.. (another option is to choose Legacy where SATA option is disabled). I need this for my educational purpose. Whenever I tried installing Win 2003 it went fine till the system reboots for GUI mode.. I believe the prob to be of SATA driver which needs F6 option to load those drivers.

Now if you would please help me to integrate those drivers needed to install and run Windows 2003 atleast in Basic disk mode.. in the boot CD.

Welcome to MSFN Forums!

Since you do not want to run your S-ATA hdd in "AHCI Mode" (similar to the "Native S-ATA" option within your BIOS), you don't need to integrate any Intel textmode driver. Furthermore you would run into problems with your S-ATA connected optical drive, if you should try to get W2k3 installed with enabled AHCI mode.

Just do the following:

1. Set the IDE mode to "LEGACY" within your BIOS.

2. Boot off the original or nLited Windows 2003 CD and install the OS.

That's all!

Good luck!


P.S.: Since your post contains a lot of unneeded informations and takes a lot of space within this thread, it would be much appreciated, if you would hit the "Edit" button and delete the quoted text (my guide) and the text of the TXTSETUP.OEM file. Thanks in advance!

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Thanks Fernando (also did as requested)

I tried what you said, earlier. I set it to Legacy and ran Win 2003 but the same problem persist. It keeps going fine till it reboots and starts in GUI mode when the installation starts. Pressing Ctrl+F11 shows that it is installing devices such as keyboard , mouse and others.. the screen blink and BSOD. IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL..... Exactly at the same time everytime. For your info I am using USB Keyboard and USB Mouse (Logitech Internet Pro) coz mb doesnt have ps/2 ports. What would be the problem??

I would appreciate the help very much

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I tried what you said, earlier. I set it to Legacy and ran Win 2003 but the same problem persist. It keeps going fine till it reboots and starts in GUI mode when the installation starts. Pressing Ctrl+F11 shows that it is installing devices such as keyboard , mouse and others.. the screen blink and BSOD. IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL..... Exactly at the same time everytime. For your info I am using USB Keyboard and USB Mouse (Logitech Internet Pro) coz mb doesnt have ps/2 ports. What would be the problem??
Did you boot off an original MS CD or an nLited CD?

Did you get the message, which file may have caused the BSOD?

Do you have access to the broken W2k3 installation? If yes, look for the files named SETUPERR.LOG and SETUPAPI.LOG, which you will find within the WINDOWS directory. You can open the files with notepad (Editor). Interesting are just the last lines of the LOG files..

Edited by Fernando 1
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I boot off an MS original CD

Yes I have access to those files. But the setuperr doesn't show anything. It is blank.

The setupapi file shows this. The last 4 lines

#-011 Installing section [Processor_Inst.NT.Interfaces] from "g:\windows\inf\cpu.inf".

#I054 Interfaces installed.

#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICE.

#I123 Doing full install of "ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_X86_FAMILY_6_MODEL_7\_1".

I can attach the whole log files if you wish to look at it. The setuplog and setupact are also there.

Thanks for your attention!!

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Apparently they are (at least) not certified for the ICH10R that I use. But they work well on my system so far...

Cheered to early...

When hot plugging my external eSATA drive (which is a 1:1 copy of the internal eSATA drive), only the first (primary FAT) partition is properly recognized. For all other partitions the size and the volume label is displayed correctly, but XP has no idea what kind of filesystem they contain...

So I hope Intel comes with an update soon!

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I boot off an MS original CD

Yes I have access to those files. But the setuperr doesn't show anything. It is blank.

The setupapi file shows this. The last 4 lines

#-011 Installing section [Processor_Inst.NT.Interfaces] from "g:\windows\inf\cpu.inf".

#I054 Interfaces installed.

#-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICE.

#I123 Doing full install of "ACPI\GENUINEINTEL_-_X86_FAMILY_6_MODEL_7\_1".

So you obviously got the BSOD while Windows Setup was configurating and integrating the processor into its hardware management.

I have no idea, what might have caused this issue. Since your problem has nothing to do with this topic, you should search for help somewhere else.

My last suggestions:

1. Take the safe BIOS settings (no overckocking at all) and try the W2k3 installation once more.

2. Hit F8 while booting and choose the option "Don't reboot at system failure". This way you will get a complete error message.

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It seems, that the Intel textmode drivers v8.5.0.1032 are not yet digitally signed for all Intel chipsets.
Apparently they are (at least) not certified for the ICH10R that I use. But they work well on my system so far...
Recently the Intel Matrix Storage Manager drivers v8.5.0.1032 have been digitally signed by Microsoft and now they are officially presented by Intel.

@ all users of my guide:

Since the newest, WHQL certified and probably best Intel textmode drivers v8.5.0.1032 for Intel ICH7-10 S-ATA AHCI and RAID Controllers are official now, I have just updated my guide (=first post of this thread) again.

Have fun!


Edited by Fernando 1
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