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Integration of Intel's SATA AHCI and RAID drivers

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I'm installing Win xp 64 on my Vostro 1710 (sata/ahci) and I'm getting Iastore.sys error this is Intel file and it is necessary for installation how can I import that file there ? actually there are 3 files which has to been imported iaStor.sys, iaStor.cat, Txtsetup.oem
Which sort of error message did you get?
  1. If the message was like "The file IASTOR.SYS is corrupt", you obviously have taken the 32bit driver version. This doesn't work with a 64bit OS.
    Solution: Integrate the 64bit driver version (link is within the start post).
  2. If the message was like "Could not copy the file IASTOR.SYS", you either have burnt a currupted CD (too hiigh speed) or may have created an unattended install CD and have tried to load the textmode driver by using the F6/floppy method.
    Solution: Burn your CD with lower speed. Don't hit F6 and don't insert a floppy.


Hi Fernando, thank you very much for this guide. I am wanting to setup a dual boot system, first by installing XP, and then Vista. Currently I am running XP on the Intel D975XBX2 mobo, with 4 drives in Matix RAID array. I am upgrading to the Intel DX48BT2 mobo, which is DDR3 mem and ICH9R. Also, no floppy drive, which is why I am needing your help. I just noticed the note about the 4 gigs of memory for a 32-bit OS and that is what I am going to be using, 2x2gig of 1600 Mhz DDR3, that Intel says must be installed in both dimms in channel B.

Do I have to buy new memory just to install XP on this board, or can I use the DDR2 that I am currently using in the 975 board? I do not think x48 supports.

Thank you, Dave

I am wanting to setup a dual boot system, first by installing XP, and then Vista. Currently I am running XP on the Intel D975XBX2 mobo, with 4 drives in Matix RAID array. I am upgrading to the Intel DX48BT2 mobo, which is DDR3 mem and ICH9R. Also, no floppy drive, which is why I am needing your help. I just noticed the note about the 4 gigs of memory for a 32-bit OS and that is what I am going to be using, 2x2gig of 1600 Mhz DDR3, that Intel says must be installed in both dimms in channel B.

Do I have to buy new memory just to install XP on this board, or can I use the DDR2 that I am currently using in the 975 board?

No, why do you think so? The OS Setup may be influenced by the RAM size (32bit Windows Operating Systems cannot address more than 3 GB), but not by the RAM type (DDR2 or DDR3).

If you should get problems while installing Windows XP or Vista onto your new system, you should just remove 1 RAM stick. Once the OS is up, you can reinsert it.


Thanks again Fernando! Just finished installing XP from the boot CD that I created by using this guide. Everything went smooth. Now I just need to figure out how to create dual boot XP/Vista..... :wacko:

Kudos, Dave


@ all users of my guide:

Since Intel recently has released new official Intel Storage Manager drivers v8.2.3.1001, I have updated again my guide (first post of this thread) and uploaded the newest textmode drivers.

If you have an ICH7-10 chipset Intel S-ATA/RAID Controller and follow the download links of my guide, you will get Intel's newest S-ATA and RAID drivers - as usual already prepared for an easy integration.

Good luck!




very usefull post and nice info thank you all!!

After reading it I managed to overcome the iaStor.sys error at the setup of win XP to an Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo Xi2428.

Using an original XP cd with SP2, added with textmode the appropriate drivers and installation completed with no errors.

My problem is that when I tried to add both service pack 3 and drivers and make an unattended installation, when istallation begin I got again the error that iaStor.sys can not be loaded (although I can see my HDD and iastor.sys is loaded and start the install)

Is there any way to use nlite for both drivers AND sp3 or I should install SP3 afterwards?? :}

Thank you in advance for your help.




@ simeon_001:

What you have written is very interesting, because I didn't know about this issue. Maybe the current nLite version has still a problem with the integration of SP3, if done simultaneously with the integration of the Intel textmode drivers.

Only solution I see: Don't do the integration at once.

I will contact Nuhi regarding this problem.





thanks for the quick reply!

I will test today to integrate SP3 to the CD that I have already integrate the drivers and it is working (not simultaneously as i tried before) and I will let you know the results... (integrade SP3 and afterwards the drivers is not working for sure as I have already tried it)

Thank you,


I will test today to integrate SP3 to the CD that I have already integrate the drivers and it is working (not simultaneously as i tried before) and I will let you know the results... (integrade SP3 and afterwards the drivers is not working for sure as I have already tried it).
As far as I know this issue has nothing to do with nLite, but with the SP3 package installer built by Microsoft.

Some users reported about big differences, if they used the "golden" XP RTM version , XP SP1 or XP SP2 as source for the SP3 integration.


simeon_001, that is weird, mainly because then everyone would report it, and it simply works the same, be it SP2 then drivers or SP3 then drivers.

Maybe you did something different this time, anyway slipstream SP3 into the clean, not previously modified SP2, then the drivers. If it fails attach the i386\txtsetup.sif file from that failed ISO for me to look.

If that is fine then it might be that the sys file itself got corrupted somehow so you might extract the i386\iastor.sy_ and compare to the iastor.sys from the original driver folder.


wow thanks for the update info, even navigating intels site normally I couldnt find the 8.3 drivers, I had to follow the link you provided. I will try these out but I am so happy with the 8.0 right now.

anyway slipstream SP3 into the clean, not previously modified SP2, then the drivers.

IT WORKED!!! :thumbup

I have to note that this time I burned the CD at 8X

thank you!!!


All I can say to Fernando 1 is thanks very much, for your very usefull guide.

I need to express my appreciation to Nuhi for his excellent tool.

Posted (edited)

Hi fernando, long time since my last message here:


i had same problem after starting to use livexp instead of bartpe (both winpe :))

i was just postin a new message to you with new iaahci.inf file i created (with your and galapos help), i started to read the 1st message to see if any new update there, so there it is (poor me after working on some days :)) http://kerneltrap.org/node/7582

i confirm the message there too, it is the same iaAHCI.INF file i created (i mean adds are the same), Both "AsusP5B" and "Intel® Desktop Board DG965RY" uses 82801HB in ahci mode with same hwid. "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2824&CC_0106"

To solve LiveXP problem; LiveXP uses DPs driver pack, DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_805.7z (extract, change, repack)

adding new iaahci.inf file to D\M\I3\

and in DriverPack_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32.ini

at [i3] section in line "ms_1_hwids=" adding VEN_8086&DEV_2824&CC_0106 to the end, than repack. :)

i also informed Dps team, thanks to Galapo and Jaak.

i checked Intel_textmode_drivers_32bit_v8.2.3.1001_repacked_by_Fernando.zip for hwid, still no support from intel i guess.

This message is for informing you, thanks to your good work.

Edited by Lancelot_Real

@ Lancelot_Real:

Thank you very much for your updated informations regarding the AHCI support of Intel ICH8 chipset mainboards.

As you probably may have seen, I have added some informations for ICH8 users to my guide.

The best and easiest way to help other users with ICH8 S-ATA Controllers would be, if you would upload the already "modded" IAAHCI.INF and TXTSETUP.OEM on the basis of the actual driver version to RapidShare or another Hoster (as Akkuma had done it here for the older version).

Then I would just add the links to my guide.

Thanks again!


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