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Is there an icon for MSFN?

nothing really crazy.. going from 16x16 up to 48x48 ?

if there isn't one

I suck at designing stuff... so anyone here with some skills? hook me up with one thanks!

not sure if I should post this in requests section or general .. hmm... oh well


not really..

but I really appreciate your effort.

here is what I have in mind: an icon that can fit in the quicklaunch area and be representative of MSFN.

I could pick one of the icons I've collected, but i was thinking it would be nice to have sort of an official icon....


someone could bash one up in icon maker.. good idea babis! i was going to make one ages ago for when folks bookmark the page but never got round to it, ill have a see.. how about everyone have a go and the best one gets used?



Here are my ideas:

01. we can have a favicon

02. I can make us one of those icons to attach in the ie toolbar...

in a sense just one click away to msfn boards ;-)

after i saw xper's new board... looks really nice.. so i decided to come up with a few thingys that might help...

thanks FthrJAck for the support...


babis this is your second cool post i just read in the space of 5 minutes, you rock! :)

im so impressed, ill lend you my b***h for a bit, im getting bored of xperties moaning at me constantly anyhow.. you can take him monday mornings if u like...


Hey FthrJack thanks.... dammit, is xpertie's everyone's biatch around here?

Anyhow, here is what i was talking about... I truly apologize to the icon authors... I just found some icons on my comp and made the ie toolbar icon...

This is mainly for xper and FthrJack to check out and see what i was talking about....


How u going with the icons Babis??

do u need some help in the design, drop us a PM of some of ur ideas and I can do some up for u if u like??

got the time as its now the hoiday season:D :)

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