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Problem while running nLite on Windows Vista Ultimate system


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First of all, nLite is a great application.

Now, while i tryed to run nLite on a Vista system by default (no compatibility setting were selected), it gave me an error. Now, i selected it to run in compatibility mode with XP SP2. Everything went fine until nLite begun to do it job, i mean to integrate and remove things. Is this a bug ?

Thnx in advance .

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Make sure that you run nLite as an Administrator. Disable Windows Defender while running nLite. Also disable any anti-virus or anti-spyware application which you are using. Make sure that the directories where all the files are localed don't show those annoying security pop-ups asking you to continue if you copy files to them, et cetera. If it's still not working properly afterwards, contact Nuhi about it, who created nLite.

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Same problem here. The only thing I tried to integrate is RyanVM's SP2 Update Pack. Just like what iuli_kyle said.

Not just that, RyanVM Integrator also has this problem.

I don't know whether this is relevant or not but I am using a vLite'd version of Vista Ultimate with UAC disabled.

*Forgot to mention that my Vista Ultimate is a 32bit version.

Edited by bluhound
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works perfect for me on Vista Ultimate 32 bit

i tested it integrating Ryan's Updates, Code's Updates, Internet Explorer 7 and many more things

also removed many stuff, had it unattended, and applied tweaks and other options, all of them works very well

and finally tested the iso on vmware and on a PC, running as smooth as possible

what r ur computer specs?

Edited by Madhav
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I am running Vista Ultimate and I have problems with slipstreaming hotfixes for IE7 with nLIte. I use nLite only for slipstreaming IE7 and its hotfixes/updates. I have no problem adding the IE7 installer but as soon as I add the IE7 hotfixes, nLIte crashes.

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After a bit digging i found an error in the sys logs

> Log Name: Application

> Source: Application Error

> Event ID: 1000

> Task Category: (100)

> Level: Error

> Keywords: Classic

> User: N/A

> Computer: browneybedroom

> Description:

> Faulting application nLite.exe, version, time stamp 0x46424119,

> faulting module ntdll.dll, version 6.0.6000.16386, time stamp

> 0x4549bdc9, exception code 0xc0000374, fault offset 0x000af1c9, process

> id 0x1334, application start time 0x01c79d168fb60b63.

> Event Xml:

> <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">

> <System>

> <Provider Name="Application Error" />

> <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>

> <Level>2</Level>

> <Task>100</Task>

> <Keywords>0x80000000000000</Keywords>

> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2007-05-23T09:01:30.000Z" />

> <EventRecordID>4803</EventRecordID>

> <Channel>Application</Channel>

> <Computer>browneybedroom</Computer>

> <Security />

> </System>

> <EventData>

> <Data>nLite.exe</Data>

> <Data></Data>

> <Data>46424119</Data>

> <Data>ntdll.dll</Data>

> <Data>6.0.6000.16386</Data>

> <Data>4549bdc9</Data>

> <Data>c0000374</Data>

> <Data>000af1c9</Data>

> <Data>1334</Data>

> <Data>01c79d168fb60b63</Data>

> </EventData>

> </Event>

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