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when i install my xp that i created and slipstreamed lots of addons, i get so many files on desktop (obviously prog shortcuts) but i need help on how to delete this items from desktop, and some from start=programs, so on first boot my desktop will look much cleaner. please help me with commands to use for deleting unnecessary shortcuts from desktop and start menu programs as well

thanks in advance

Create a bat file or use WPIs own Delete command.


i have been fiddling about with my wpi v.6.2, and i cant seem to find a way to delete all these desktop and start menu shortcuts. plz if possible show me an example command to use for deleting desktop or start menu shortcuts, so when i install my clean xp, i will have a nice and clean desktop and start menu

thanks in advance



i did try it, but i was unsuccesfull. i am logged in as aministrator and dats were my desktop shortcuts are in:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop

for example i want to delete desktop icons like "orbit, CCleaner, etc.

and thats how i used the above commands:

del /s/q "%userprofile%\desktop\*orbit.lnk"

still it did not work. any other ways or maybe a batch file to do this?


hi i created a batch file and used the same command provided above by kels and it worked perfectly

del /s/q "%userprofile%\desktop\*orbit.lnk"

but strange doesnt work in wpi.

thanks kels now i can run my batch file through wpi, to get rid of unnecasary items.

Posted (edited)
del /s/q "%userprofile%\desktop\*.lnk"

del /s/q "%allusersprofile%\desktop\*.lnk"


now that you showed me how to delete desktop shortcuts, please show me what command to use to delete start menu programs folder, for example i want to delete the folder "games" from my start programs. plz help me

thanks again

Edited by shahed26

@ shahed26

RD /S /Q "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Games\"

Put this in a .bat or .cmd file and you can use it in WPI

Good luck



All you people out there, thank you so much for your time and help. all the commands provided above works great! now i can get rid of these junk shortcuts and folders.

thanks again!!!!

  • 8 months later...
Whew! Thanks for the info. Im lookin for this. Thanks!

Thanx a lot.I was searching for this topic and it is really usefull for me. :thumbup

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