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Nero Lite v7.11.10.0 & v8.3.13.0

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I just installed RC5 on top of RC4, left all the options (including serial number) untouched during installation. No probs at all. Just so you know, I only get the "Update" message on a clean install. Installing subsequent versions or RC's on top of it will no longer produce that message. I believe the regular Nero installer does the same thing, so as far as I'm concerned, it's perfect!

One small thing:

It's kinda nit-picky, but I know it will only take like 2 seconds for you to fix. I noticed that the QuickLaunch icon for NeroExpress is actually the icon for NeroBurningRom. It's so small in the QuickLaunch bar that it's hardly noticeable, but changing the ISS file should be very easy. No big whoop, I'm just mentioning it in case you overlooked it.

Great stuff, Ach!!



Some remarks for Your notice,

1. ndaudio.dll version in your build is older then in nero orig.

2. one more reg string should be added to nero cover desighner for clean uninstall.

3. can you modify nerofiledialog.dlls (vistaone) so it could remeber the last add files directory. By nero design add files dir is nero7 (???), though in previous version, let' say iit was not the case. Is it in xp as well that ad files in nero express is windows/system32/ directory?




Installing Nero Micro RC5 on Vista Ultimate

Did a clean install and it worked perfectly for me.

Very good job Ach :yes:

Posted (edited) Micro RC5 clean install of Burning Rom only - Vista Ultimate 32. Nice n' smooth, no issues here.

Thanks Acheron


Edited by Anomaly

I'm glad Nero 7 Lite actually seems stable now :thumbup

Rahgul: Quicklaunch icon changed now. Thanks for report. About the Update prompt. Have you tried uninstalling Nero 7 Lite and reinstalling yet?

Alex: Thanks for noticing ndaudio wasn't updated. Also fixed CoverDesigner uninstall cleaning.

I think something is wrong with the Nero dll registering on your setup. On a clean installation you get a different input dialog window:


You might scan with dependency walker to see if there's a problem here. Try scanning all the NeroFileDialog.dll and ShellManager dlls after installation to see where the program lies.

vpn-user: I'll update SDK today.



Some questions with this F>> Inno setup:

!1. Acheron, how to make "do not create start menu foder" box to be checked (see first image) NOT to remove creation of start menu folder from installer, but just to make it checked on install? Should be simple, but those things are always hard to figure out.

2. I took nerofiledialog.dll from earlier version, added 2 files and now everything is working as it should be. default add files directory is desktop (yes), but it always stays desktop and does not remember last used directory from version 7.8.50. I checked them all. What is strange is how Your nerofile dialog looks like. Is the screen made on XP? It should be, cause on vista it looks like on sceernshot in my earlier post. Confirm that, ok? BTW, now my add screen looks like Yours!!! (see second screen), but it remembers last used dir!!!

3. Can not find the reg entry to force neroexpress start witn dvd5 option, not dvd9 (see second screen). Maybe I overlooked registry entry, can someone help? want to add to tweaks before compiling setup.





Hi Alex

!1. Acheron, how to make "do not create start menu foder" box to be checked (see first image) NOT to remove creation of start menu folder from installer, but just to make it checked on install? Should be simple, but those things are always hard to figure out.

I've also asked that here.

I see only 9 components (maybe this switches are changed) and I count 20 components in the installer. Then i don't know the tasks for quicklaunchicon and start menu icons.

My Inno setups are always created with /NOICONS but I'm not sure of Acheron this also used.

Task and components switches are also visible when in the install_script.iss (by unpacking the Inno setup). But Acheron is using the latest Inno Compiler and the latest is still not supported by InnoUNP.

Acheron can you give the switches please?




I found that too, but where to add it in script? It only works with installer after compiling setup.


Posted (edited)


Other commands (not sure of all supported):

/DIR="x:\dirname" (Default: C:\Program Files\Nero)
/GROUP="folder name" (Default: Nero)
/NOICONS (Don't install a StartMenu Folder)

Here you see all the available components and tasks, but I'm not sure they all working anymore. They are a little outdated.

Edited by Inferi0r



Name: desktopicon; Description: {cm:CreateDesktopIcon}; GroupDescription: {cm:AdditionalIcons}; Flags: unchecked; Components: nero_core\nero_express

Name: quicklaunchicon; Description: {cm:CreateQuickLaunchIcon}; GroupDescription: {cm:AdditionalIcons}; Flags: unchecked; Components: nero_core\nero_express; OnlyBelowVersion: 0,6.0

Name: imagefile_assoc; Description: {cm:AssocImageFileExt}; GroupDescription: {cm:FileAssociations}; Flags: unchecked; Components: nero_core

So how to add noicons to tasks?



I'm glad to see you back Acharon :)

Where can i find french version of RC5? Maybe it's not avalaible and you wait for the final release to include tranlation ?



Posted (edited)

Oh Alex you mean for your own version. Sorry I was wrong reading. Just add this:


For automatically NOICONS must I take a look.

Edited by Inferi0r
Maybe it's not avalaible and you wait for the final release to include tranlation?

Thats exactly what it will be like. The localized versions will be available when the final comes out, I think.

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